Wii Us sold out nationwide

You fucked up, Sup Forums. You missed to chance of purchasing a system with games that you can actually play all for free.

>muh superior zelda
you know that shit will run just the same as the Wii U now that they unveiled the specs, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>You missed to chance of purchasing a system with games that you can actually play all for free
Nothing's stopping Anons from buying a GameCube or Wii, which are objectively better purchases. Or emulating.

I own a Wii U, and its pretty shit. There is a couple decent games, but nothing ground breaking. The best I would say is Splatoon but its hardly decent compared to any other online console game. No voice chat, shitty map rotation system, and terrible game types ruined the entire experience. Hoping the switch fixes all the faults.

You aren't missing out on anything, I promise.
t. Wii U owner

$300 smash machine

reason for this is nintendo recalled the unsold stock with the rumors of a full blown hack on the horizon.

All those people waiting for the piracy day missed the boat

There are fucking piles of these at my local best buy. what the hell are you on about OP. No one even bothered buying them black friday

I'm not buying a console just so I can splat on some Loli squid faces. Ill wait 5 years for stable emulation for the single player games that aren't shit.

neato, now I can sell mine for a little more.

>will run just the same as the Wii U
but that's demonstrably wrong

>just so I can splat on some Loli squid faces

I don't like how you phrased this.

Mmmmm that's true better get on that

Meh. I mean, I don't regret getting mine overall but it is the least good Nintendo console for sure.


Isn't it already emulateable ?

Not OP, but.
>Buying second hand Wii U super cheap
>The very month I get it, a new method to hack vWii without the need of a game is released
>access to all NES, SNES, plenty N64, all GameCube, all Wii, all DS all Wii U library, plus some other consoles like the Mega Drive and the PC Engine
>For less than the equivalent to $100 USD
>Brain Training is free, so got homebrew launcher.
>On a single machine.

Feels fucking great.

Post yfw you already beat bayonetta 2.

so this is it... the comeback is real...

The Wii U has been collecting dust on my shelf for a long time. The one game I got for that system that I enjoyed was DK tropical freeze. Nintendo shit this thing out then immediately abandoned it like a prom night baby.

Isn't the system already totally hacked? Are we sure they aren't just restricting stock to force people holding out for Zelda to buy a Switch instead?

>implying I didn't buy one at launch

I was just at Best Buy and they still had like a wall of the Mario Kart bundles

I have one though, great Youtube machine

>you know that shit will run just the same as the Wii U now that they unveiled the specs, right?
You have been shown otherwise.

>wanting to buy a PiiU
This kids to has less games thann the PS4.


a friend lent me his wii u because it was literally collecting dust and I bought splatoon and it's good fun, but I would never buy a wii u just to play 1 game.

There are some gems, but Nintendo fucked up pretty bad. Pikmin 3 and the Wind Waker remake were the highlights for me. Sad.

Still better than the OG Xbox. That thing is garbage now (it was decent at the time for 3rd party games that haven't held up and Halo).

Splat her toon. That's what fresh kids do.

The Vita's been sold out since August.

I bought a wii u in august anons.
what games am i missing for it that won't be ported to the switch?
I have splatoon, 3d world, Mario kart 8, wwhd, and bayo2.

Now we just wait for the time when the Wii U becomes a collector's item costing a gorillion dollars.


Expand Dong Dick Freeze.

Head over to /hbg/ and ask about Huehax.

TMS#FE won't play the same on the switch with the single screen.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Hyrule warriors, Yoshi's wooly world, Mario maker, smash bros.

Just kidding, buy those on 3DS instead.

Freeze Dong, Pikmin 3, Smash 4, Nu Mario

>Hyrule Warriors
You mean N3DS right

>now that they unveiled the specs
You aren't a very smart man.

They have wii us and vitas on stock. This is just shitty marketing strategy to make people waste 300 dollars for the console because "zomg it's gonna run out!!! i need to one!!" others will buy this thinking of reselling for profit.

Though, 300 or 250 for that other model? No. Expensive as hell for what it is. But this is nintendo's downfall eventually, overcharged consoles and games that just get drop in the prices to half like 3 years after its release.

Secretly the best game this gen next to Shovel Knight.

>nintendo: good afternoon, we're now taking all final orders for our nintendo wii u gaming console before we cease production next month. how many units can we mark you down for?

>stores: um, zero.

Xenoblade X and The Wonderful 101.
Don't get Hyrule Warriors unless you know you like musou.

user, don't try using logic with trolls and children. They don't comprehend why someone would actually play games and have fun instead of shitposting.


>only have Mario Kart 8 digitally
>Tropical Freeze physically
Wind Waker HD digitally
Xenoblade Chronicles digitally

>this unintelligible niggerspeak

You can already do all of that on a PC.
Logic my fucking ass, go shill your dead console elsewhere.

Just checked Walmart, Best Buy, and Target. No store pickup near me.

The closest bundle is 95 miles away from me in some backwoods part of southern Ohio


user who posted his reasons he got a second hand U here.

My computer is my work tool, not a hobby machine. Plus I can't run cemu nor Dolphin for shit, it's just easier for me to get the hardware bought/scammed from a dudebro who only played Mass Effect 3 on it and use uTik to get the games.

You could do all of that and more on a mid-high end PC 6 months ago

>My computer is my work tool
Is shitposting your job?

You can still buy refurbished 32GB Wii Us straight from Nintendo for $200...

Why the fuck would I want to buy a child's toy? Nintendo hasn't had anything for grownups in well over a decade.


The tablet controller just can't be replicated on PC. There's just something about having it in your hands that can't be replicated even with an Xbone controller connected.

No, I just mostly lurk here and /vr/. I just like the easiness of popping in the USB/SD with the games into the console and playing away without needing to move around plugins and settings, man. That's really all I can tell you.

I don't know what to tell you other than my computer is three years old and when I tried to run Dolphin it just shuts off, as if it was disconnected from the power outlet.

>when I tried to run Dolphin it just shuts off
jesus christ
that sounds like a more serious issue than computing power

>The tablet controller just can't be replicated on PC
Nigga do you seriously expect me to take this b8?

>The tablet controller just can't be replicated on PC.
Good. The gamepad is fucking garbage, even Aonuma acknowledged that.
The Switch version is the definitive version and doesn't use the meme gamepad controller.

The emulator is less than a year away from smoothie sailin