Why do people still bother with consoles?
A $200 GPU can outperform a PS4 easily.
Why do people still bother with consoles?
A $200 GPU can outperform a PS4 easily.
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pc over console any day any way
not everyone is a graphicsfag. you can get a ps4 or xbox one for 300 bucks. even if you do a cheapo pc, it's 200 for decent gpu, 200+ for decent cpu, 50+ for ram, then case then storage, etc it adds up. and few people know how to build a pc or care enough to learn.
basically ,stop projecting your own personal hobby of pc nerd stuff onto others, they're not interested.
Top looks better to be honest. The fog looks plausible and more interesting while the bottom looks sharper...but more like a video game. Nice try PCfat
Cost for me. Too poor for a gaming PC.
Thought I might get a sub-console tier PC soon.
Why can't I have the PC water with the PS4 mountains? The fog actually looks good, even if it's there just to hide th fact the ps4 can't render the mountains properly
My PC doesn't play FFXV (yet) or Persona 5.
Consoles are just as expensive as PC. Games rarely go on sale and PS+ adds up.
This, not everyone cares to use/build a PC. They like the price and feel of a console. Hell, I have both and I find myself playing my console more just because it's more relaxing to just grab a controller and sit back on my couch rather than using a keyboard and mouse at a desk
>A $200 GPU can outperform a PS4 easily.
You'll also need a CPU, mouse, case, keyboard, screen, speakers/headphones, mobo, PSU, RAM and if all of it together costs less than a thousand dollars game will run as shit as they do on consoles or worse thanks to how bad optimization is nowadays.
PC is a fucking meme. I've seen through the bullshit. This is only economically justifiable if you pirate everything.
t. mustard
Convince your friends to play on PC then.
What exclusives? Xbone games have PC ports, and PS4 has Bloodborne, TLG and (until the PC port is out) FFXV. That's not really a strong line-up of exclusives.
>Convince your friends to play on PC then.
That guy detected. I'm not on Nvidia or AMD's payroll why the fuck would I try to shill a petition contraption to my friends when I know firsthand what a fucking pain in the ass they are? My friends are normal.
>Consoles are just as expensive as PC
Maybe if you're in the US and have the luxury of buying cheap PC parts.
I live in Japan and there's no way I could buy something approaching PS4 quality at a similar price.
>Hey guys, I know you're all having fun on your PS4s, but c'mon just build PCs already! We can play counter strike or civ guys!
Please don't be that guy
>Lists 3 exclusives on PS4 and dismisses Xbone exclusives
user, exclusives are exclusives, just because you don't like them doesn't change their exclusivity. You might not see certain games as "system sellers" but others will
PS4 player here.
There's no way that top image looks better. I play one because the Steam Link is great with some games and dog shit for others.
My PC is for PC games, my PS4 is for controller games. That easy for me homie
I just hook up my PC to a TV and use a controller if I want this experience without performance hits.
but i am too dumb to assemble all those things
Just because ps4 has a couple of exclusive shovelware titles doesn't mean that it's worth a purchase.
That's like saying that the wii was worth it for all the exclusive party games it had.
Follow a Youtube Video.
Shouldn't you at least spend the extra 20 for 8g of ram?
PC is an indie game machine and you can buy any prebuilt from Costco to play them
Meanwhile consoles are getting many good exclusives, plus its cheaper in the long term
He's meming you anyway, do NOT build a computer worth less than eight hundred dollars, anybody that tells you that a three hundred and fifty dollar computer will 'BTFO' a console is a rotten fucking liar just trying to get you to waste their money while bigging up the PC myth. Ask on Sup Forums about starter rigs if you must, not here.
I play and enjoy my PS4 compared to my PC. I don't care about having the best graphics compared to getting drunk on my couch and playing with friends. And honestly, after Battlefleet Gothic nothing else on PC interested me enough this year and even that got old after 20 hours. People need to realize its a to each their own kinda thing.
