Resident Evil 4 Thread

Playing this game for the first time in years. What's the consensus on what the best weapons are? Is the TMP worth it?

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tmp for regular enemies, shotgun for 3+ enemies, sniper rifle for mini bosses/bosses/plagas

which RE should i get on this sale as my first RE game?


is that the same as the steam listing for "resident evil hd remaster"?


thanks friend

what the fuck. The pistol you get from the medal bonus (blue medal stuff) actually can pierce through 2 zombies or something without upgrade, so keep that one to shoot at legs through more than one zombie and knife them. Dont ever buy weapons unless its a rocket launcher and youll only need to buy one.

the game is more about management. if you manage everything well, youll only buy one rocket launcher and the rifle later for the regenerative scary ass monster.

just be patient and shoot at the legs, and knife them to hell.

if you actually save enough, youll have enough pesetas to buy the infinite RL or the other infinite pistol that is sold at the end of the professional mode.

complementing here, im not saying to discard the shotgun, just that you dont need to buy that new fancy one. the tmp is your choice, but I never really needed it.

something weird is happening in this thread, there is a clearly lack of

TMP completely replaces the handgun, if you really need a handgun due to autism keep the free punisher for shooting through shields
Red9 is a meme for those who can't aim and need the extra fire power to offset their failings

>inb4 Red9 fags come in to shill their shitty weapon


It was great when it launched on game cube but now its a mediocre to ok third person shooter it also ruined the series remake and re2 are the best

>It was great when it launched on game cube but now its a mediocre to ok third person shooter

You're a jaded fuck

Why be an autist and take forever killing enemies when you can just use whatever weapon you want and have fun?

Some people might deem the TMP to be useful, but it isn't. don't waste your ptas on it.

Freeze, put your fat cocks where I can see them!

A little it's been re released to many times it was a special game but so many cheap ports have really taken away from it imagine if they just did one remaster for this gen

Striker broken butterfly and the last pistol are all you need

I wanna talk Revelations 2. Commencing screen dump.

Resident Evil 4 is cool though

If I buy the Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape, do I get the Mercenaries Reunion with Becky and Barry?

I only have vanilla RE5 on steam.

Also, yes, I'm turning this into a RE thread.

Don't listen to anyone in this thread
TMP is mediocre and unnecessary. Red9 for most situations, and the rest for certain moments

because muh management

>tfw your cock actually is fat


>ah good, by only using a handgun and 20 squares for ammo i can hold all these fucking flash grenades and fish


I think so but I'm not 100% sure, I love RE5 and sure it's not horror by any means but it's a really fucking solid action adventure game.

I just got through Mercs 3D's last EX stage and I'm pissed I didn't get an S rank because I ran out of ammo before I could kill Super Salvador.

>I think so but I'm not 100% sure
You know, come to think of it, I can just refund it and buy Gold Edition if it doesn't work.

By the way, what's the lowest the RE5 DLC has been on steam? It's on sale right now, but the winter sale is like in 2 days.

>Mercs 3D's

Legit contender for top 5 RE game for me, and I prefer old Resident Evil.


so what is literally the best pistol?

-handgun gives more headshots which isn't that great considering how many turn into plagas during mid-late game
-blacktail has ok damage but pierces shields and through enemies, which are situations most of the time better handled by simply popping out your shotgun
-red9 just fucking kills everything


TMP is pretty good for stunlocking plagas

>It's on sale right now, but the winter sale is like in 2 days

I doubt it will change in two days. If it went lower it would piss off all the people who just bought it and Steam would have a bunch of refunds to process. Chances are it might not even be on sale this time. It wasn't in November.

Check to see a graph of previous prices.



Thank you for the hot tips, my man.

I'm serious. Thank you.


My only gripes about Mercs 3D is the multiplayer is dead, could be on better hardware, Rebecca, and Claire's melee is trash.

