Just finished Yakuza 2

just finished Yakuza 2
what a great fucking christmas game, accidently times with the holidays wich made it hit even harder.
fucking loved everything except the bits where the game forces you to explore the side content, wich felt forced at times when i just wanted to move on with the story.
also a fight for the granny side mission was the hardest thing in the game...

anyways, question:
how similar is Yakuza 3 and to the first 2?
did they change up the city much? is the side stuff better? is the fighting improved?
i am really hyped for it because of the graphical improvement and the trailers looking great.
i just want to avoid getting burned out halfway through, since i felt that way with Yakuza 2, since it's just the first game again, basically with the city and locations and stuff.

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The series gets literally better with each entry as far as cities and combat goes.
Until 6 which is a massive regression to Y1 levels in everything but graphics.

sounds awesome, i am trying to make my way through 3-5 from now until Zero comes out.
i neglected a lot of the side content in the first 2 games but will probably do more of it in 3-5 since i heard the side content gets more and more interesting.
like the arcade game in 2 was pretty ass, the arena was too easy the hostess club was need but there was no payoff in sight so whatever.
eventually did enough sidecontent to get the forrest armor that makes you immune to bullets wich was cool.
didn't have the nerve to play blackjack until i got the Muramasa sword, wich i assume doesn't break.

but hearing that it gets better and better sounds awesome!

Kamurocho is largely the same, just in HD, and with a few more enter-able buildings. You also get a somewhat smaller area in Okinawa to explore.

As for side content, I found the minigames and such to be better in 3, but I think the side missions from 2 are more memorable.

Fighting is definitely improved.

Yakuza 2 sucks my fucking dick.

What an overrated piece of shit.

>M-m-m-muh Ryuji
Go fuck yourself.

the beginning and the ending were amazing.
the story definitly takes a dive in the middle and before the ending.
but other than that i thought it was pretty awesome.
granted i have only played 1 and 2 by now.

Yakuza 6 isn't worth the price. I do enjoy some vf5.

Onomichi feels dead compared to Okinawa.

>i am trying to make my way through 3-5 from now until Zero comes out
I really would not recommend that.

3, 4, and 5 together are about 100 hours of gametime even if you rush. Playing all that in the span of a month will likely burn you out.

>how similar is Yakuza 3 and to the first 2?
Slower. It's filled with side stories about managing an orphanage. Plus story gets more retarded now, since writer has changed. It's pretty similar to Takeshi's Sonatine - slow, but when it comes to action - it's the same Yakuza as usual.
>did they change up the city much?
It's pretty different since game has free camera now, plus there is Okinawa.
>is the side stuff better?
Pretty similar, but with more stuff. Hostess (and 25 out of 125 sidestories) got removed in english version because localization team were lazy fucks.
>is the fighting improved?
Slightly, but it's pretty much same. Only huge leap in this series is from 1 to 2.

>but hearing that it gets better and better sounds awesome!
Story gets worse though, just a fair warning. It picks back up in 4 (other than RUBBER BULLETS) but takes a dive in 5 again to go up in 0 again.
6 is full retard dogshit even storywise.

>(and 25 out of 125 sidestories)
Most of them were part of the Hostess component though.

hmm, i guess having played 1,2 and 3 will be enough before Zero drops.
i will consider taking my time with 3 then, thanks for the recommendation
oh that sucks, i guess even more of a reason to do all the side stuff.
what do you mean hostess got removed?
you mean 1 hostess? i think i can live with that.

are Shogi and Mahjong still in the PS3 games?

What's the reason for Chinese and Jingweon mafia in 6?

If the backlash of 6 ending is strong, maybe Nagoshi might bring Kiryu out of 'retirement' like Yakuza 5

I'm feeling buyers remorse already for 6, even Kiwami wasn't buyers remorse

Yes, but cut from 3. 4, 5 and Dead Souls have these minigames.

The ENTIRE Hostess Clubs component got removed in the localization of 3.
3 in general is known to have a butchered hackjob localization because they outsourced it to lazy americans.
It was so bad that the Japanese director himself had to come out and publicly apologize and all other games since were done by SEGA themselves in-house.

>you mean 1 hostess?
Whole hostess component got removed in Y3. It's back in 4 though.
>are Shogi and Mahjong still in the PS3 games?
Oh, these got removed in 3 too. At least one of them, don't remember Mahjong or Shogi.
3 got butchered by localizers. Other games are fine and miss only intro music and few small things.


