There are people browsing Sup Forums right now that think this is the best MMX game.
There are people browsing Sup Forums right now that think this is the best MMX game
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just tell me the game you like OP and I will tell you why that is objectively wrong and your taste is literally shit
>there are people here right now that are trying to bait
>someone on Sup Forums right now thinks this is the best MMX game
Oh right, that person is me
And me.
Good taste, my man.
>there are people browsing Sup Forums right now that prefer X to Classic
There are "people" in this place who don't have the exact same taste as me
All of you faggots who don't have my exact same taste should get out of this board right fucking now
Not OP but my favorite game is some obscure shit called penny racers for gba
It's not the best, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be
yooooo hit me with that n64 version
X > X4 > X5 > X2 > X8 > X6 > X3 > X7
You fucked up putting x8 above anything other than 7
Whats wrong with X8?
Almost perfect. I'd put X5 lower and X2 higher personally but nice taste otherwise.
>rating X3 that low
>rating X5 that high
Is not the best but I like it a lot.
X3 isn't perfect, but it doesn't deserve to be below X6. Also, X5 in 3rd?
X6 is alright.... It's not the best but it's alright
X5 at least try bringing something new to the table, X3 is just X2 but with worse level design and ost
Not the best but it's somewhat overhated. It's definitely more entertaining than X5 by any measure.
>something new
Like what? A backwards double-armor system that calls back to Mega Man 6, a boss from X1 and MM1, and a fight from X2?
Anyways, I liked X2. I with they could've kept building on it, even if X3 fell short of it's potential
X6 has a better OST, asthetics and characters
What are you talking about? X5 was the most shameless copy of any other game in the series. It is X4-2.
X8 being good is a meme.
It's barely an improvement over X7 and it looks like fucking ass.
>and characters
Gate was only OK. People who like him were just starved by the lack of interesting characters before him.
New stage design, Duff McWhalen stage for example is pretty awesome the first time you play it, no stage in any Megaman game before did something similiar
It is a HUGE improvement over X7. You're insane. It just kept some rough edges.
X > X2 > X3 > shit > the rest
X4 irrevocably ruined the series.
That stage is the shittiest stage in X5
When you are replaying, at the first time is pretty cool and innovative
t. autist who doesnt know what he is fighting for
Aside from Manowar's bullshit stage X8 is a servicable return to basics. By no means the best in the series probably the most well-grounded entry post-X4. Certainly has the least to complain about.
t. fag that thinks a series called MEGA MAN X should focus on Zero.
Nintencucks cucks should be gassed
I love X3's soundtrack and direction. So music aside I'd rather say X3 is X1 but with shittier level-order variables, worse weapons, a bad buster upgrade, bad boss programming, worse level design, and nearly useless new collectables.
oh and I guess you can play as a half-finished Zero in miserable 30 second bursts. it's better than nothing. not really though, they shouldn't have bothered
X > X2 > X4 > X3 > X5 > X8 > X6
Isn't there a reploid whose just a clone of renamon or am I thinking a different series
Nothing wrong with preferring the SNES games but salt of this magnitude is only funny.
Granted. I wouldn't say that's a strong example, though. After the first time it's a tedious auto-scrolling stage, and once you've found the fastest way to do the most damage to it, there's nothing else to it.
Also, like the song, it may as well be an exaggeration of X2's Bubble Crab stage,what with the fishy submarine you wreck along the way. That one gave you a lot more freedom and an original theme song to boot.
That's stupid that equation doesn't make any sense
Having two routes gave the games some much needed replay value. I don't care if you have a chip on your shoulder over Gary Stu, it's a welcome alternate playstyle from a purely gameplay perspective.
It has the best music though
Keep laughing, then.
Zero was conveyed as cooler and more intriguing than X even in the SNES games and Inafune always liked him more as a character. X4 simply made him playable for the duration of the game.
nice projecting you fucking faggot
No, the Sonic games have two routes. The Mega Man X games all had the same routes through stages.
Capcom trying to wring every last penny out of the X series ruined the X series. X4 is great and you are wrong.
X1 = X2 > X4 > X8 > X3 = X5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> X6 = X7
It's not even that they're on the SNES, it's the fact that after X3, the series focused entirely on Zero and X was an afterthought.
