One day every memory of you will be gone

one day every memory of you will be gone.

And thank fuck for that

Can't come soon enough

>implying I'm worth remembering

That's what makes it art.

that day has come and gone, my friend

>Implying anyone will remember you or your meme game


>you will never impregnate Shantae with a quarter-genie

>fourth game in a series across four system generations
>deeply devoted fanbase
>i-it's just a meme guys

this a shantae thread or a meme thread?

Sanae a shit.

When does she do this?

At this point both are one and the same.

dat plot twist is too early, she should be the last boss. The problem with 1/2 shantae is lack of new original character

Good, I hate people talking about me anyway.

>implying I want to be remembered

Wasn't her thing supposed to be a proper post-game adventure?


Hers and the magic carpet race were supposed to be "extras" yeah. Looks like they ran out of jewgold though an had to scrap whatever other levels they had planned.

That explains how weird and shoehorned-in that carpet chapter was.


>his thinking is still stunted with terms like (you)

Do you even eyes senpai

That's the downside of a long lifespan. Others don't share it with you.

Same with the return of Nega-Shantae. They technically never reached that goal in the kickstarter so I'm not sure if they managed to make the money through later donations or not but that's why she shows up for a whopping half a cutscene.


This honestly doesn't really bother me since I'll be dead and won't be around to be sad about it.

So how is the game?





For a kids game Half Genie Hero is kinda fetishy.

Consensus is "Not nearly as good as Pirate's Curse, but better then Risky's Revenge". Overall largely disappointing but still a decent game.


Not really, no more than Aladdin. Kids don't see it that way, they just see characters.


This was one of the most vanilla entries, mermaids aside.


>Kids don't see it that way,
story time
>going to cousin's house for his b-day
>give him a Wii-U and a $100 eshop card
fastforward 1 year lator
>goes to cousin's house again with another $100 e-shop giftcard
>decide to use cousin's laptop while he opens his presents
>put the letter 'S' in the search bar
>shantae rule 34 paheal, etc comes up
he is only 10 years old holy shit.

Autismo kids allowed freely on the internet by bad parents, like your cousin, do the same for shit like pokemon and minecraft.


At least he's got taste and isn't into the Minecraft porn like so many kids these days

He isn't, right?


Is it really sub-par? I mean, I liked RR and loved PC but I was excited for this, it seemed to be a step up all around.

I thought it was good. Definitely worth playing

It's different, and streamlined. But a lot of the charm is gone. No dance moves, linear levels with pockets of secrets, and way too generous with health and magic. Holy shit were they too generous with health.

>room is covered in minecraft posters
>"what kidnof games are you going to get on the wii u cu?"
"is minecraft on the wii u?"
>this year he wanted undertale because kids in his school talked about it
i am never going to see him again.

Shantiests pretend to only be here for the girls but they actually really dig the games themselves.

I hope they go back to the Pirate Curse formula. If the animation system is here to stay, I can deal if I must. But I want dungeons and actually dangerous monsters back.

It basically plays like if RR were actually a good sequel to the original game. Better controls, more dances and transformations, streamlined mechanics and shit. Sadly, though, it's no longer open world Metroidvania like the originals. It's all levels like in Pirate's Curse, but even PC had dungeons. These levels just all go one in one place. Overall a good game but still disappointing considering the development time and how many people were behind it.

Still totally worth 20 bucks, though.

I discovered internet porn when I was five.

He is like baby.

Tentacle lady monsters?

No. Slime pile of lady slimes....

They should bring back Spanky Joe.

I pirated the game to see if it was worth spending money on and never stopped playing. Now if I buy it, ill either have to transfer my save and not get cheevos or start over

I'd rather have Barracuda Joe back.

So just start over, the game's not that long and I had fun playing it.

Mudbog mutants, I think they're classified as.

If you cared about cheevos in a linear game, you probably should have just bought it after listening to anons if it was worth it or not.

they're just drawing me into their weird goo orgy.

How long until the SJWs get to shantae?

>better then
user I'm going to beat you with a dictionary.

Would you risk the teeth and claws? They're a frisky bunch.

Every thread someone asks and the answer is "never." They're not high profile enough for outrage, and they remain pretty ambiguous about sexual things anyways, so they have a defense of plausible deniability.


i'll wear protection


I hope Rotty's campaign has way more spooks in it. I was expecting way more from Hypno Baron's chapter and was left extremely disappointed. At least there were cute slime girls and dead Nikkis.


Rotty is adorable for a zombie.

Yeah, the joke boss left me pretty blueballed.


>implying you wouldn't fug a slime girl.

>ywn be fuggin slime grill when the ass you're holding and doggying the vg morphs into a head that's deepthroating you before she turns her self front to back cowgirling you with both arms and legs wrapped around you slamming you into her ass

dear god


Mind giving me sauce, my good man?

I need a jammies costume unlock.

>leggings end before reaching the hips
for what purpose

>ywn have slime gf who gives herself 3 heads to give you a team BJ.

>ywn Have slime gf take so much of your seed it dyes her colour or is visible inside her.

Is right fucking there


RR Shantae best Shantae.

Someone didn't grow up in the 90s

source on artist

>We’re already working on our digital and physical rewards as well! We’ll have an update for you once we’re into the new year. And remember that as Backers, you won’t have to pay for any DLC (even future paid DLC)! So when you see us announce new content in 2017, remember... it’s coming to you at no cost!

I hope we're gonna get the rewards we missed, like the Nega Shantae and Clockwork Night chapters, and the extra transformations.

2nd stage is best stage OTY

>physical rewards
hold up, what rewards?? like figures or something?


>ywn have slime grill make herself as tall or short. Thicc or svelte. Young or old. Ass or tits as big or small as you like that day.

>today user feels like banging a loli in the butt.

>tomorrow user thinks he'd like to get ridden by a cockthirsty milf

litteral perfect girl.
why even live

if anyone has a sky trading card please go sell it on the market
im buying for like 60 cents

My point exactly.

>ywn have slime gf turn herself into multiple grills for you to fug.

>ywn have slime gf merge with ten other slime grills so you can simultaneously bang them all

Better wait til they add some kind of attack to that form. Or maybe that's the kind of hard mode I was hoping for.

Impossible to argue against. The other stages didn't have half the fetish fuel.

ditto this



>Not Smug Starfish.

Slimes are more likely to eat you than fuck you

Ah, the third death. Truly, the sweet embrace of the nothing. The finalist of finals. The moment when your wake has spread out to all the water and has yielded it's entirety to the all.

There was never a decent artwork to use for that purpose. All we ever got was the sketch and shit.


And that day is today.