Reminder that Haruka fucks some random thug (pic related) in 6 and makes Kiryu babysit her son

>What's the reason for Chinese and Jingweon mafia in 6?
They wanted the Asian market.
The game got more and more popular in China, incredibly so in fact after last couple of entries.
It's making mad money there hence the Chink pandering in 6.

It's basically We Want Chinese Audience: The Game

It even had a Day 1 official Chinese release with Chinese subtitles.


Nobody will spoonfeed a lazy inbred cockmongler like you that can't do basic googling. Eat shit.

is dead souls worth my time and money?
fuuck that's bad.
so you can't flirt with girls in hostess clubs at all in 3?
i ended up really enjoying that in 2 because it was a fun minigame to find the right answer or turn Kazuma into a complete autist.

Yeah I know, the game had to be censored in Korea.

As for story, what is their involvement?

>Rikiya ;_;
>No kyodais

>is dead souls worth my time and money?
It's a fanservice game with dreadful framerate.

If you want a jam packed fanservice package and don't mind the framerate basically being ~20 all the time with drops below that in bigger moshpits then go ahead.

It brings back Ryuji as playable character by the way and it has the best karaoke song with Majima.

>As for story, what is their involvement?
Muh control of muh chinatown and Haruka's thuf BF is the heir to said Chinatown.

I didn't bother with a lot of side stuff in 3 because of the cut content. Still played it, but mostly stuck with the story which I enjoyed for the most part, even if some of the plot points I saw coming from a mile away.

Played the fuck out of 4 because they localized everything.

Haruka a shit

>so you can't flirt with girls in hostess clubs at all in 3?
One poor forgotten NPC hostess keeps sitting in the cafe where you supposed to talk to her, but Hostess place is completely closed.

>so you can't flirt with girls in hostess clubs at all in 3?


Fuck you. I never heard the producer apologised for the cuts until now. I knew about the cuts.

Thank you.

damn this is quite the bummer, hope i will manage and can just enjoy Yakuza 3 nonetheless.
i mean, i didn't do much of the hostess stuff in 1 and 2, but when i did it was usually fun.

It's absolutely possible to enjoy Y3 side content regardless of cuts. Have fun, mate.

If it makes you happier, nothing truly important got cut.


I see, I know the Koreans own the entertainment district but what do they have to do with Haruka.

Was one of the hosts from Stardust do a hit and run on Haruka? I know the Jingweon boss was witness.

They got rid of Komaki, coliseums, gambling, pool why.

god damn is Yakuza 6 really that bad? I'm hype as fuck for it.

Yakuza 6 was good.

>Was one of the hosts from Stardust do a hit and run on Haruka?
Not sure on that since like you I don't know Japanese and basically did educated guesswork playthrough using knowledge from previous games. Just clarifying this since you seem to be under impression I know nip, don't want to cause confusion.

As for all the shit removed in 6, Y6 in general is a trainwreck.
Forgettable bland music, terrible framerate, terrible screentearing (unless you buy Pro :^) ), substantial framerate drops, awful storyline even by RUBBER BULLETS standards, cop out ending, fuckton of series staple features that were present since the very first game got completely removed, smallest Kamurocho in history of the series, all the shops removes and there's basically just two 2 copypasted stores throughout town, combat is the worst it has been since Y1.

Man this game is a trainwreck.

Tatsugawa was a guy who was a chinese sleeper agent, he then defected to koreans where he was suppose to kidnap Haruto. He failed to kidnap and then accidentally ran over Haruka and Haruto.
Korea wanted the baby to use as leverage against Chinatown to take over Not Kabukicho

Then Chinatown killed him after they learned he is a traitor

Not him, I'm the guy above and I also wanna thank you for clarifying this.

>I don't know Japanese
>Awful story

>spoiling parts of a game that will come out in the west in about 18 months
come on guys, spoiler tags are there for a reason.

20 years of watching animu with subs + knowing kana and some basic kanji on top of being familiar with all entries in the series goes a long way user.

he's Chink maybe

0 is almost here boys

>They're not going to make Haruka actually have a kid.
>Yeah, she's just taking care of somebody else's child.
>...It's actually hers.
I can't tell if Yakuza writing team is really ballsy, or just full of fucking idiots. You don't just make character who has been part of series since the first game get fucked by some random nobody. If anything, it should've been one of the kids from orphanage.

Thank you.

Only the graphics (not framerate), voice acting and VF5 are the savior. Everything else isn't great compared to the previous entries.

>4 days to finish gravity rush 2
>digimon 7 days later
good that i don't care much about tales of and RE7...