Cubit Foxtar from MMZ3
Only funny thing about this is the constant reminder that even Volnutt made it into a Versus before X did. Like, you can't even make that shit up.
It's not about paths through levels, you ninny. It's about all the cool moves and abilities you unlock, and the huge difference in approach to the bosses when you have to focus on melee or ranged strengths.
That's merely stating the obvious twice.
X4 ruining the series doesn't mean it's a bad game. The design just introduced more problems.
Besides, without Capcom's insistence, we would've have gotten the underappreciate X6 or the excellent Zero 4, instead having the X series end with a whimper with X5.
X only made it in because Capcom doesn't have Inafune pushing his waifu anymore
Then don't call it paths. Call it a different character with a different moveset that belongs in a different game.
They held each other back by being in the same game.
>X4 ruining the series doesn't mean it's a bad game.
That's kind of what that implies. People don't usually accuse a good game of ruining something.
>excellent Zero 4
Is it really that much better than 1-3? I liked 1 when I was younger but by the time I got around to 2 and 3 I was tiring of the ranking-oriented design in lieu of interesting level design. Does 4 finally have interesting stages again?
I agree OP. Especially in terms of OST.
Either way, it's about time.
I didn't call it paths.
>X5 better than X2
>X6 better than X3
X > X6 > X3 > X5 > X2 > X4 > X8 > X7
It's my favorite to replay after the original.
Tons of people accuse RE4 of ruining Resident Evil. Personally, I think that was RE5 and its emphasis of co-op but that's neither here nor there.
Not usually, but it happens. Look at Castlevania for one example. That was less ruin and more dramatic change, but it's a similar outcome.
I don't think it's a stretch to say that most X series fans, at the time, were itching to play as a full-fledged Zero. It was a pretty natural progression.
You're right. You called them routes.
How many more posts of us talking semantics will it be?
3 is agreed to be the best. 4 Is pretty good but not as good as 2 or 3.
One of the reasons 4 is bad is because of the crafting system. Picture having parts for every enemy in the game, but you have to place them in the right order to make anything useful. All items are made from spare parts, and good luck figuring out which order they go in or how many of each part you need to make them without using the internet or a strategy guide.
Sure. I was one of them. That's not really what I'd call natural progression, though. Divergent is more the word.
Also when you beat bosses, you don't get their chips (their weapon powers) like the other Zero games. You get parts to make the chip.
The game doesn't tell you how to craft chips, it just gives you the components to craft it.
Picture living in 2005 when this game came out, having only a passing familiarity with Gamefaqs, and trying to play the game.
If you've never heard the term "Character routes" I don't know what to tell you. X4 featured different plots for both characters, so they are "character routes."
Also, you're a loon if you think they held each other back. Both playstyles complement each other exquisitely. At least in X4 they do.
Well whether the gameplay actually ended up being better is debatable. All of the playstation X games suffer from mediocre level design to different extents, and they don't play as fast as the SNES ones. They also really started ramping up the "hitting the boss with its weakness weapons renders it completely helpless" gimmick
So it gets even more obnoxious, and the only reason I should entertain the thought is to finish the story.
Honestly I don't remember the crafting system. I remember the Z Knuckle and this song, though:
I fail to see how two characters who otherwise control the same detract from level design. It's one thing if they have to accommodate radically different playstyles, but the difference between X and Zero is mostly just in combat.
I think it's safe to say the PS games just had worse level designers on staff.
>I fail to see how two characters who otherwise control the same detract from level design
I never said that it did.
>The design just introduced more problems
Like what? And, if you don't think it's a bad game, then why say it's below shit?
>the underappreciate X6
I think X6 is exactly as appreciate as it deserves. As in very little, because it isn't that good. And you also said it's below shit, which is very paradoxical if you think it's underappreciated.
X5 was hot garbage.
It had the worst fucking X armors of the 2D games; If you began with Zero, X doesn't get the ability to charge his boss weapons (unless you're a cheating scrub piece of shit and get the Ultimate Armor in the second-to-last stage, but even then charged boss weapons are NOTHING compared to infinite Nova Strikes). Plus the key features of X's new armors are only taken advantage of once or twice.
Whereas, beginning with X takes away... Zero's Buster. A weapon that isn't chargeable or remotely useful for him. Truly, a tragic loss.
