>torbjorn has 8 kids and a wife
>pharah is not an amputee
this is some goddam madness
>torbjorn has 8 kids and a wife
>pharah is not an amputee
this is some goddam madness
hnng widowmaker
but there is 9 kids there
>Reaper continues to be a Spawn rip off down the watching a happy family he'll never have from the shadows.
I love everything Blizzard is doing with Reaper.
Maybe this will stop those people saying certain characters are gay.
>Soldier 76 apparently has an extremely small right leg
It gets better and better
How? Literally the only character this shows as straight is torbjorn
People will just ignore canon because the actual game doesn't have a set canon and you can pick and choose what to follow.
You think this will stop SJW's? They invent 36 new ways to be gay every morning.
Mercy and Pharah are still gay though
canon is fluid when you do fan stuff
I'm just curious, does anyone know what is going on in Hanzo's panel?
Also >pharah is not an amputee
ahahaha. come on now
He's buying a cake, I assume.
>Pharah is not an amputee
This game has so many amputees it's more unique to actually have all your limbs.
Reaper is in his 60s. If anyone in that comic is his kid, it's the dad.
The more I look at it the less I'm sure at what is going on.
He might be buying that kid a cake?
One is Reinhardt's buddy
he's giving the kid PTSD
Mercy got the letter from Genji
they could be reinhardt's kids/grandkids
There were implications. If you look at her armor, the joints look less like armor, and more like fully robotic limbs, especially at the joints. When asked about it, somebody (I don't remember who) said something along the line of "I can't really say anything about it, I'm not sure how much Blizzard would want me to reveal." This is why people were thinking that anyways.
Does the comic happen in the same timeframe as the game? Or is it in the past?
Right before the game apparently
Mercy has good taste
of course, it was always the only option. how can genji or mercy compete with this.
or this
or this
They already said that Pharah isn't an amputee, are you retarded
but I thought widow didn't give a shit about her husband after Talon mindfucked her.
also that poor fucking reaper
or this
>genji or mercy
genji or pharah*
Sometimes when she gets resurected by Mercy, she screams her husband's name in terror.
That's fucked up.
Oh fug
>think about why I never hear Widow get rezzed
I want to hold Reyes.
it's probably not easy to just erase many years of happy marriage ending in traumatic kidnap, mindrape and murder. that shit comes back to haunt you.
Or maybe she's confused and is visiting to try and feel something, even if she can't.
I think she was forced to kill Gerard before they did the mindfuck thing that got rid of her emotions, so she could be desperately remembering a feeling or something, iunno.
>blizzard writing
Nah, they kidnapped her, mindfucked her, pretended to "lose" her during a raid by overwatch, then when she came back to her husband she murdered him in his sleep and left to work for talon.
Is it wrong that Mercy and Roadhog has lliterally been my OTP for this shitty game?
I dunno user
>After several unsuccessful attempts to eliminate Gérard, Talon decided to change its focus to his wife, Amélie. Talon operatives kidnapped her and subjected her to an intense program of neural reconditioning. They broke her will, suppressed her personality, and reprogrammed her as a sleeper agent. She was eventually found by Overwatch agents, apparently none the worse for wear, and returned to her normal life.
>Two weeks later she killed Gérard in his sleep.
>Her mission complete, Amélie returned to Talon, and they completed the process of turning her into a living weapon. She was given extensive training in the covert arts, and then her physiology was altered, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue and numbed her ability to experience human emotion.
This says to me that she didn't even really know about it until she did it, which can leave a pretty nasty scar, even if you can't feel.
That sucks.
could've been cool if her leg below the knee was prosthetic and like she gets held up by a robber then she stealthily uses her prosthetic leg which doubles as a knee firearm to kneecap the robber with her kneecaps
it's not wrong if it's canon.
there are enough robot arms and legs between the overwatch cast to make another omnic character, user, there's no need for it anymore.
wait does reaper have a kid or something or is that his wife's new son?
and yes, there's no SFM of them fucking.
it's either a random family and he's lamenting the life he's lost, or they're his kids and grandkids and he wants to see how they're doing at christmas. both are sad.
I don't know why I love the edgelord so much but dang poor dude.
IS that supposed to be his family or something?
>Everyone either enjoying time with loved ones (Rein, Torb, Pharah, Winston, Tracer, junk and roadhog, zenyatta and genji) , wallowing in the mess they've created for themselves (MCree, 76, Ana, Widow) working (Lucio, Dva, symmetra)
And then theres Reaper and Hanzo
Reaper being sad asf over shit that happened that wasnt his fault
And Hanzo buying cake for some street orphan or some shit because he's trying reclaim his honor
I fuckin love hanzo
I'm terrible with him but he's just so much fun for exactly that reason. The Fucking Halloween highlight intro was so on point
I don't think it is, I think his character was never one to have a family, his career being more important
Though, I also genuinely prefer the idea that he and 76 loved each other and that's why they hate each other so much now, so maybe I'm biased.
>widowmaker having emotions
>caring about her husband who SHE MURDERED
Blizzard is fucking retarded
And now she talks about the fact that she doesnt feel much, other than when she kills people. And clearly enjoys what she does as an assassin.
