What are the best games to play drunk?

What are the best games to play drunk?

With Friends: SSBM
Without Friends: Binding of Isaac

Russian Roulette

>not playing cave explorer

fuckin pleb

duck game

Chivalry is pretty god damned fun drunk. Mash your battlecry button and cut off some heads.

>duck game

>consuming alcohol
there are literal medicine flowers that make you forget your troubles without murder your organs and you chose to consume jewfoolery

but everyone has been brewing beer since the dawn of agriculture, I understand the whole "and they will fall unto stupidity from the jewish poison water" but to be honest here the only thing the Jews are experts at is not brewing beer, it's taking credit for the accomplishments of others, lying about their nature and deceiving the "goyim"

>literal medicine flowers


I don't know, but have you considered binging Bloodborne before taking shrooms?

Halo. It doesn't matter how much you suck or how good you are, booze is the great equalizer. Piling 3 people into a warthog honking your horn to the national anthom while shooting around like a bunch of crazed rednecks is the best

what games let me play as a gnome/halfling in a big person's world?


>"medicine flowers"
>being a hippy but not respecting people picking their poison

>I will look down on people who drink on a board where masturbating while thinking about underaged girls is not just acceptable, but assumed

I do league drunk.

DDO has both of those things.


just in case you actually think that it's incorrect in all but the most extreme cases (the abuse of any psychoactive substance over the course of years will inevitably effect cognition).

gnomes are not for sexual

Monster hunter games are great while drunk.

Careful with the typing, stoner, you might break your finger bones.


no, bad user, bad

>With Friends: SSBM
He said best not worst. SSBM turns to shit because everyone loses their coordination and then forgets to DI back to stage so they end up all dying super fast. Last time I played I think one of the worse players walked off stage immediately after respawning TWICE because they forgot who they were.

10/10 game to watch drunk people play though, especially if you're sober yourself. Throw in a taunt here or there and things can get entertaining real quick.

Mario kart (or any Nintendo party game really) with friends around, DaS1 without. It might sound like shit but it isn't, so long as you don't try to progress. I just warped down to ask lake and walked around for half an hour, top tier comfy.