How is your game going, Sup Forums?

How is your game going, Sup Forums?

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Does anyone actually use Lumberyard?



if the installer wasnt 24 gigs i would actually bother with it

holy shit, its like a super monkey ball course run, fantastic! i cant wait to see more

Having a problem in Ruby. We're making an RPG with RPGMaker and we are trying to get text to display on screen during a battle after a skill is used.

>@window =
is the line i'm talking about specifically, it will work if you manually go and type that in to an event script, but just trying to have it autorun as part of any of the main scripts will result in an error.

Another example.

You should include the error in your post.

I just launched another trailer for my game tonight. Feels good man



Any good resources that teach fundamentals of game development or game programming? Data structures, algorithms, designs, etc. we would most likely see in most video games?

I have some experience programming so I'm trying to get an idea of what I should focus on when programming games.

here's a boss fight

hey, now I remember seening you post this game here before. Keep it up mang

That actually looks really fun

would people like a low poly 3d game that looks exactly like it came from the ps1 with all the weird texture thing (dont know what their called and cant describe it either)

>Left PS1
>Right N64
I take the n64 one anytime

Pick whichever one you like as the default and add the option to turn the effect on/off

n64 would have filtered textures though too, which i think this dude should try to see how it looks

the texture distortion and jittering is fine to me. i think i agree with this dude:


Left one for ps1 syle.

The vertices are moving way too much. I don't even remember if the polygons in PS1 games moved, or if it was just an illusion caused by the texture jittering.

>dont know what their called and cant describe it either
It's called affine texture mapping.

Been working on my game's story. One of the characters is now secretly going to be a lesbian. I'm gonna get so much attention after I reveal it!

Why isn't Godot included?

It's not going bad, working on NPC's.

>not having the first disabled black lesbian transgender otherkin in your game

i still can't get slope collisions working


Aside from that, the PS1 had a problem translating the vertex data to the raster image, and it had to approximate to the next integer, so models jumped a whole pixel instead of doing so smoothly, so the whole model seemed to jump, and straight lines were pretty much impossible (walls bulged out more often than not).

The eyes look different. Is that just the distance fucking with the model?

God no. It was awful and people have a lot of time working on ways to remove it through emulation.
>I don't even remember if the polygons in PS1 games moved
They did.

Now I remember hearing about that.

Is low poly PS1 graphics the new "pixelshit" for talentless indie devs?

I updated it.

Kind of except making a model is harder than opening up paint so there's going to be less shit overall and more mediocre to great games as a result most likely.

Yes. Totally okay with that though.
Just wish people would utilize it better - up your draw distance and add more objects, you've got the resources.

Its rapidly gaining fans, even at an early concept stage.

I like it, looks very "bird of prey". But will the eyes still emote though?

Wrong pic buddy


>But will the eyes still emote though?
Not nearly as much, no...
Oh well, I want to focus on action, not story, so I guess it'll be all right.

Do your bestest!

Look at the importance of emotiveness in Super Mario 64 or Spyro even though they focused on action.
It's hard to care about playing as a boring lifeless character.

>making a model is harder than opening up paint
Not really, a few hours is enough to learn how to make a simple model, though I guess overall it's harder to put a whole scene together.

SM64 doesn't really emote beyond blinking, user. Instead the body-language is used to convey emotions.

Spyro has crazy rubber faces, and I tried something similar with this piggy (pic), but I don't want to go too goofy.

What's up with these 2006-2012 era pallets?

Hmmm... Have you tried putting it on its side so the edges outside the eye line up? The shape you have now seems like a nice middle ground between cartoony and bird like, so maybe just changing the angle it's at will allow you to emote better without the issues people had with the full circle eyes?
Sorry if i'm being a dick and asking difficult shit I just want to help while not really knowing a lot of the problems you probably face doing this shit.

i've finally found the motivation to start making a game and stop being a procrastinating dreamer. wish me luck

Birds of Prey don't have eyes on their sides.

I think you mean

More like Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre palettes?
I dunno, I guess I like brown.

I'm not sure what you mean, user.
Tilting the eyes?
How does that make them easier to emote?

Don't worry about being a dick - Feedback is always nice.

I created a sprite and it looks like babby's first pixel art: palette edition. Don't even want to post it here due to how much I dislike it.


Post it

But user. I really dislike it. It's like the worst shit I've made, and I've made some bad shit before.

Post yours and I'll post mine

We've all made bad shit

No no not that I mean like this.

What I'm saying is that maybe emoting with the eyes would be easier if the were like this? If you kept them thin like they are now but just stretched them for reactions and emotions I think that would look okay while avoiding the problem you stated of not wanting to go too cartoony and stuff.

I see.
Might be worth a try

Do you guys think game with dialogs completely text-based would work nowdays? I mean, an indie developer doesn't have the $ to pay for voices...

I mean, if it doesn't work well at least you know.

And you could always use those eyes for a boss or something.

Yeah, sure thing. Thanks

Just speak gibberish and pitch it up/down whenever text is scrolling.

But you need a game first :^)

Probably not as bad as this. I haven't drawn in a while, and it's been a while since I've actually bothered to do a custom sprite.

