Deus Ex Manking Divided

>$20 on Steam
>After 4 months
Wow. Is it actually that bad?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's better than Invisible War I guess

>Wow. Is it actually that bad?

The gaming industry? yes.

No, but the dumbass purist Deus Ex fans that weren't even old enough to buy the game themselves will tell you otherwise

I enjoyed it. It was a little too easy to go guns a blazing. But, it was still really fun to sneak DAT shit.

I didn't have to buy Deus Ex 1 when it came out

Friend just burned me a copy

And it will always blow this garbage the fuck away

>Check reviews
>PC elitist are complaining that they cant play it at ULTRA HD SETTINGS
>Remember when Crysis 1 came out and literally no one could play it at full settings
>No one screamed at them for this, infact this game is held as a True Triple AAA game on PC
What the fuck happened, Sup Forums?

I would guess the invisible war has better story than MD.
Anyway 20$ is too high of a price to pay for a denuvo title.

Faggots that get upset and believe games that aren't even released in the same decade are competing with each other so if a game comes out and is recognized more than their childhood favorite game it sets them off.

>No one screamed at them for this
Wow, you really weren't around at the time if you think this. I remember how absolutely fucking massive the backlash was. There were complaints on forums everywhere.

Something odd is going on with video games, they're going on sale really quickly. FFXV for $35 already, Hitman for $15, this for $20. I hope it's a good sign for aggressive prices and not that people are playing less.

Is it really though?

Invisible War had multiple city hubs and the story was better thought out.

crash is coming, get yourself stocked up on vidya to survive until a new golden age rises from the ashes

>Hitman for $15
Pretty sure that's just the intro pack which is the tutorial levels and the Paris level. They call it the intro pack.

It's $60 for the whole thing.

I remember Doom went on sale for half price like a month after coming out

fucking weird time for video game prices

like auglivesmatter shit aged like milk.

Whoa it's almost like it's christmas.

Invisible was was just shitty compared to the original. It wasn't that bad. To be fair, it hasn't aged well either.

yes, it was disappointing garbage

everything about this game makes me wanna throw up, from the characters, story to the setting

Fuck off retard. People are complaining because they have 700 neetbux graphics card and can't run these games at ultra settings, even though a card like that should be able to do it.

PS3/360 generation went on for too long. Ports ran amazingly well on PC because all games were designed for decade old systems.

Now games are designed for modern systems and that makes them much harder to run with PC hardware. Idiots don't realizing that it doesn't matter if your GPU is 2.5x more powerful when you're trying to run double the framerate with more demanding settings and higher resolution.

Why dont they just lower the settings and enjoy the gameplay?
Im playing it on a 1070 and it runs just fine of high settings.

Because Crysis 1 looked fucking amazing for a 2007 game. It still looks pretty good.

Deus Ex doesn't.

gamestop had the whole game for 16-ish again the other day (deal has since expired) they ran the same deal for black friday/cyber monday.

>I spent 500€ on a gpu
>my game runs fine on high
What a suprise.

It's okay and the gameplay's a step up from Human Revolution but it's very clear that it's half a game stretched out to the length of a full game, especially when you look at the main story. Fuck, the sidequests are what saved this game for me.

so why the fuck are people with 1080's complaining about?

If I LOVED the previous game, would I like Mankind Divided?

MSAA I guess.

360 generation ran great because everyone used ue3x and got familiar with it. now every developer instead makes their own snowflake engine instead and throws their hands up when it runs like shit.

couldn't really muster up the interest to play it. i was super luke warm on human revolution and this looks to be a lot more of the same.

its a great game until the ending

Yeah, I played the pirated copy for an hour and I dont have interest in seeing what comes next in the story.

it's good. Period.
It's not globalist epic saving the world story but it's contained side stories make up for it.
Also last mission is fantastic.

Publishers have realized in most cases that dropping the price gets more sales total than if they let them stagnate for a year then drop the price. Most games sell near 80% of their lifetime sales in the first 2 weeks these days, the price cuts enable them to get that money now instead of a few years down the line.