>being a graphics faggot
Lmao this is why pc gamers end up using their expensive computer only to shitpost
>be pc gamer
>benchmark your shit with some games
>woah this looks cool
>get bored after 20 minuted
>better start shitposting with screenshots of games I don't even play
no, that build is great for todays gaming
But my friends are normal people that just wants to have fun
They don't give a shit about tiny details in the game as long as we're having fun as a group.
it's not a lie though
I mean that's kind of the point; if you want a console tier PC you're going to get a hunk of shit computer
if all you want is console tier performance, or a tier higher, your PC is going to be hilariously awful in the long run
you're right saying that everyone should buy a PC with a good case, good mobo, >=Core i5, midrange GPU, etc. because that will last the longest with minimal upgrades, but to say that a budget PC won't assume the duty of "being a console but better" is wrong
>implying only PC gamers do this
>he's never visited the comment section on Digital Foundry videos
Now add a 4K monitor, M+K, console controller and a headset.
That's really subjective. It might not be worth it to you, but to someone that loves uncharted or killzone or something, it could be. That's like saying that because someone doesn't see playing video games as fun it's instantly a hobby that isn't worth getting into for everyone.
opposed to consolefags who buy said games and experience them on low settings 20fps for 20 minutes?
>more than half the cost of a ps4
I like PC gaming, but holy shit, stop being so fucking retarded. People buy consoles because they're so cheap and guaranteed to play any game that come out.
consoles don't get this
>tips le masterrace
>he says while being on Sup Forums shitposting
What games did you play today, user?
>be sonygger
>play exclusive walking/C-list movie simulator at 24fps
>have literally no other options
>assume that this is a good scenario
A console is like $250 with a game and it will work
>Watch Dogs
>less hdd space than a ps4
>less ram than a ps4
>a 1050
what a killer, can't wait to play the sims 2 on max
Yes we do, literally no difference.
>cheaper in the long run
>have to pay 60$ per year to even think about playing online
>60$ for every game within a year of it's release
>have to buy a tv which are more expensive than monitors
Not really dude.
in this day and age eveything is meme
get it?
why won't you idiots get that thru yer thick skulls?? even my post is a meme
Enjoy your exclusives Pcuck
you don't get it
you're already supposed to have a PC with a CPU newer than 2011, and you just upgrade your GPU for games
and for half the cost of a PS4 you get twice the performance
>lod distance: high
>water quality; ultra
See this is what really fires up my neurons with PC gamers. Do you guys give a shit about anything at all about graphics? For fucks sake man you're playing Watch fucking Dogs in 2016. Whats possessing you to do that? Certainly not the gameplay.
It will not be 'a console but better' at that price. PC optimization sucks fucking shit ninety nine times out of a hundred, get that through your head. Games don't run on PC like they do on consoles with comparable hardware.
>PC optimization sucks fucking shit ninety nine times out of a hundred,
t. console user
a 750ti still beats a PS4 in every game, same way a 470 beats a Ps4pro in every game
And maybe a new psu and motherboard. Financially PC gaming has never been cheaper for me.
>Oh, you're playing on a console? Why not just buy this $200 CPU and put it into your computer?
>I have a laptop, user
Nowadays not everyone has a desktop, especially students, who would be the target audience for a lot of these games
You also need, Tv, speakers, electricity, food, housing. If all of them costs less than a thousand bux a year, then you can just buy a PC.
>t. console user
I'm not playing this game with you. You know what you're trying to do to him, fuck off.
>using a controller on PC
>including the cost of a monitor for a PC
>console optimisation
That argument only applied when consoles were using specialised custom hardware.
>That guy
What guy? Most people already have a PC at home, so it's just a matter of buying a capable GPU (which are cheaper then consoles). Most of my friends already play on PC, just because the games are a lot cheaper, and you don't have to pay the cuck-tax for multiplayer.
This. A few months ago a coworker asked me advice on what kind of computer he should get. I suggested building one since it would be cheaper than an overpriced HP. He declined and got an used HP from a pawn shop.
Bear in mind, this person is an electric engineer and used to work with power lines, huge factory motors and welding machinery but noo, putting part A in slot A is too goddamn difficult.
>less ram
actually, on par. PS4 has combined 8gigs this has 4gig+4gig.
>>have to pay 60$ per year to even think about playing online
I prefer singleplayer so this is literally not a problem with the PS4, plus online is free on PS3
$ for every game within a year of it's release
I always wait till sales and rarely buy launch price, I heavily research my games and dont impulse buy like some autist. Plus all the PS3 games are dirt cheap now, less than $20
>>have to buy a tv which are more expensive than monitors
I used an old analog TV for years before snatching some cheap $100 bullshit on black Friday, its no big deal.
