Remember when having hot lesbians in video games was cool
Remember when having hot lesbians in video games was cool
Not really, those kind of games were always for permavirgins.
>play through this recently
>ashley and liara confront me and tell me to make a choice
>choose ashley
>liara almost starts crying
I'd cry too if I got passed up for literally the worst character in the game.
I see someone is uneducated on Ashley's deep personality. It's alright, I was a fool once.
Oh yeah mother fucker?!
Explain yourself right now you piece of shit?
Are you referring to the fact that she looks like a fucking bozo or is on the spectrum!?
Ashley is actually one of the few multidimensional characters in ME1. I always kill her off though because of he she ends up butchered in ME3, seems fitting that she'd die in Virmire anyways.
People say Tali and Garrus are amazing but people also seem to forget that they got fleshed out in ME2 and ME3. Tali was literally a walking codex entry on the Quarians and Garrus was a hothead cop.
You see, she has a good reason for being misunderstood. Some consider her racist, but this is incorrect. Her grandfather being the only human in history to ever surrender to an alien race. The shame put on her family is never ending. She has the best reason in the world not to trust other aliens. When Salarians are racist about humans, nobody bats an eye. Suddenly, someone with legitimate reasons to dislike aliens says something she's the worst character in the game.
This shame brought on her family drives her to be the best. She has to be. According to her, all of her commanding officers before Shepard treated her as a lesser for what her grandfather did. She rose above the shadow cast on her family.
Compare that to Liara being in Benezia's shadow. Liara hides from the outside world, and even in death is overshadowed by her mother. She spent 50 years studying Prothean ruins only for some guy to come in that knows infinitely more than her.
Fucking this.
I kill her off because it's literally meant to happen. The game forces that option on you.
>Get to Virmire
>Salarian tells me that in order for this to work we need two teams, one to distract, and one for getting inside and disabling the bomb.
>Kaiden: "I can stay out here and fight! I know how to fight!"
>Ashley "No, you have to go with Shepard! You're the tech guy, you have to be there when the bomb goes off."
>Well that makes perfect fucking sense, Kaiden is the psionics and TECH guy, and Ashley is a gunnery sargeant who wants to prove herself. Well... go out there and make me proud Ashley.
>Get to the part of the bomb and where I'm supposed to activate the bomb and choose between Kaiden and Ashley.
>Kaiden "N-no go captain go save Ashley, I can handle myself!"
>Ashley: "No Shepard, stay with the bomb, make sure it goes off!"
>Makes complete fucking sense. If I go off and do some fighting who knows what could go wrong over here. I have to make sure that bomb explodes or all this effort and all the Salarian who died for this mission will all be for nothing.
>Ashley dies.
i kill kaiden because he's gay and has a shitty millenial name
I killed Kaidan to put him out of his misery.
>Literally the fucking Shadow Broker.
Gmers are only okay with lesbians, if they get to be one of them.
>not dickgirls
Liara isn't a lesbian. She's just as attracted to male Shepard as she is to female Shepard.
Conservative agenda SJWs, just like PC agenda SJWs, are cancer.
Asari are genderless. Sexual orientations don't apply to them. Plus the majority of mass effect players used male shepard.
You gave some good reasons and excuses for her being an undeniable racist and difficult to understand. But I'm not so sure her drive to be the best she can makes her best waifu...
If devotion and ability are in play, I'd say the fact that Tali is basically an expert with technology and that Liara becomes the shadow broker, easily puts them both above Ashley in terms
of best waifu
Well of course Liara takes it harder. She was the waifubait character who latches on to your dick immediately and had little personality aside from "A-Am I moe enough, Shepard-senpai-sama-san-kun?" She's not even that good looking because she has the stupid little freckle markings.
I used the same logic but I felt sorry about letting those salarians who held the line die
>not bi waifus that will love you no matter what you are
pc sjw?
what does it mean
Is that american thing?
Asari don't have genders and personality wise, they only really get perceived as "Tomboyish" when raised by a Krogan father.
And his character depth is "m-muh headaches. I hated my drill instructor, he was mean :C"
>Tracer is far too popular with fan made porn so we're going to make her a lesbian in an attempt to slow the rate down as much as possible
She doesn't even dislike aliens, she simply says don't be so trusting of them which is a stance the entire Human military had considering they consider their rise in power means they get to assign more humans to the council instead of aliens they trust with similar agendas.
As long as they leave Mommy Mercy alone, I don't care.
>But I'm not so sure her drive to be the best she can makes her best waifu.
Personally, I think they needed to push her more as a little sister/protege character more. Especially since romancing a subordinate during active duty is really seen as shady shit in the military.
>Carth and Liara confront me
>"cant i just lewd both of you?"
>Liara says "i'd be down for that"
>Carth gets pissy and storms off shouting Nuh-uh!
