What are some of the best games for pic related?

What are some of the best games for pic related?

Ace Combat games

That's all you'll ever need

Suikoden V
Ace Combat
Duelist Of Ares
Atelier Rorona
Beggining of destiny
Fatal Frame 1/2
Jak &Dexter
Ratchet & Clanket
Sly Cooper
Raidou kuzunoha 1/2
there's probably way more but i'm too tired

Get a Scorpio, bro.
It can do 8K upscale at 120 FPS. PS2 ain't got shit on it.


Cold Winter
WRC Evolved

MGS2 & 3
Silent Hill 2-4

Resident Evil Outbreak fan server

>PS2 ain't got shit on it.

Except for games

God Hand is the shit.
Devil May Cry 3 SE
Destroy All Humans was pretty fun I think

Ps2 is the best system ever and you will find great stuff for every taste. What type of games you like OP?

Action games and RPGs.

>tfw no CRT anymore for my freemcboot ps2

>Silent Hill 2
>Greatest Hits
Kill yourself.

>mercenaries 2
>ratchet and clank 3
>ratchet and clank 2
>ratchet and clank
>ratchet and clank 4
>jak and daxter all of em
it'll kill many hours

Anyone play Socom or Socom 2 recently? I've got them both from a pawn shop for very cheap, just need a ps2. They were my favorite games when I was younger. Was wondering how the controls and things have aged.

Jak X: Blow Shit Up Racing.
Shadow Hearts: Covenant. Breaks my heart to think Shadow Hearts may eventually be lost to time.

God Hand

It's the better version with the maria extra shit.

Do you prefer turn-based JRPG style or action WRPG style

>no gran turismo 3

4 is better tho

Ninja Gaiden Black
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader

Turn-based JRPG style I guess

Grab Tales of the Abyss and Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Some great action jrpgs and my favorite ps2 games.

KH2's not really worth playing if it's not the Final Mix version, preferably on Critical. If OP's emulating, I think there's an English patch for the PCSX2 version.

If you dont like jrpgs and have a ps3, ps2 is not so big.

Final Mix is the significantly better game, but I wouldn't at all say it's not worth playing vanilla. He should play FM if he can but better to play vanilla than nothing in my opinion.

Sky Odyssey
Gran Turismo 4
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
Champions of Norrath 1 & 2
Hot Shots Golf Fore

Just play fucking Ace Combat.

Why is this PlayStation so fucking HUEG?

Try Rogue Galaxy, story is kind of dumb but everything is great. Might be better to get the PS4 version though.


The Sims

PS2 had some good rhythm games - Gitaroo Man, Space Channel 5, Guitar Hero 1-3, PaRappa 2, and probably some obscure Japan only shit too

Shadow of the Colossus

If you play SotC it needs to be either PS3 version or emulated, it's impossible to go back to the silky smooth 15fps after playing at a stable 30.

Spongebob: battle for bikini bottom

Some I have installed on my HDD
>Shadow of Colossus
>God of War 1 & 2
>Silent Hill 2, 3 & 4
>Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 sub* editions
>Zone of the Enders 1 & 2
>Dark Cloud 1 & 2
>Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
>Final Fantasy X & XII
>Ratchet and Clank 1-5
>Jak & Daxter 1-4
>Beyond Good And Evil
>All GTAs
>Burnout 3-5
>We love Katamari
>Adventurers of Cookie And Cream
How'd I do

People are suggesting great stuff and I can't think of much else. Gitaroo Man should definitely be on your list if you like rhythm games. It's one of the best and seriously like a ray of sunshine. It'll leave you with a smile and need to get your ass kicked on harder difficulties. OST of course is great.

I'll just add that if you have the fat PS2 go grab a network adapter on the cheap, an old-ass compatible IDE HDD and look up how to softmod it to play games off the HDD. Don't do USB HDD since the speeds are so slow it makes games choppy or just unplayable.

I didn't look into it until last year and now I have my old fat PS2 (dvd drive is dead) with an HDD loaded with games in my extra room. It's a great little system.

It was the first design and model, underage. The first few runs were like ticking time bombs since they'd eventually stop reading DVDs or CDs (silver DVD, gold DVD, black PS1 or blue PS2 discs). I worked at a vidya store and the PS2 was a time consuming bitch to test since we had to run through all of those and test the disc trays for jams too.

Duelist of ares?

Not bad but most of those have better versions elsewhere.

Technology advanced by the time the PS2 Slim came out, so they were able to consolidate more functions into fewer chips (using less space), and they also eliminated the desktop computer hard drive bay.