ITT: Masterpieces
ITT: Masterpieces
You cant begin a thread about masterpieces with undertale
Why do people always get so triggered over Undertaleposting?
pic unrelated?
because nothing triggers Sup Forums more than good video games
t. underfag
because there are some depraved people who browse Sup Forums who actually, thoroughly, enjoy undertale
LISA is the designated shitpost RPG of 2016, lads.
was it good? yes
was it a masterpiece? no
maybe with 60 fps
was it good? no
was it a masterpiece? no
Recently Re-bought it on my ipad. Probably the most perfect port I've ever played.
t. pic related
This game had such incredible potential. Great aesthetic but it's 8-bit-ness is holding the awesome art style back
was it good? no
was it a masterpiece? yes
LISA is legit good.
Undertale is mediocre tripe that sticks out in the ocean of indie shit.
LISA is edgy fedora tipping schlock. If you consider it good you should consider suicide.
they are both shit get over it faggots
Be honest, have either of you actually played LISA? Or, at least, seen a considerable portion of the game?
was it good? maybe
was it a masterpiece? possibly
LISAfags, this is your mindset.
100% serious
Once Specter Knight and King Knight campaigns come out it'll be a contender for game of the decade
No. It's alright, but it has far too many flaws to make it a "masterpiece".
Just another Zelda game, nothing special.
It's good, I'd say it's better than Undertale for sure, but not a masterpiece.
Up there, wonderful art style, but it could serve to improve in areas.
Shut up, weeb.
That's not KNACK 2
No Final Fantasy game is capable of being a masterpiece.
You have a legit point. Fucking loved this game.
if only the gameplay wasn't 100% ass
>Duhhh the creator is dumb that means the game is bad
>im gonna parrot that the game is bad with no actual proof because it's a western RPG and i'm not allowed to like those
Give me actual evidence that Lisa: The Painful RPG is a bad game.
i liked lisa but undertale's just a better game
Burden of proof ain't on me, friendo :^)
finding the fish dungeon was bad game design
the game really should've had autosave and the hotels were a bad idea
I can't wait for Battle Mode
It is when you have no proof of your claim that the game is bad.
>Finding the fish dungeon
I'll admit this, this was fucking bullshit. There's not really any excuse. Literally the only hint is that it's smaller than any of the other ponds, which isn't really much of a hint.
>The game really should've had autosave
Well, while I agree that autosaves are better than being able to save scum as much as you want, I wouldn't say the existence of save points ruins the game. Hard mode single-handedly fixes the problem of being able to save scum whenever, though.
>Hotels were a bad idea
It's a risk vs reward thing, there's nothing wrong with it. The only alternatives would be having guaranteed full heals with no drawbacks at every hotel, or just have no hotels at all.
But yeah, these three things alone aren't really enough to say the game is bad as a whole. Most RPGs have stupid bullshit moments where you have to find something obscure, the infinite saving is fixed with hard mode, and hotels are fine.
I think Undertale is superior to LISA by just a small margin, and that margin is that the gameplay for Undertale is more creative than LISA's.
Undertale's music is superior to LISA's but LISA's music is nothing to scoff at
LISA's story is superior to Undertale's but again, Undertale's is quite interesting.
Both devs are cool and I'm honestly sad to see Dingaling acting the way he is right now, you can tell the loss of his father hurt him badly.
good but no
LISA was also good, but no
hotels are more risk vs 15 minutes of walking because 10 mags is basically free. campfires are more interesting because they make healing risky
minor nitpicks but i do wish the game committed to its atmosphere and throwing shit at you, i'd hope the saving system was an rpg maker limitation, the game overall could use a second draft
also the roulette thing was cool but i accidentally walked off a cliff right after and got all my dudes back, and then only lost one dude a second time. same deal with getting a game over in an already deadly joy mutant fight. to be fair it is a one man project