For 5 bucks and the time I put into it it's definitely worth playing imo. Grinding up the skill system and going for higher ranks with the characters is especially satisfying.

Ignore any and all advice in this thread. There is no "best" weapon, all weapons have applications and are useful.
>Is the TMP worth it?
It's a submachinegun. Decide for yourself if you want one.

You'll want a rifle, though. Not needed, but really helps out.

Have fun with the game, user. It's a good one.

Rebecca isn't pure at all

I'm tempted to buy RE5 just for all the tribal titty goodness.

I spent 8 bucks on it and immediately spent 30 hours playing it the following week. Time and money well spent.

I actually wish that Capcom would make another...or at least port Mercs 3D to PC like they did Revelations.

Purity is overrated. Image not posted for the sake of the children browsing Sup Forums.

>You'll want a rifle, though. Not needed
Funny joke. Nobody wants to do the water room without a rifle.


It's a legitimately solid game and if you like the chocolate I can't blame you. I wish it was Sheva in 6 instead of Piers because then I'd actually care even if she was shoed into 5 later. She was supportive of roid rage Chris in finding Jill and she could have just left after fighting the El Nigante when Chris told her she could leave.

TMP is great if used strategically. It's a good investment if you know how to shoot enemies in the legs to suplex and knife them. It also makes quick work of bosses.

Don't expect it to be anything but a situational weapon though.

Red 9 or Blacktail? R9's stock takes up a shit ton of storage space

Stop posting this version

Does anyone still play Mercs in RE5 or 6 or on 3DS?

Do people actually have problems with storage space in RE4?

I do, but not with you.

wow rude

It's the best version. Art, color, and the best text.

Get over it chump. I only play with the cool kids.

The TMP is the best weapon in the game save infinite RL and the Tommy gun

I've tried connecting on 3ds but I think servers are down.

So tempted to buy RE4 hd
Would buy the RE collection pack but NOT ENOUGH CASH, STRANGER

Semi-automatic rifle
A rocket launcher when you need it

There, I just solved the game for you. You can also afford the space for 1 other weapon if you feel like being weird, but you really don't need it.

Striker is easy modo
Standard shotgun is the way to go

He wanted the "best" weapons so I gave them

Yep, that did it.

Absolute pleb taste in shotguns.

Pic related is what real niggas use.

I mean, for mercs, sure.

But then again if you're playing mercs, just play HUNK.

My senpai.

I get my best results as Krauser

>Not playing wesker and sniping the fuck out of everyone

Riot gun is dumb
the ultimate for the shotgun makes it the ultimate weapon since it makes it like a real life shotgun

Red 9 or Blacktail
Semi auto sniper
Anything else

Enjoy user if it's your first time just acknowledge it's not horror and when you get the sniper give it to Sheva if you aren't playing with a friend.

I played through RE5 on the 360 the week it came out.

I'm just revisiting the game. Mostly for mercs.

P-please use me. I'm good, I promise!

my cock isn't fat, just big boned

tmp if you've mastered the mechanics of the game/speedruns

red9 is decent for raw damage

been there done that, not too difficult even on hard

Oh Jesus, Becky is ridiculous.

Alright, I get Res Evil 0, but is the bigass bundle on steam worth it? How about operation raccoon city? Honestly there's so much, I don't know what to get.

Need help with chainsaw women please

Pop them in the head with pistol, kick them over, then bombard them with explosives when they're down.

For suicides, yes

Is that like pepsi for plebs?

>Is that like pepsi for plebs?
No, that's Coca-Cola.

Nice try, pepsi shill

>sniper rifle for mini bosses/bosses/plagas
Enjoy wasting your ammo.
>Not having a magnum solely for bosses.

Don't ever install operation raccoon city. Just don't do it.


I wish she had that move in Mercs 3D because her only good move is on Super Salvador.

Rebecca needs more shine and hopefully she comes back in Revelations 3.

Needs to be dripping pussy juice desu