Also you picked horrible examples.
FFXV is fucking terrible
Hitman is episodic and its christmas
Doo-sex came out way early in the year. Nothing funny about it.

>crysis 1
>mind blowing graphics, mind blowing specs needed
>deus md
>2011 graphics, mind blowing specs needed
enjoy that (You)

>Most games sell near 80% of their lifetime sales in the first 2 weeks these days
hard to tell with steam, I stopped buying most games day one
Ubisoft still jewing the hell out of everything they publish, SQ is cool, at least their western side

I'd say yes. To me they're pretty much equal. Main story isn't quite as good, but gameplay is much better.

Long load times when I played it at launch though, I dunno if they patched that. I'm not using an SSD, also.

Thank you, going to buy it soon

we are just spoiled, not anything more than 20 sec feels like long
they were actually around 45-50 secs

Instead of answering OPs questions, this thread went into discussions about invisible war, hitman and crisis. This is why /v is a failure and so are you.

>supporting denuvo & denuvo accessories

I honeslty dont give a shit about denuvo, I can play all my games fine without any problems are games can still be modded

MGS5 is one of the most optimzed games every and has mod capabilities

Just cause is having a modded multiplayer beta test soon

The only thing I can say that has a negative is preservation purposes which is kinda fucked

>Implying that's a bad thing
OP here and to be honest, that's perfectly fine. Why would it be a problem to talk about video games on a video game board?

Pretty bad desu. There are some improvements, but mostly either downgrades, or nothing changing at all (which is sadly not a good thing, since quite a few aspects of HR weren't good)

Doesnt mankind divided have exactly zero mods?
Just getting rid of the intro movies is a pain since how they package em.

I's also want to add that I hope more games have denuvo to stop piracy and encourage more sales for more games to be made for PC

The best thing to do is do the Doom route and enable it for a few months then disable it

I dont think the last game having mods either because the interest isnt there, not because it's impossible

Because in 2007 there was literally no piece of hardware advanced enough to max crysis and Crysis looked leagues above anything ever released. Deus ex MD is a fucking multiplat title that barely looks decent for current standards and theres a fuckload of hardware that should be able to max it without a problem. TW3 and BF1 look leagues better than deus ex and they're easily maxed by any decent rig.

So go check with a neurosurgeon, you might actually have a brain problem

The general intent of making it as hard as possible for consumers to modify your product to better fit your needs is not something you should support and encourage.

>consumers to modify your product to better fit your needs
like what? I am listening fully and I will change my stance if presented with enough information

The graphics look great, even by todays """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""standards"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Like getting rid of the intro movies so you can launch the game faster.
Or modifying the inventory weight limit.
Or the clothing of npcs.

you mean like CE stuff?

well I argue that it is possible, this is a mod in MGS5 that grands infinite ammo, it's not the same thing but it should get my point across

There are other mods as well in a denuvo game

with denuvo limiting the amount of pirates, more devs and publishers are willing to port things which is better for PC in the end, also I am tired of "pirated XD" idiots

Should I buy it or is it really that bad? I live in Cykaland, it costs like 9 bucks here with that discount. I loved the original and liked HR, I can deal with the fact that the new game is short and the story is mediocre, so.

its not bad, its just short

Eidos Montreal is trying to prevent people from modifying the game files even without denuvo.

Этo HR тoлькo чyть кopoчe, oчeнь пoхoжa нa VtMB пo aтмocфepe гopoдa ocoбeннo нoчью.

>modifying the game files even without denuvo.
then how is this a denuvo problem?

I'm willing to change my opinion dude, just give me enough evidence to suggest that the negatives of denuvo specifically out weighs the good

>Eidos Montreal is trying to prevent people from modifying the game
HR engine is a mess, did you play director's cut with commentary? They talk a lot about development there, it's pretty interesting.

Well if the point is you shouldnt support companies that make it hard to mod a game, then thats it. Denuvo is just icing on the cake for shitty devs.

