Where are torbjorn's hands at?
Where are torbjorn's hands at?
nigger are you blind
Fuck sake user
Why does lucio look so damn smug?
>I'm the best healer
>Manlets, when will they learn?
thinking about how tonight he's going to pound the chink and dyke pudpud, while mccree watches from the background and masturbates alone
I'd say something about projection but I think you're used to it by now
>I'm the best healer
why are BRs so delusional?
Who's that outside the window?
Woah, where did you get this picture of me.
Reminder that Torb is a sexual tyrannosaurus
Reminder that if you have a small penis you have a higher chance of getting daughters.
Why is Torb so fucking tall there.
The boots aren't on his feet
McCree you dope
reminder that if you have daughters, you're getting laid anyway so who cares how big your dick is
>Rein is a virgin
you know what gets any ladies engines revving? A one-eyed, one-armed, angry, fat old Swedish midget.
It's a swedish woman, she probably gets off on the fact that he's such an undesirable
He knows how to charm his wife. Literally all that matters.
why does rein look so sad
he's spending christmas babysitting torb's kids so that torb can make another one
Being surrounded by children reminds him of the major reason he regrets being born gay.
Wtf?!?!?! Delete that picture of me right now
Her skin's not THAT light.
>being ableist
Can you like, not?
Why does he have both of his hands here?
Isn't this Pharah's dad though?
Purest girl
Holy Shit
people were saying it's the IT guy. She's on a date.
maybe he created a robotic hand user, would you wield a weapon around your kids?
I'm going to laugh my ass off when they never reference this dude again.
You retards are so easy to bait with this shit.
It's not Torbjorn. It's just Santa in some sick shades.
t. Healslut
Nice proportions there, senpaitachi.
>Widow will be eventually redeemed by Metzen like Kerrigan
Metzen retired months ago.
Whoever made this used the wrong shade of purple.
>special forces operative
>life obviously focused on the military
>lines sperging out over her gear
It's her father.
the damage is done, he's got two ocs in two different games
Why does she give a shit? She literally killed him in his sleep, and they constantly say that she basically completely incapable of emotion except for the pleasure of killing.
This comic was shit.
Metzen retired.
She was programmed to kill him, she didn't do it of her own accord.
She's like Bucky from the MCU.
This cowboy dick is gonna get hacked
He's channeling a medieval knight obviously e's dicking his squire.
>implying I heal
So why did she suddenly get unbrainwashed on Christmas?
She didn't.
It's just there's remains of her old self inside.
There's cracks in the brainwashing.
not to mention its fucking tiny
Also, did Talon give her a day off? Where did she find time to do this?
And while I'm sperging out, How the fuck did Tracer's girlfriend not fall right through her when she wasn't wearing her chrono-thermometer or whatever?
He's married and yet he still fucks other women on the side. Alpha.
Wrong picture
You know how people can have friends of the opposite gender without being in a sexual relatioship?
It's true! It's called platonic friendship! Pretty neat, eh?
well that's just gay.
Nice retcon!
>It just works
They have learned well.
They could have gone the iron man route but just pulled that shit
More important question, why is Tracer completely failing to use a cup properly? Is she trying to cure a bad case of the hiccups or was this artist just utter rubbish?
How awfully convenient.
But I guess this is to be expected when they treat time-travel as teleportation.
translation: the artist is a shitter but we have their back
Half blonde or ginger
Torbs kids
Ok so who is blonde in Overwatch to be able to sire only blondes and red heads? Also the taller one looks to be teenage so is it just the lady on his lap? Who is that lady?
shhhhhhhhhh shut up anons, don't you know sjw degenerate cucks can't write plots for shit, it's full of holes just like their whole agendas.
>not putting your cold mouth up to a mug to heat it up before a kiss
Look at this pleb heh
it's either a shitty artist or that she's doing that thing where if you suck the air out of the cup/whatever that it will stick to your face
Ya know how when you're done with a drink and you realize the rim of the cup fits snuggly around your mouth and chin, so you try sucking in your breath to see if you can hold it with only suction? She's doing that.
At that angle you're not putting your cold mouth up to a mug you're putting whatever was in that mug all over your shirt.
The one on the far right? That's Brigitte, Reinhardts squire.
why is it that whenever people try to make characters acting natural in their home environments they're drinking from mugs with their shirts not fitting properly and not using a couch the right way?
Do the artists really think normal people don't know how to use couches and just wear bad clothes around the house?
user, what is the correct way to use a couch?
why would hair color exclude non blonde characters?
a black/brown haired mother could produce blonde and redhaired kids.
Blizzard here. As long as the mug is near her mouth it still works.
I wear whatever I want around the house, sometimes I'm too lazy to even wear pants, and my couch technique is unparalleled.
how the fuck do you guys stand this game? It's suffering. No matter how good you do, you're team always drags you down.
15 kill streak as Roadhog while defending a point? Your healer decides to push up, gets killed. Other team Boosts a Reaper alt and we all wipe. They cap.
Healing like a mad cunt? Everyone ignores the Sambra. Hacks me, we wipe.
Someone else is playing as Rein? He'll charge behind enemy lines guaranteed.
This game is shit. I'm thinking I'm just not cut out for these shit games. I hate other people. Why the fuck am I playing games reliant on other people?
Too late. In my headcanon Tracer only has sippy cups in her house and it's a constant source of tension between her and her girlfriend.
yup. looked like a date to me.
facing forward with your back being supported by the back of the couch and your knees at right angles following the padding down to the ground.
Tracer has her knee up for zero reason, the blood in her leg is going away from her knee due to gravity making her uncomfortable very quickly.
Her back isn't actually touching the couch, only her shoulders which is supporting all her weight.
And for some reason her right hand is pushing her knuckles into her thigh.
I honestly can't even explain this one, she should either have her hand at her side or be palming her thigh.
Nothing can be gained by fisting her thigh.
Now as for the redhead, where do I even begin?
First of all her bottom isn't touching the couch at all.
The number one point of a couch it to seat your bottom, a couch without padding where your bottom goes isn't even considered a couch.
She way as well sit on the fucking floor.
Next her legs aren't anywhere near where they're supposed to be, they're tucked under her rear removing any benefit on being on the couch.
Now finally, her arm is over the back of the couch.
This is the dumbest shit ever.
Not only is that part of the couch supposed to support your neck, but because her arm is directly up she's not even going to get much if any benefit of resting it there.
And finally as a bonus point, that's obviously a 3-seater and yet they're both in the middle of the couch, preventing a third person from accessing the furniture.
Basically, they're assholes.
To be honest, watching the shipping wars helps.
In the comic, she lives in a large clock tower that is evolved with Winston's technology. She is able to do what she does normally in the tower.
Torb must be a big guy down there.
Quads checked
holy fuck
because hes hoverhanding that little girls ass like a cuck