VA and VF5 shouldn't count cause it's not like the VA is better than in previous games, it's just same high quality.
VF5 can be played standalone on PS3.


He's not a random thug tho.
He's a Chinese.

SEGA panders Chink so hard

I'll buy Yakuza 0 again, glad Atlus are getting rid of the protected cutscenes.

Yakuza 6 has left a bad taste. I don't feel like playing it.

I thought the game actually did a good job fleshing out both Yuta and Nagumo as new characters.




Is it ok to start with Yakuza 6/0 or should I attempt to play the series before they come out on PS4?

Start with Kenzan. It does a good job on letting you know the way the series' tone is like.

>starting with worst and most recent game (6)
Kill yourself.

Start with 4

I just bought Yakuza 1 sealed for 30 bucks for collection purposes, was it a good deal?


The fuck it was.

Fuck, I thought it was. I read that Yakuza 2 was rare, so I figured 1 was more rare.

Yakuza 1 was pushed pretty hard here in the west.
Advertised as Japanese GTA with Mark Hamill and Michael Madsen.

2 came out in 2008, which was during the PS2s last days.
It had a limited release, while 1 has plenty of copies.


Its not only that, but they did it for "shock value". Why not just kill Kiryu halfway into the game and let you play as someone new? They literally go half ass at the end and just keep him alive for when they run out of ideas.

>see girl raised for 11 years or something over the course of multiple games
>she gets knocked up by some new dude like a one night stand

Pretty cool then, I don't mind since I got Yakuza 2 at a garage sale, 5 bucks and it felt wrong not having all 4 physical release games.

Why? Why is everyone saying Yakuza 6 sucks? I was planning on buying it even though I don't know japanese, is it the gameplay or the story that is bad?


Strictly in terms of plot here:

2>0>1>Shinada Y5>Y4>Y3=The rest of Y5

Dispute this

Can one of you faggots actually explain WHY Y6's combat is shit instead of just stating that it's shit? I've played 1-5 and played the 6 demom and I'm not seeing the issue yet. It actually poses some difficulty for the first time since 2 and you don't need to lock on to anyone really.

I enjoyed it and thought the story was fine.
I wasn't surprised there isn't that much to do in the game. Yakuza is a series that is really iterative and they had to throw out all the old stuff and make new stuff from scratch for the Y6.

sorry I just scrolled down user what a let down, from reading thread it seems like sega just decided to focus on appealing to the mainstream audience with Yakuza 6 instead of the fans, are there any good things about the game besides graphics and vf5fs?

Was kind of hoping haruka would get knocked up with the dude from black panther, least he is worthy of being series protag unless its majima


The seamless stuff could be good in the next iteration, but right now its only a few locations but then they need to expand the map much more too

>Don't know anything about this series
>Watch Best Friends play Yakuza 4
>When the big guy talks about how terrifying killing is
>When he reunites with his senile boss

What was happening to me? It's like it was raining inside my house.

wow great advice user

Play the games for yourself, they're filled with moments like that.

The story for these games might have gone to shit after 2, but it always tugs at my heart strings.

>He closes his dojo and got mad ripped at a gym and now just wanders around Kamurocho asking Kiryu to fight him


Blasted through Y1 and loved it. Got halfway through Y2, and stopped playing cause I got bored. Picked it up a few days ago and did chapter 8 which had a horrible boss fight in it that made me not want to play it again.

Best game in the series, faggot. You have shit taste.


Pastebin for anyone who needs it.

0 is almost a month away. Don't die on me.



>0 almost a month away

give me some 80s jpop to celebrate kyoudai

Daigo isn't missing in 6
He is in prison

Is this what you do every time someone attacks your outdated piece of shit?

Go fuck yourself you fat tub of fuck.

Here. She was/is so pretty.




>want to replay 2
>realize that my savefile is corrupt(thanks soul calibur 3)
>can't erase memory card files because I have there rpg saves with +100 hours and those saves will only get corrupt if I overwrite them(i want to save those to some new memory card or hhd, whatever)
>I could play in this in a sit but then I realized I can't play ex-hard because I need to unlock hard. Hard is unlocked by playing normal. You need 2 playthroughs to get fucking ex-hard

Fucking hell. Why no Yakuza 2 on PSN? Damn. I need to buy a memory card

>Yakuza 3
They are still there. You can date them once or so and then save from thugs
Enjoy the revelations, that shit is hilarious

Emulator buddy or you could maybe find a save file online