So what's the consensus?

So what's the consensus?

Died a few days after released. Man, it's really atrocious. The whole Star Ocean series is kill.

There's a reason it dropped to less than $30 so quickly.

It was everything wrong with FFXV multiplied by infinity. Too bad because I actually liked SO4.

I bought it for the witch ass but I haven't played it yet.

The plot is there but didn't really take off so the story is really fucking short, and I hate the gameplay

your run of the mill anime shovelware ps4 exclusive that sonyggers jerked off over and forgot it existed less than 24 hours after it released

utter garbage

literally no one "jerked" over this game. fucking kill yourself you retarded platform warring cunt. You probably didn't even play the fucking game. I can tell by the tone of your faggot assed post. you don't get a (you).

This is the first thread I've seen about this game in months.

fuck off


Better than FF15

*boops you* make me ^.^

Never played a SO game and stories in games aren't super important to me. Is this game worth 30 dollars?

Literally the FFXV of its own series, thought it'd be the comeback, it's a short incomplete unremarkable forgettable skippable entry that does absolutely nothing very well.

If you've never played an SO game, then do yourself a favor and at least start with 2 and 3.

>Doesn't even know how to respond to a post
>Types in the fucking post number

Holy shit. The newest of newfags.

Doesn't one of the girls runs around in a diaper due to "lol censorship"?

nice lie memeboy

clearly trolling
dumbest b-tard in building

dude, he trolled you hard

I bought the pre order on PSN. Played it for 20 hours and deleted it. Play til the end of time for ps2 and the one for Xbox 360 instead.

The only SO that wasn't shit is 2, and it's only good not great. Why do they keep making these, yet leave Chrono dead?

>being this autistic

They gave her a few more centimeters of panties. You people act like she went from a thong to granny panties

Not something to brag about.

Bought it for 20,did just enough to get out of the first town and the combat system seems alright at least, it will hit a very specific desire I have for totally generic rpgs I don't have to be invested in

It's nothing amazing but I really do enjoy the character customisation with the roles and skills system. Star ocean games always have the best systems like this and 5 is no exception.

You can set up everyone to behave how you want when you're not controlling them.

It's not SO3 tier but if you're looking for a typical anime cliche jrpg then you'll be fine.

Currently going through it.
I like it.

1 million hits takes waaaaaaay too long