Enough gay shit

You queers ready for a real Christmas comic?




That one's boring, post the Lobo one.











This one's great though

>the series will never be finished
I fucking hate Valve and everything they stand for now.

Just ditch the game, it's dead. Work on the comic and shorts.

They don't even work on any of those three anymore.

So Scout has an Oedipus complex something fierce, right?

You can enjoy a fine MILF without having an Oedipus Complex, user.
Besides, what other kind of chicks can he scan for at a Mall Santa booth?

you can be angry at them for not continuing the comic, but I'd rather be happy that they made something so good that I'm angry that they didn't continue it.

Trust me, I've seen far too many good series dragged on and on until they were lifeless husks. People even say that the game has become this, which I see symptoms of.

They were two issues away from finishing it.