Yo Sup Forums I'm kinda new to this Pokemon shit. What do these blue things mean? Is that good? Bad? Should I wonder trade it?
Yo Sup Forums I'm kinda new to this Pokemon shit. What do these blue things mean? Is that good? Bad...
It's a Chad
Genetically almost perfect
it means that the pichu has exellent base stats.
too bad they don't matter, as the game's piss easy
Oh shit. So I should release it?
That thing was bred to be a competitive monster. Don't release it.
Right then. But how do I breed these down to a male Pikachu? I hate having Female pokemon.
You must also be new to thinking on your own
It was a joke cunt
>I hate having Female pokemon.
Try not being autistic and you can skip that step
>You have a preference that I don't agree with. Hurr durr autism.
Maybe I should have went elsewhere.
this is the most obvious troll thread ever. never change Sup Forums
Is the average age of Sup Forums 10?
Yes. Go away.
sun and moon are arguably the hardest out of all pokemon games
which is still piss easy :^)
What kind of bait is this it has words too describing "great" "pretty good" so
Shush. I'm trying to get a few more hooks in.
Which town has the person that lets me see those stats? Or is it a thing I can do on a PC in the pokemon center?
Blue is bad, red is good
It doesn't matter in the story but in the multiplayer try to make your good stats red and your unimportant stats blue
That's actually pretty shit that it has a high attack IV, ideal special attackers would have as low of an attack IV as possible.
you've got to have hatched 20 eggs and then go talk to the faggot outside the battle tree (so only in post game) then he gives it to you
Reach the battle tree and an npc will upgrade your pc if you hatched like 20 eggs
Shit I didn't know this. I should try it out.
>implying chads are genetically perfect
Ideally, but it's such a trivial matter. Practically nothing uses foul play and its only a marginal increase in damage.