Meanwhile with PC you're easily shelling out $200+ just to upgrade every other year
It's capisci
>Enjoy your exclusives
Thanks dude, btw I'm doing it at 144+fps
Enjoy those cinematic experiences, press X to fuck yourself at 900p
I'm trying to be right
I know this. I'm explaining why the logic isn't retarded
essentially when you buy a good PC you're buying a generation ahead of console, with the knowledge that two generations down the line you only have to upgrade 1-3 parts to catch up
Like half those games are out, idiot
>You also need, Tv, speakers, electricity, food, housing.
PC cucks reaching HARD. You just need a TV, since TVs already have sound out. You probably already have a TV, you probably DON'T have all the shit besides the fucking GPU just laying around.
>A 1050 doesn't outperform a ps4
To build a PC you have to be able to follow simple instructions and triple check to make sure everything's plugged in correctly.
This is too difficult for the majority of the population.
>4gb ram
I have a PC and a PS4 and playing on the PC wIll never be as comfy as playing on consoles. Besides, everything is already laid out on consoles so you can jump in and play already.
I can't play games on a GPU
Anything is intimidating if you don't have a desire to do it
Most people will never change their own oil, despite it being mindless to do because they fear hurting something in their inexperience
Even giving them the basic, "be careful about making sure you are grounded while installing the CPU/GPU" or "Make sure you properly line up the pins on the CPU when installing" or even just "put a tiny dab of this funny white toothpaste on the top of the CPU and then wafflestomp it with the cooler" makes them afraid to break something even though anyone with more dexterity than a parkinsons toddler can do these things without a problem
nothing comfy about framedrops and auto aim user
play your PC on a couch like a grown up
I've gotta ask, because I feel like your point gets brought up every thread...
Do you not have a computer? Like, at all? I was under the impression that most people at least had some bestbuy shit tier tower. A $200 card in whatever shit you already have will handle most games. There's no need to buy a new processor if you have an entry level i3. Maybe some more ram, but most out-of-the-box units will have at least 4, which is fine. Maybe you need to get a new power supply, but that's $100. So it's about the same cost as a console to transition from bargain bin to entry level pc gaming, which you won't need to upgrade again until you feel like it and which can handle 99% of games. So why tout it as some monolithic cost hurdle?
>Meanwhile with PC you're easily shelling out $200+ just to upgrade every other year
Better than spending 400$ every other year to get the new pro version tbqh.
Maybe the next revision will get you the actual 4k resolution upgrade you've been wanting.
Just adding that while you can pirate on PC and sales are more often, you can borrow games from friends and get used ones for cheap on console.
If I could do it, anyone could. I have trouble following instructions and completed it in two hours.
console cucks don't get this
I have PC and PS4, haven't touched PS4 in a year, it's a dust collector and it's motto is "just wait another year, maybe something worth while will come out"
And all the ones that are out are garbage, multiplats, or bloodborne.
This hasn't been true for years. Consoles in every way are slow as FUCK these days. To loading screens to mandatory installs console gaming is below shit tier.
These days in comfiness, nothing beats booting up an emulator and playing some games instantly.
>people actually bought the Pro
>320gb hard drive
>dual core processor
Come on now
I hope you don't think you're a grown up by posting console war shit on Sup Forums.
So Sup Forums, what game had water that impressed you?
I was pretty impressed with how the water in Watch Dogs looked
My PS4 doesnt produce as much heat than the PC. But the auto aim thing isnt a problem because i play my shooters on my PC Overwatch seems comfy on console though
>mfw i have a $400 pc i made from a salvaged laptop with the most basic of video cards that still runs most everything on at least medium
>has not needed upgrades since 2011 to do so
Its pretty economical in the long run though, I spend all the money i would have wasted on buying a new console on comfier peripherals and other hobbies
how powerful do you think consoles are, seriously? they're so bad it's pathetic
we laughed at them when they were new. THREE years ago. My 7950 I had in my tower then was 150%+ the performance of a PS4 and I bought it for less than $300
Wtf do you think needs to be upgraded that frequently? I bought a gtx660 a couple years ago, which was already a couple years old, and which will serve me fine for another ten. Are you people so dogmatically opposed to pc gaming that you don't even question this shit you've been spoonfed?
>mfw no face
Cool, find those parts in Japan for the same price so I can build it.
Nice memes bro, you sure showed those console plebs. PCMR always wins.
Now I'm off to sign another petition, see ya!
Speak for yourself nigga
The hottest thing hooked up to my PC is my external HDD.
looks good