P2W Dark Souls

>P2W Dark Souls

you have to admit it's a good idea


Haven't actually played the game yet, eh?

>paying doesn't make your character any stronger or give you better gear
>can literally just perfect block everything and stun the enemy

is let it die the dark souls of roguelikes?

Isn't P2W single-player kinda retarded?

It is. Good thing the game isn't in any way P2W.

>He thinks F2P means P2W

Name one F2P game that isn't P2W

I have a feeling this game is getting the same fanbase shit that undertale got. Whenever anyone mentions anything negative about it a ton of mouth breathing retards come out of the woodwork.

No it's P2W because with enough money you literally can't lose.

Let It Die.


Dota 2
I'd kill for a pricetag to keep Peruvians and huehues out

Even if you didn't pay, you literally can't lose.

Enough money being a couple hundreds of thousands of dollars in death medals to get a level 1 rank one all rounder from floor 1 to 40 whatever.

Never once do you need nor in want of paying money to this game.

That is if you don't suck total cock at playing any type of game.

I made it to floor 26

I don't think I have the patience to grind for the gold chest metals.

Only because the only criticism is LOLPAY2WIN

however if you dont like the game itself thats fine

the good idea part is making it a roguelike and giving you the option to PAY for another try with your character instead of deleting on death

It's pay to beat it faster, it's not a competitive game so there is no "winning". You can spend 1000 dollars on the game but if you suck you still won't beat it.

The only negative things I've seen people talk about has been a blatant lie of P2W or it gets incredibly grindy in the later floors

You don't delete on death anyway.
I don't get how people get this idea that your character is gone when you die in this game.
You just have to drop some kill coins or find them on the floor they died on and kill them to get them back.
They only way they are gone for good is if you manually delete them from your Morgue hooks.

The grind is the only problem really. but that happens many hours into the game.


I don't play many f2p games so that's all I've got
haven't touched either of those in a long while either

I had posted another that I removed once I remembered the pvp is actually completely p2w, forgot to change the grammar as well

i have yet to lose anything

you all suck

>People who haven't played Let It Die think it's P2W