What the hell kind of faggot gets mad about space threesomes?
Torb has his own waifu, so she's officially safe from being his baby factory.
Lesbians have always been shit.
>Tracer is a lesbian
>Raven Symone is a lesbian
>Ellie is a lesbian
>Pearl and Garnet are lesbians
>Jeff has lesbian moms
>Kate McKinnon is a lesbian
>Jane Lynch is a lesbian
>Jodie "Imma shoot the president to make you love me" Foster is a lesbian
It just won't stop happening
I kill Kaiden because he's a boring faggot.
Don't forget Wonder Woman
console SJWs are retarded, so they can't use the internet to shout their opinions.
PC SJWs, although liberals, are obviously much more intelligent.
He wants to be the only pussy around you.
>Implying she doesn't get Bat, Green and Superdick up her amazon bush on a regular basis
>I cant be racist because my grandfather surrendered to blacks
He's completely boring too. I never replayed a save where I had him survive - does he get better in ME2 or 3?
She's so bad at it that they might as well have not had her take the role.
Way more often than not in ME3, she's completely blindsided by new information you'd think she would have some sort of access to.
>tfw about to start my Yearly Anthology playthrough
>tfw it's the first time I'm going to be playing ME1 with the MEUITM Mod installed
>tfw got almost all the ME2 DLC just missing Arrival and Shadow Broker
>tfw got ME3 torrented with all DLC unlocked and ready to go when I get there
Just in time for Christmas boys time to get comfy
You literally don't need to stay with Kaidan to safeguard the bomb, though, that's the entire reason he arms it in the first place.
All your other logic is sound, I always save the Salarians and Ash because they deserve it. Fuck Kaidan.
>Raven Symone is a lesbian
>Google her
What the fuck happened?
>Wonder Woman
DC is too busy trying to simultaneously pair her up with Superman and Steve Trevor at the same time.
Which is odd because the Shadow Broker's network had basically been built to run on its own. The actual Shadow Broker doesn't matter at this point, which is why no one has noticed they are on the 3rd Shadow Broker.
>>Tracer is a lesbian
Tracer was always a lesbian, though, you could tell right from 'Alive'.
Not that I'm complaining, since she and her girlfriend are a cute
They dropped the Superman pairing and are trying to quickly sweep it under the rug.
Consistency does not exist in the Mass Effect universe.
Ash is infinitely better than Liara.
Liara's only personlity is that she craves Shepards cock/pussy. She's also pushed so hard as the love interest that it got annoying in ME3.
It's still cool, there's just no more hot lesbians. Now they're all ugly.
Liara is playersexual, purebred waifubait
Ashley is the better pick desu
>He doesn't find freckles hot
Suit yourself, faggot
Is there any point to this post? Besides gay people exist?
>comparing human races to fucking aliens
Not too bright are you.
all these literal whos
They're not lesbians though
1. Tracer and Raven being lesbos probably pissed a lot of guys off who fantasized about them
2. The irony of Jodie being a lesbo is hilarious because it was a wasted effort for John Hinckley
3. Tracer, Ellie and those cartoon characters are obviously forced to squeeze a few extra dollars from the lgbtq community and sjws, has no significant impact on anyone else
No one gives a shit about the others
Yes they are. The game makes it very clear that Hana and Rain are lovers.
>can date aliens
>they're all basically humans with unusual skin color
Where's my space-jellyfish-fu?
A role that Shepard 100% percent gets her tho
Ash is a fucking insult to her name.
It's not actually her fault, but the fact is that her arc has her turning her back on Shepard, who has the death of a close friend on his/her conscience because as a result of saving her life, then acting bitchy when it turns out she was wrong. No character could survive what Bioware did to the surviving crewmate in ME2.
In THEORY Ash is a good character. But Bioware hated writing her almost as much as they hated Tali as a romance.
I think Bioware hated anyone as a romance that wasn't named Liara or maybe Kaiden.
>maybe Kaiden.
They hate his romance, but he's like a Bioware meme.
Every other sentence is him being Canadian.
Bioware wrote ME during the Bush administration and they were all worried that conservative people might exist and buy video games, so they made Ashley.
Then Obama won and they were able to make her shit in ME2 and visually based on a tranny in ME3.
>I think Bioware hated anyone as a romance that wasn't named Liara
Jack's romance was pretty good, from what I remember, but they fucked over JaxkxMiri shippers. Miranda got fucked over hard.
I haven't played Traynor's, but I thought that was one of the ones people preferred? And didn't Thane get all this super-emotional shit in III and Citadel?
>or maybe Kaidan
Nah, they hated his romance too, but his entire existence is literally a meme. So they just gave it and ran with it, which is why he suddenly became gay for Shep in III but Ash didn't.
>Every other sentence is him being Canadian.
I was born in London.
>Miranda got fucked over hard.