She's not a heartless machine zombie slave.
Her personality has just been altered. Where she now enjoys killing and shit, but the real her is still there, alongside the new personality.
You cant change a person completely like that, you can just introduce a new state of mind
Must be hard for her. She's this new person, and yet she still remembers everything from before
why is reaper looking at the family? Is he a cuck?
how come Soldier 76 looks like The Shockmaster
>>pharah is not an amputee
They fucking confirmed that ages ago
He's gonna kill the parents, and the son will swear revenge.
Reaper was an experienced Officer in the military when he met Jack Morrison, he was his senior. And then they both went through the Super Soldier program together and became friends and were chosen to form overwatch together.
Its not completely outside the stretch of imagination that he had a family outside of his military career.
But back before he went all reaper, he was good friends with everyone. The pictures with Jack and Ana, spending halloween with them, designing everyone's uniforms etc.
He wasnt a complete edgelord until the shit with overwatch just grinded him down
And thus, Shota Doomfist is born
I'm down with
> you always sided with him
Meaning he felt like she used their relationship to undermine his authority when she was really just trying to stop him from almost getting him and everyone killed on the field
>Zarya doesn't get a panel
Glad to know even the creators know she's shit.
>Hog and junkrat just done fucking up Luna Park.
That park was garbage anyway.
Widow's capacity to feel emotion was numbed. Thats it. She doesn't feel absolutely nothing anymore. She doesn't have amnesia.
She still remembers Gerard and being married to him
>Ana: "Gerard was a fool to love someone like you"
>Widow: "You dont know ANYTHING about him."
She wouldn't say that if she didnt care
Game and comic are entirely separate, re-spawning and constant back and forth over resources aren't canon. There's a story, and there's a game.
Zarya is at the start of the comic, where D.va and Mei are.
Mei is doing weather shit
D.va is on tv doing some kind of holiday special
Zarya is too busy REMOVING OMNIC SCUM from the motherland to celebrate christmas.
well she's probably lifting weights. she doesn't do much else, apparently.
it seems to be more about the Overwatch Members, ya know, so not Zarya, D.Va, Lucio, Symmetra, Bastion.
She is busy cleansing Serbia
and of course, those core Overwatch membersd, Roadhog and Junkrat
But she wouldn't celebrate Christmas at that time.
Russians celebrate Christmas in January
Did you guys not read the comic
Literally every hero is in it other than Bastion.
Good point, Genji and Hanzo aren't OW, but that's been a fuckabouty area for a while.
Well then there you go, it isnt even xmas for her
Its REMOVE OMNIC time. The happiest time of year
Show me symm
Jesus christ Reaper, more like Creeper.
he's just a sad old man leave him be senpai.
First page showing tracer's apartment/her gf's apartment/their apartment.
Look closely
>Christmas in January
fucking disgusting
remove russia
>pharah is not an amputee
Devs already said she isn't an amputee
You can't ride a car like that outside Luna Park
...nope wanna screenshot that for us? along with Zarya, Lucio, and D.Va?
Man, then you'll hate my country. We celebrate Christmas December AND January, with with after parties up until February sometimes.
No he wasn't. Literally every picture they have shown of him shows him as being a miserable bastard that hates everything.
He didn't give a shit about saving the world, he just wanted to be famous.
Actually, Genji is a former agent of OW
Doesn't she apparently scream out his name when Mercy revives her or something? It makes it even more awful that deep-down she's completely destroyed about being forced to murder the man she loved.
Nigga you dumb
>pharah is not an amputee
>implying that will matter to people who push this shit
those fags will just say it's skin grafted over her arms like terminator. or they'll say her legs are the ones that are missing since they aren't on panel.
I like to think that, even worse still, is that she's been conditioned to feel joy and happiness whenever she kills and yet even through all that when she thinks of her husband she feels nothing save for a sense of loss.
Unable to properly interpret it, she sweeps such things away via her training but occasionally when she is alone to her thoughts, her previous life comes back to her like a dream.
is that a SNES plugged into their tv?
I'm genuinely curious how that works!? like I remember he and Hanzo were in the museum for fighting in the omnic war... but then there's a pic of Young Genji only in OW with Young McCree and lil Freeha. So how old are these fuckers
OH I wasn't counting not direct cameos. Cool glad to be proven wrong.
They'll push it until Blizzard blows off her arms.
No. Here, watch this:
>torbjorn has 8 kids and a wife
Adopted, and she's a Beard.
Face it, your viewpoint that matches our biological structure and function is barbaric and displeases the Left. Down with the old Establishment, and hail to the New Establishment!
Speaking of Hanzo and amputees, didn't they confirm that he has "weak ankles" instead of cybernetic legs like everyone thought?
>give D.Va a cute winter outfit in a throwaway panel
>"just kidding no new skins for her at all since summer lol"
>OH I wasn't counting not direct cameos
you just didnt look, at all. you fucking pleb.
how the fuck do you climb sheer surfaces with weak ankles
the weak ankles shit was a joke
How else would he manage to climb walls if his ankles were weak