>you shouldnt support companies that make it hard to mod a game
you say that and I gave two examples of people modding denuvo games

>Denuvo is just icing on the cake for shitty devs.
If the devs are shitty and the game is bad, I just wouldnt buy it, one thing denuvo would do is eliminate the excuse of piracy from devs and publishers

I thought it was good, but disappointed by major problem:

>game is marketed as "Jensen goes undercover at Interpol as he tries to take on the Illuminati with his buds at the Juggernaut Collective"
>in reality, game is "Jensen talks to his Juggernaut buds once or twice while he spends most of the game doing anti-terrorist work for Interpol, including the last mission"

Needed to be more globe-trotting and conspiracy-hunting, instead of what we got.

>buy a premade rig
>start a new game
>set it to 1200 x 700 or whatever
>all effects off
>all settings to medium
>runs like a dream
Can understand some people being butthurt of not being able to run a game at max settings but just lower the settings and enjoy the game running smoother.

Better graphics is the poison ruining vidya, we don't need that, we need better gameplay.

>MGS5 has mod capabilities
yeah you can change some models around and swap some numbers, engine modding is blocked by denuvo, if that weren't the case we would already have 50 versions of the cut missions in playable form restored by fans plus a huge number of original missions as well.
Instead konami would rather sell their own minecraft mod for the game for 30$ but I guess having bragging rights on pirates (who won't give a shit anyway) is more important.

Dude what are you even talking about, it's all conjecture

and again, there is a multiplayer mod for just cause 3 coming out, if it's bad as you say, how is that possible?

The only thing that is limiting is interest, not denuvo

I thought it was pretty good. It's just short. And 90% of the game taking place in Prague makes it feel not-Deus-Ex-ish.

Odds of getting a director's cut?

I just want all the missions in proper order.

resolution is the one thing I won't sacrifice for framerate

what about my post is conjecture? The modding capabilities of mgs5 are severely limited. If you hung around the modding community at the time you would know that.
Despite what you hear on Sup Forums (mgsv being the worst game ever made) the game actually sold extremely well, the modding community did everything they could do and pushed as much as they could, but engine modding is just blocked off entirely, so everything you see (which is still great work for what it is, infinite heaven alone makes the game a lot better) is the best they will ever be able to do.
The game's lifespan would have been severely increased if people were allowed to create their own missions. Instead the publisher chose to lock those options out for you and then announced a repackaged version of the same assets with a new coat of paint for 30$. If you think that's consumer friendly because of "muh pc sales" you're retarded, games get pirated all the time, but games with huge modding communities usually sell better through the years due to all the new content and support they get from fans.
I don't know anything about just cause 3 or its specific situation, but you can ask everywhere about mgsv and you'll get the same response I just gave you, saying people aren't interested in modding that game is just fucking retarded

the game its great, but cutting it to sell more dlc was kill

This is conjecture

> if that weren't the case we would already have 50 versions of the cut missions in playable form restored by fans plus a huge number of original missions as well.

you are just saying things based off of nothing

> I guess having bragging rights on pirates (who won't give a shit anyway) is more important.

I'm not even sure what you meant by that

No I dont hang around the modding community and just based off of just cause, it seems like they are probably not trying hard enough

It was just a figure of speech. Are you fucking autistic?
Would phrase it as "the lifespan of the game would have been longer if people were allowed to mod the game however they see fit" work better with your aspergers? I did not use any examples there.
You're putting "muh pc sales" over the ability for people to mod shit into games which, I can understand this is an alien concept for you since you porpousefully ignore anything that goes against your argument, kept pc games alive for years back when devs weren't jewish fucks who wanted to sell their own mods

AAA titles have underperformed this year. Even CoD and Battlefield have sold less and not only because they cannibalized each other.

I am willing to change my opinion if enough legitamte evidence is presented

you have nothing of the sort so I'll bring up Just Cause again

If Just Cause 3 can be modded to have a full multiplayer mode, then anything can be modded

>kept pc games alive for years
oh I see what you mean, like Just Cause 3 which came out about a year ago?