The multiple ending idea was kinda novel, but the way X5 went about doing it was fucking retarded. WHY WOULD YOU IMPLEMENT FUCKING RNG FOR GETTING DIFFERENT ENDINGS
also squid adler and duff mcwhalen are the two of the worst fucking levels in the entire franchise and whoever designed them needs to be lynched
Nah, it seemed pretty natural to me. He's introduced in X1 as an unplayable but powerful ally, he remains unplayable in X2 but now you interact with him during the gameplay (boss battle), you get an (awfully meager, very unfinished-feeling) option to play as him in X3, he finally gets a fleshed-out playing role with his own mechanics in X4.
My mistake. I was under the impression you were the same user saying the characters held each other back by being in the same game.
>underappreciate X6
not sure I understand
x6 was crap
X5 is painfully mediocre at best but I liked the Falcon and Gaea armors.
Yes, but if you use a crafting guide, then you can get most of the 'useful' items by mid-game.
It's just tedious because eventually, Z4 becomes Monster hunter in that you need this one part in order to get your new chip and the fucking Mettool won't drop it.
Four also has a couple of very tedious levels. It tries to take a book from X6 on level design in a few places.
Do you liked Timed Underwater Maze Scavanger Hunt? Because that's a level in Z4.
Do you like Flame Heatnix's lava wave stage repeated again but with quickman lasers? That's a level in Z4.
Do you like playing "Sunlight is lava" with a desert stage where there is only some cover with enemies who are kind of annoying? That's another level in Z4.
Do you like a boss that spends 90% of his time invincible? Then you better believe that's in Z4.
I may sound harsh on the game, but it's still a good Mega Man game. I just think they overdid it with gimmicks meant to force the player into buying a strategy guide.
Which portion of Squid Adler's fuck that name is stupid stage do you dislike?
Answer carefully.
But honestly, if you just want to skip to ZX, no one would blame you. ZX is a true return to form.
So now when you're talking about routes, the distinguishing factor is plot, which in X's case were mostly cutscenes and textboxes. I'm not talking about either.
Of course they held each other back. X6 is the best example. X does a single swing with his sword while Zero fires a single shot from his buster. Both have to stand still while doing it, and only one can do it in midair. Zero couldn't even use his buster in X4, and X barely evolved from his abilities gained in X2 and X3. His mobility upgrade is hovering. This all seems like a half-and-half balancing act between two very different characters.
everything above 8 in this list makes sense
but why is x3 so low?
X3 was a very awkward game
its hit and miss for most people
The asshole jetbike intro that fucks you almost right the second after the "Ready" text appears and the annoying tedious switch "puzzles" through the rest of the stage. It's a crap stage in a borderline crap game.
Not that user but I agree that it's underappreciated in that it's a textbook example of "so bad that it's good". I sincerely believe that X6 could pass as required playing for anyone curious on how NOT to develop a video game, but its poor decisions are at least entertaining and somewhat informative in that respect. I like looking at X6 and thinking "Christ, who greenlit this bullshit?". It's a perverse, masochistic sort of fun but it is fun.
The part where you wait 50 years for slow-moving switches to move into place so you can move onto the next part where you wait 50 years for slow-moving switches to move into place
I actually liked the ZX games. Wished there was a ZX 3.
X6 is interesting because it's a game that was made in eight months.
And it shows.
X> X4 > X5 > X6 > X3 > the rest
I like how for the second Gate stage they just said fuck it and went full DUDE SPIKES LMAO
But X2 is very good and X8 is decent.
Correct answer.
>The asshole jetbike intro that fucks you almost right the second after the "Ready" text appears
Wrong answer. The early pit is bullshit, yeah, but that part of the stage was more aggravatingly fun to beat than Jet Stingray's stage. Shame the rest was shit.
>this is a Japanese fox robot girl (male)
I don't understand MM's previous tendency to be a sausage fest
So what are you suggesting? One character should be able to use a buster and sword like a pro and just have a jack of all trades? I mean, MMZ proved it works, but forcing the choice does not detract from the game. I'd argue forcing a player to specialize when either one is viable makes the game more interesting. It's not tying one hand behind your back when you barely even need that single sword-swing/ single buster-shot.
Also, there's very little to do with X after having a "Straight up" midair dash. What's left, Freedom of flight? Pretty OP in a platformer frankly.