What games have really cute short haired girls?

What games have really cute short haired girls?

>Indivisible won't get funded

I thought it was? No release date yet?


what games have really cute brown girls?

What games have both?

It wasn't going to until the extension though

Gravity Rush

You can make one in Dragon's Dogma.

PC port when?

Skull girls has Ms. Fortune




turns out there's a collaboration wallpaper put up on the new danganronpa game's site. You can download it by playing a capsule machine, I think you check on it daily for more spins but since it's in japanese I really don't know.

>posting teen Clem

Why did Sup Forums want this game to fail again?

It looked neat from what I've saw from it.

shit thats nice

Something something sjws
The game does look fine honestly, and the protag is adorable.

Just general shitposting.

some people liked it, some people pretended to like it, and some people didn't like that people liked something that wasn't what they liked so the threads just kept rolling.

Something about Skullgirls are for weeaboos and a Valkyrie Profile system game (that they didn't ask for)

Which is stupid honestly. I really hope the game turns out well and we have another good vidya to enjoy.

I dont understand why anyone wouldn't want to see this cute tiger girl


another one just to prove my point


Whatever this is, I'm suddenly overcome with new and unfelt emotions.

Short haired girls are maximum olev, and dark girls are almost on par. Logically, there's nothing better than a short haired dark girl in that case. So why does vidya not have enough?

It has been shilled to oblivion here since the beginning. I doubt anyone would have given a single fuck about it otherwise.

Street Fighter has a couple.

>she wont be voiced by cristina like in the prototype

why even live


Kumatora from Mother 3 is pretty hot; even hotter as Violet.

I replay the prototype to hear it, she's my favorite character

Kingdom Hearts BBS

Kumatora a CUTE

she said so on twitter a while back, just fucking end me dude

>ywn have a gf that looks just like her
>she will never be a leftist social justice WARRIOR and you will never help her destroy the alt-right sub-humans

That's not a weiner dog

Makoto in SF5 when????

who's christina? why be sad?

i want to impregnate aqua

I'm a patient man.

Honestly, this is the finest example of blatant shillery on this board.

3+ thread at all times before getting funded, and after hitting the goal discussion disappeared literally overnight.

muh shills
muh kickstarted
muh indie geimu
Probably fallout from Undertale hate too or something


If she's not this Christina, then I don't care.

there is no such thing as a cute short haired girl


user, please.


>set the finish line for the first marathon
>don't even cross the line fall over and start crying because your lungs exploded because of you didn't pace yourself
>everyone just stands there waiting for you
>the rest of the racers drag you across the finish line and congratulate you for doing your best
>get home and gloat to everyone in your Ancient Greece Bowl Painting Circle

great job indivisible you got funded.

You've got that wrong.

Is that Emma Watson?

>after hitting the goal discussion disappeared literally overnight.
That's a lie though. Especially considering all the bragging threads.

There is so much revisionism on the shitposter side of this it's fucking astounding.

Stay mad, faggot.


>I can't make metaphors at all
Don't quit your wage job.

Nice come back user, but I'll give you more time to think of a better one.

they're right tho. at least get more than a 6th grader's education first. try at making the metaphor again without having 47 chromosomes

yep. Wish she kept the pixiecut for longer.

who is this

fuck you


great maybe you should go and find someone that cares about your comment, because the core audience you rely on doesn't seem to.

no but seriously whats wrong with the metaphor, I liked it

Just some roach.

ew she looks like a walking disease.
And I mean that literally, I feel like my lungs would rot if I took a breath near her.

I'd say that the dropoff could be attributed to Sup Forums no longer being able to circlejerk about how the game wasn't going to get funded, since Sup Forums fucking loves doomsaying.

Also, I distinctly remember there being threads after the goal was reach, for a little while. A lot of them started with obnoxious, gloaty, 'haha get fucked Sup Forums' OPs, which honestly reeked of falseflagging to me, but there was at least some talk about the game itself, usually having to do with the mediocre character designs and gameplay speculation.

After that, discussion dried up because campaign ended and the development cycle started, Mike finished all the development stuff he could stream without getting into spoilers, and they have been decidedly sparse with new information, beyond a screenshot or webm here and there, since then.

Is she still in turkey, dumbass needs to get out of there.

a turkish boy

Why was she even taking these? These are too professional to be sexts.

Not that user but calling the guest character other racers is really inaccurate when most of them weren't doing their campaigns at the same time or aren't even crowdfunded games

I was more using the race for the funding thing.
like they had to wait for them to cross and slowly drag themselves with a few pennies here or there.

Nothing against the game, but really what does that tell you about the possible audience for this double niche title.

After they revealed the full character list i remember a lot of people saying it was SJW bait or some shit because most of the characters' skin color was brown or darker even though thats done on purpose due to where the story seems to be set

I hate pandering more than a lot of people but fuck that was really stupid.

delete yourself

>I was more using the race for the funding thing.
Yes and that makes indivisible a racer right?
So for the metaphor to work of other racers dragging it to the finish line, you need those to also compete on the race aka the funding thing

I felt like the race was more like life itself than just the funding I guess. Like a blanket thing that wasn't literal. it was more how they got stuck and had to get dragged across that was the focus.

Like I remember it being a really slow and hard to watch process. you had so many people shilling for them, but the numbers barely increased.

Is it pathetic that I took a picture of this mannequin because I liked its hairstyle?

Is this a meme?

I've seen this post before like 3-4 years ago.
Fuck I'm getting deja vu.

I posted it once like a year ago in a similar thread, but that was it.

what do you mean a similar thread.

I don't know why that fucking image gave me a serious panic attack

Anzu an apricot

>I felt like the race was more like life itself than just the funding I guess
What? you just wrote that the race was a metaphor for the funding thing

>it was more how they got stuck and had to get dragged across that was the focus.
Then it wasn't the other racers dragging it as much as the spectator, or the sponsors I guess, and they crossing the finish line of life itself is either winning at life or dead, if the race is life itself archiving a milestone as small as making a game is really far from the finish line

Short hair grill thread
Now that you said that, looking really closely at it makes me uneasy too.

I think I just need to go to sleep.
I feel like I've already had this conversation.

Because it was shilled here fucking non stop with only a short and boring demo to show for it. Then it wouldn't stop with the constant video game cameos to get more funding. In the end we wanted it to fail because other people being sad makes "us", at least me, happy after those faggots tried to get our fucking money so hard.

okay user, I'm not even sure what I'm saying anymore.

You like an english major or something, this feels like a really touchy subject to you.

Have a good sleep user, hope ya don't get killed by faceless mannequins that look like Lightning.



Yeah should have put it in quotes as I did with "us". I know damn well there are other people who didn't want this game funded because fuck them. And fuck you for your meme quotes faggot.

I'm just talking about it because you literally asked and because I'm a little autistic about it, honestly I kinda liked the metaphor when I thought it was a commentary about indivisible adding all of those guest characters to attract more money because it wasn't able to do it own its on merits

honestly I didn't see the people dragging them as the characters, I imagined them more as the e-celebs shilling them.

but hey accidental ideas are always good.

Breath of Fire II

I've been thinking about playing this for pantsless cat, does it hold up?

If you enjoy merciless random encounter rates coupled with lots of backtracking, sure.

Megaman ZX has Aile.

Lab Zero stepping away from skullgirls, a game that still feels mostly unfinished.

Then there was Mike Z trying to disassociated the company with lewd by toning it down in indivisible.

Shantae has Rottytops.

And also Vinegar.

>draw a white girl
>paint her brown

every time