How would you feel about another Max Payne title?

How would you feel about another Max Payne title?

Would you like to have a sequel to 3 or have the franchise rebooted?

Also Max Payne thread I guess

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Start a new IP with the same mechanics, Max's story is done

>Not realizing that the good thing about Max Payne is Max fucking Payne

There's a bunch of games with its mechanics. Max Payne is a combination of great gameplay, great script writing and one of the best characters ever conceived

>How would you feel about another Max Payne title?


>Would you like to have a sequel to 3 or have the franchise rebooted?

What's behind door number 3? NYPD PAYNE PREQUEL

>Also Max Payne thread I guess

but get Health back for the music

I do realize that, and I'm smart enough to know it'll only go downhill from here if they keep dragging Max through the mud.

3 was a decent story for what it was, but Max Payne as a concept is at its full capacity now. Better to let it rest

I like Max Payne. I don't really want another one though.

I hate to say it but Max Payne 1 could be remade. Max Payne 2's models and textures look godly today but Max Payne 1 not so much.

>they get Sam Lake back to star as Max

max was done and dusted after the first game. the second game managed to squeeze a few drops of blood out of the corpse but by three there was nothing left o what made payne good

How would an NYPD sequel work? Max's character would suck

>Not realizing 3 is arguably the best along with one.

2 was shit, 1 and 3 are god tier. People whine because in 3 he doesn't say 2deep4u shit and he cut down on the metaphors but it's still great writing


>Max's character would suck
Only if they wrote it sucky?

There's no reason he couldn't be a great maverick cop in the super-comfy noir-york-city setting. Any kind of real or percieved threat to his family would be enough to motivate him. In my opinion at least, half of the fun in max payne was in the baddies' characters.

>Mythic wolves let loose to devour the sun and the moon... Lupino is the wolf. I'm Mr. Beast, the big bad Fenris wolf, I'm The-End-of-the-World-Man, wearing the flesh of fallen angels...!

>2 was shit

It was absolutely fucking not. You are confusing 'shit' with 'slightly less amazing'

The charm in Max's character is that he is a miserable substance abuser who still retains a lot of good in him. An NYPD prequel would be bad because Max's life at that point wasn't tragic

>NYPD prequel would be bad because Max's life at that point wasn't tragic

How do you know what tragedy has occurred in Max's life?

Are his parents still alive?

Has he only ever had one love/one child?

Is Max an only child?

Also, could just as easily make it a DEA prequel, set after the death of his wifey and baby but before the events of Max Payne 1...?

2 WAS shit. The gameplay itself is fine because it's almost a carbon copy of 1, but the plot and level design were terrible. Also Max fucking surviving a point blank headshot from a desert eagle

3 sucked, the gameplay was terrible.

Actually we know the entirety of Max's life because of the comics, which are canon.

His childhood was shit but nowhere near tragic and his NYPD years were actually the best in his life

congratulations, you played it wrong
unless you mistyped "gameplay" as "unskippable cutscenes"

Pretty good comic which is 50% Max's biography 50% action.

His parents died while he was young.

Yeah he only had one love

yeah he is an only child.

A DEA prequel would be silly, it would be like a rogue one shit where they pick an extremely small part nobody cares about to write a very small story nobody cares about

max payne 3 cutscenes are a pleb filter

Play as Vlad or that BR partner Max had in 3.

What about this;

Max Payne reboot... set in a Steampunk world... woaaahh.

>nobody cares about

I don't want it, I just NEED it.

Come on man, we're talking about Max Payne here.