Because she was the normie pick to replace Liara in ME2.
m8 you are looking waaaaay too into that. Ashley was just the newest version of Dawn Star/Bastila/Jaheira/etc. You really should check out their older games, they legitimately are great games but there's an obvious formula when it comes to characters.
Especially try Jade Empire. There's a sore lack of Wuxia games out there.
Ashley isn't really like Jahiera.
Demi Lovato, Keke Palmer, Bella Thorne...
Disney is a fucking factory of degeneration now. Although I guess it makes sense that they'd turn to lesbianism.
Good point, but she still didn't deserve it. Miranda had a hard life, and I miss when Bioware bothered to include OT3 romance options in their games. Of course, that would be 'oppressive', wouldn't it.
I always figured Tali was the popular choice to replace Liara, though, Miranda was too tsundere to be a good replacement unless people went all Renegade in the second.
>Jade Empire
>If you're noncommittal enough, you can get into a threesome with your love interests
>You don't even have to convince them, they actually convince you because they've started sleeping together in your absence
I'll second Jade Empire, sequel never.
I tried to pick that potato-faced bitch for story purposes but I just couldn't make myself do it.
>I always figured Tali was the popular choice to replace Liara, though
Bioware always hated Tali as a romance. they literally came out and said that they weren't going to do it in ME2, but got screamed at enough that they put her in.
You missed out, user. It's actually cute and fun
To be fair, I have a good enough mental image of Yvonne that I could simply ignore her bad scenes.
>Bioware always hated Tali as a romance. they literally came out and said that they weren't going to do it in ME2, but got screamed at enough that they put her in.
Oh, you meant from a development perspective. I thought you meant from a fan-sentiment perspective, sorry user.
Seriously, fuck Bioware. What the fuck were they thinking?
That'll never happen again. 'chick hero-worships you and wants your D but doesn't think she deserves you' doesn't fit with the new ideology.
>anyone who stuck with an ME2 character in 3
I respect you, but I also think you're retarded.
> Bioware nearly didn't let us tap this
Faggots, the lot of them
>not faking it until she puts out and then breaking up with her after the final mission, then calling kelly up to your quarters to give you a lapdance
The ME1 romances were so bad that I'm surprised anyone formed an attachment to any of them.
Liara's especially felt hilariously creepy. Both Meer and Hale played Shepard like some creepy uncle/aunt perving on a schoolgirl.
>Bioware always hated Tali as a romance
>tfw everyone hates Quarians
>even Bioware apparently
In that context, they are kinda doing that. Shepard is like 40 and Liara is like 18 (in Asari) and autistic. They butched her up a ton, and Shadowbroker was fucking great, but ME1 is still awkward
You fucks. I already played this shit like a month ago. I'm not ready to do it again for like another 6-12 months.
Shit, took me 4 years to play ME3 again.
B-but Jack and Miranda are two of the best romances ;-;
>perving on a schoolgirl
Well, they pretty much are
And if they each had the best DLC in the history of the franchise devoted to them, and weren't sidelined the fuck out of ME3, I wouldn't call ya dumb.
But all the ME2 characters got rekt in that transition to ME3.
Bioware also thinks dwarf romances are stupid but not being able to romance bovine zoro.
Bioware is literally a daycare for retarded kids.
>Not Choosing Miranda
Are you guys fucking crazy?
She is 100% an Autist, but it's ok lets give her spectre status for being the poorest decision maker in the game and a complete retard
Why do people like Ashley?
She's fucking ugly as hell.
Remember when bioware games weren't awful?
>I wouldn't call ya dumb.
>But all the ME2 characters got rekt in that transition to ME3.
...good point. Ah, well, we're here to suffer, right? Might as well do it for mai waifu as for any other reason.
At least their Citadel scenes were nice.
Nah, Gaider and his faggot adherents think that, but at least he's had the good grace to fuck off and Drew Karpyshyn is still chained to TOR.
They hired Alexis Kennedy, so their next Dragon Age game at least has a decent chance of being actually good.
>when the PC has shit taste
>lesbians being the same things as bisexual
they're not mad because Tracer isn't straight
they're mad because their britcuck waifu is literally never ever EVER tier for them now
Way better in 3.
But he turns gay so it's ok to kill him.
I didn't because he was the only bankable human for my frecklebeast
>they're mad because their britcuck waifu is literally never ever EVER tier for them now
I don't get this. Who wouldn't want to be a cute girl loving other cute girls?
>not just being a lesbian and banging that bridge bunny
Eww she's brown.
And lesbian.
>But he turns gay
He has a fully voiced gay romance in ME1 which you can restore with a mod
They even added lines to ME3 specifically for people who did that
because they are not cute girls
do i have to explain this to you?
that's why there's the extra EVER in there.
But user, marketing said she's adorably quirky