>If just cause 3 can be modded to have a full multiplayer mode, then anything can be modded
so you know absolutely nothing about how modding work, aight

>1200 x 700 or whatever

Very short, no globetrotting, and an unsatisfying ending. The only redeeming thing about it is the level design, especially palisade bank which is the most well designed deus ex level in my opinion.

Not too much I guess

I know MGS5 can be edited with lua scripts or something

If you can give me some evidence that suggests the negatives out weighs the good, then I will change my opinion

PC versions of multiplat games end up getting higher price cuts due to not selling so much at the same time as consoles. If you want go give it to me, I'm in

>dumbfucks are the only ones buying digital
>dumbfucks can't into Deus Ex
Nobody buying it on steam is actually logical.

>Wow. Is it actually that bad?
they expect to make it back on the microtransactions

Some games simply get good discounts early. Doom sold great and got cheaper real fast, too. Rise of the Tomb Raider was kinda fast, too.


Seems pointless to buy right now considering there will probably be more story dlc and the game itself is barebones so you really need it, probably best to wait for the goty edition or whatever, am I right?

>game is 16/17 euros on sale
>the DLC which barely lasts 2h is 12 euros


No it's better than HR, it's a good game.

And it's not short, it's as long as HR if you explore everything. There are way more things to explore even if we travel less.

It took me 49 hours to finish it (50 for HR)

graphical fidelity =/= graphical style

will it run on a 3570k / 7850 2gb though? i've heard bad things about the game's performance

ITs a great tactic, sell base game for cheap and dlc which contains the real ending is twice as expensive.

Will it run on Intel HD4600 graphics?

>then how is this a denuvo problem?
The game file containers themselves that hold all the assets use a weird encrypted format that makes it impossible to get inside and change things around, not all Denuvo games do this, and MGSV was probably a fluke due to the fact that they didn't want to radically-change how Fox worked circa GZ

Probably means it sold poorly. The game itself is better than Human Revolution, though the story/characters are weaker and SE tried to jew it up with a cash shop/Breach. You don't ever feel the need to use the cash shop though, the main game is balanced (even too easy) without it.

To spite people who bought it for that exact price months ago on keysites

>wow this game looks pretty mediocre
>and I'm getting 50fps
>I didn't ask for this

couldnt finish it and even months after they still didnt fix the fucking travel glitch which meant that i couldnt finish the game even if i wanted to

You'll have to turn a LOT of shit down, assuming that even helps. I'm just barely hitting my 4GB cap with all things maxed sans MSAA (worthless, unoptimized as fuck, and doesn't apply to all objects), and ultra textures (just very high textures with double the resolution, e.g. worthless) with Reshade at a pretty usual 60~FPS on a 4790k/Fury

It runs a LOT better now in comparison to launch, which probably a good chunk of why it was shitcanned as a terrible game. HR ran great and showcased what DX11 could do speed/feature-wise, so MD having a tacked-on DX12 mode that doesn't offer anything other than a sidegrade was a huge step back. Given MD's visuals, while not BAD, they don't warrant the performance we have for even the beefier mid-range cards

I'd consider a cheap non-reference 480 after eBaying your 7850, older GCN cards already lost async and APP support driver-wise

In comparison, here's what I had to deal with in August, same settings

i have a few problems with this post
secondly, "I'm just barely hitting my 4GB cap with all things maxed" without 3 giant things isnt all things maxed
i get what you're saying, but wow i'm triggered

Mankind Divided is a fucking DLC. It's not a full game. Why they priced it as a full game I'll never know.

Those aren't giant things though, MSAA serves no real purpose when you consider it's limited coverage in comparison to TAA, and the god-awful performance hit due to devs still being unable to make it work 100% with deferred shading, this was documented in the weeks after it's release by anons celebrating it's worthlessness, along with Reshade's unsharp mask shader toning TAA's blurriness down

There's also no point to ultra textures either, they're the exact same textures as very high, only upscaled, and there is zero difference between the two unless you're both looking REALLY hard, and running the game at a resolution that is probably already taxing the fuck out of your card. People at normal resolutions have zero reason to go beyond very high