I'm ashamed at myself.

i found speed run strats in my own game

Just use noises for different characters so players will know "oh hey it's that noise, that means that person is the one talking."

Don't feel bad. My art style is literally is.

This is a real screenshot of a functional game, not an ms paint mockup

What program did you make this model in? How did you map the textures to the model? I'm really partial to the oldshool look this has

At least that looks different, in a sense. There's not a lot of MS Paint-looking games, and they can look good if done well. What's your game about, user? It looks like some kind of RPG overworld.

Here's mine

That actually looks kind of decent, in a way. I'm not sure how it'd look animated, but it looks like it has some sort of artistic talent.

But you still need to actually make the game. I've seen you in these threads for months, but I still haven't seen any gameplay.

I launched the game on Steam yesterday and pic related is the first (and probably only) article mentioning it

I'm really not sure what to think about it

pretty much every indie game does this, including the most successful ones

do you guys like games with deep, moral decisions?

Huh doesn't look bad. Maybe I'll pick it up

>Heh, alright.
>Not Kch, no problem.

Make it edgier if you're going to include the option for edgyness.

>add twice as much awful jittering as the ps1 had
>people think it's cool because it's retro
this is worse than people thinking the NES palette looked good

it's just some stupid over-ambitious project that will never come to fruition, but I work on it with varying intensity from time to time.

Basically it's just a lighthearted RPG adventure where the gimmick is that you also draw stuff. So for example, when you get the fire spell it'll ask you to draw the fireball, and then that's what you'll be shooting at enemies for the rest of the game. In the beginning of the game during character creation you actually get to draw your own face onto your player character.

What makes it too ambitious is that I want you to be able to play online with friends in your party. What's the point of so much UGC if nobody will ever see it, right?


I use Blender.
Here's the UV layout for that gryphon.
It could have been planned a lot better, and there are certainly less messy ways to go about unwrapping a model for texturing.

Here's a good starting point:

(I also used vertex painting on the gryphon - blending colour data related to the individual vertices with the texture image)

>fire skelemental

already intrigued.

Sounds interesting, I'd play it. Sounds kind of like Drawn to Life, if you've ever played that - you were given parts where you could draw weapons etc. that you could use.

Is it a turn-based RPG, or what?

Well my good friend you see I've been almost kicked out of my house twice because of my poor financial standings and have anxiety problems that have almost gotten me fired these past few months so things have been a tad slow on the mechanical side of things, but I'm pushing for a Demo Day 13 release/premiere with luck.
Please subscribe to my blog

Shit, that sucks. I hope shit works out for you in the end.

>I'm pushing for a Demo Day 13 release/premiere with luck.
Good luck; I remember seeing some gameplay ideas a while back, and I remember it being interesting. Hope you get it done, I'm actually interested to see what you can put out - considering all the art and concepts you've done.

it's just a 3 second gag clip I made while was mocking modern game decisions in a video. I SHOULD probably make it edgier then.

This has Flavor of the Month potential.

Any good gamemaker tutorials any of y'all can share?

I think I remember playing drawn to life a long time ago but mainly I was thinking about Tearaway since that's the one I played more recently. You cut objects out of paper and take pictures of things and then they appear throughout the game, I liked that.

The combat system is still unfinished so I don't have screenshots but yeah it's just turn based. Each party (player/enemy) takes turns doing one attack. The party member who moves is the one standing at the front of the line. After moving they'll walk to the back of the line, unless they're fast enough to skip some people. So it works out kind of like Grandia but you don't see the full time bar thing, only the order.

It definitely doesn't, I work way too slow for anyone to pay attention

fuck, meant to post the whole clip after

How will I have time to play games if I'm spending all my time beating my head against a wall trying to make one? Dont be ridiculous, OP.

I like the idea, especially
>...they'll walk to the back of the line, unless they're fast enough to skip some people.
Good luck with your game, I've been itching for a turn-based RPG that I could play with some friends.

Game when? Link when?

it's on kickstarter right now actually. I don't want to shill so I won't link to that, but here's my two trailers:

It's definitely not for everyone, it's early and still rough around the edges etc. but I'm really just doing it because I enjoy it and I'm not trying to rip anybody off or anything like that.

>Baneposting in the kickstarter pledges
This will go swimmingly.

you gotta be able to enjoy the little (big) things

I just wanna say that judging from the trailer the jump sound seems a little too heavy as it interrupts the awfully nice music.

fun fact, the jump sounds have been completely removed in the final build

Well then fuck me right? Still though, looks decent, when i get a couple of bucks i'll pick it up.

thank you and please dont expect too much

Good for you, Antoine.

If anything this past few months have let me flesh out the setting and the lore of the world.
Like how the native plant life have evolved to dig their roots far underground until they hit a planetwide aquifer since there is no water on the surface of the planet to cause rain. Wildlife get their hydration from fruits since the seeds have to be watery to survive long enough to hit the aquifer, drinking straight from water vines or being a parasite to the tree roots. The more civil areas pump water out of the aquifer and use it to water their crops, since their crops are usually foreign to the world and don't grow the long roots.