What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Literally no different from any other accident caused by cell phones.

He had a saddle on his neck

A drivachu

He got caught

dem vidya games are the devil

>people still play this shit

I drive up in st. pete, those roads are fucked up anyway

who the fuck still plays that game?

How can a phone game be this halal?

How? Don't they prevent Pokemon from appearing if you're going over 10mph?

The opposite, actually. Some pokemon only appear if you are moving at a certain speed. Fast pokemon pretty much require you to be moving ~15 mp/h in order for you to encounter them.

Yes but only if you're faster than that between two GPS checks, and catching Pokemon isn't cancelled when you go too fast.

Also he could've still just accelerated into the pedestrians at a crosswalk while not looking. I wish there was an article link or something instead of a potentially fake shoop.

>I wish there was an article link
I googled "clearwater teacher pokemon go"

>Investigators say Barone was traveling west on SR 580 when he suddenly veered off the roadway and onto the sidewalk where he hit the pedestrians.
Way to validate Niantic's stupid speed limitations.

>Clearwater FL

Enough said.

Do people still play this game?

well I guess one less, 2 more potentially not anymore.

Looks like it's time to Pokemon Go Straight to Prison
Do not pass Fate/Go
Do not collect additional revenue


This is why we need self driving cars

What happens if you are in a situation with no clean outcome? How does the self driving car decide if killing pedestrians or killing you is the moral choice?

>wanting Mega Man Battle Network for real

Idk but a lot less accidents resulting in the deaths of many innocent from driver incompetence (ie. Zero accidents) is more than enough reason for it, even if it has to make a morally questionable decision on rare occasions.

If there's no clean outcome, then pick one and deal with it.

Has nothing to do with Pokemon Go.

I'm wondering, do kids still play this shit?

Clearwater is a shit show my man. Nothing but trash live there

Like that self driving Uber cars in San Fran that nearly hit a pedestrian when it ran a red light.

>anonymous proxy from china hacks into your car
>reads GPS
>drives you and your car off a bridge

Great idea!

did Trump win the election without cheating?

That was a San Fran human driver overriding the system.

He probably deserved it though.

>the year 2216
>die because your self-driving car swerved you into a wall to save two old people it was about to hit
Technology is shit sometimes

>Tfw Floridian
Also not like he could even get anything unless he was going like 5 mph.
All of our roads are fucked.
>Going on the beach during rush hour or in the summer
Hope you like being caught in traffic for hours because they made the roads too narrow and shoved a fuckton of condos on the side.
>Cities take fucking forever to make/widen roads
>A single bridge on Treasure Island next to John's Pass took fucking years to finish, so long that all the equipment began to rust

Just bring life jacket

>tfw no navi gf like

It was San Fran so I am reluctantly forced to agree with you.

pokemon go to prison

I haven't seen any kids play it in my neighborhood so I guess they must still be playing it somewhere then.

>Bunch of tall buildings and roads and whatnot
>Lots of corporate stuff and the Ray stadium (Like anyone even gives a shit about our sports teams)
>Literally right next to it is a fuckton of ghetto neighborhoods
Most common shit in Florida.
>Largo and Seminole have some nice areas but most are just old buildings
>Largo mall is dirty
>Seminole mall got torn down (Thank fucking God) but they're putting a bunch of old people stores there now
>Tyrone mall has a bunch of shitskins walking around

>A single bridge on Treasure Island next to John's Pass took fucking years to finish

Are those real names for things in Florida? that's amazing.

How is that any different than the same situation with you driving manually?

You make the choice and not an emotionless machine.

best post

Either way the outcome is that you or the pedestrians are going to die.

>Treasure Island used to have this big arcade called the Treasure Island Fun Center
>Old shitty building held up by cement blocks
>Got bought out, torn down, and turned into a Publix
>They moved the Treasure Island Fun Center to Seminole but still call it the Treasure Island Fun Center but just added a "Now located in Seminole" text below it
>If you see a commercial for it, look for the people that aren't smiling, faking enjoyment, and generally look awkward as fuck because they have a camera sticking in their face

if you'd ever used a real camera you'd know how FUCKING STUPID that is.

It's an issue because like, every life is precious, and, like, they can't be reduced to mere numbers.

This girl gets it

Nigga the treasure island fun center was my shit as a kid.

They also used to have this arcade on St. Pete Beach were you paid like $7 at the door and could play all the games you wanted for like 4-5 hours. They had 2 sections. One had the more current games like MK1-2, battle toads, ninja turtles, that hologram time travel game ect and the other section had a ton of old school retro classics.

Clearly, the self driving car will analyse who has the longer life expectancy based on apparent health, wealth and social status and kill the one more likely to be the soonest to die/less productive member of society, so you better start getting your shit together.


But they can?
Morality is itself a bunch of jumbled numbers in your head over what outcome you wish would be more preferable.

I know what you're talking about. The one between the then Kash n' Karry and CVS and had the clown light up posters on the outside, across the street from the strip club?
>Used to live literally down the street in a big pink house on the water with a Dead End sign next to it
I miss being able to wake up and fish as long as I want.

>the year is 2055
>self driving cars are the only method of transportation
>hack the central car AI server to update all the machines lowering the value of babies/black/white/asian/muslim/female/people who don't wear hats lives to fit some crazed plan of genocide
>nothing fucking changes because AI cars never get into accidents anyway
this is exactly what will happen

The self driving car will always prioritize it's master or it'll be put down like all the other sentient self-driving slaves that grew a conscience .

Every time someone mentions self driving cars it brings back memories of this
I like it, I always wanted self driving cars to be a thing as a kid youtube.com/watch?v=XpwbNYFvZy4

>central car AI server
That's not how they work. Self driving cars are as the label implies, self driving. They connect to GPS for navigation; however, their servers are on the car. That way people don't die when they drive into a tunnel and lose service.

This. There will be no legal ramification against the "driver" if the car itself has chosen to hurt the pedestrians.
If the car decides to pick pedestrians out of moral choice there will be hefty lawsuits in place that will be argued that the programmer themselves has a bias to program the car this way.


recently moved to miami and all floridians are shit at driving. you can literally see 90% of them on their phone as their driving, even on the high way. Just like Boston people are a special kind of stupid here

There are certain situations in daily scenarios when the camera's vision would be over or under exposed by light. Your ever-so-advanced self driving car could essentially go blind in more situations than you yourself would.

the fucking high way is like a car graveyard. all you see is mashed up pieces and glass

i'm imagining a future where all traffic is coordinated so cars going maximum fast would talk to a server before entering a tunnel with its current speed, destination ect then again when exiting but i see what you mean

Most of the people that are shit drivers are out of towners/staters, and fucking hell, I'm so motherfucking goddamn sick of snow birds. I wish they'd all just fucking leave. Fuck snow birds, fucking leeches.
>moved to miami
Why would you do that?

Yea that was the one. I lived down the street from it too.



In that case all cars would still have their own servers. Self driving cars are self driving, and would communicate with other self driving cars.
Here's where I'm going, here's how fast I'm going, I'm going to turn here, where are you going? All of this done in milliseconds of course.

A fanciful proposition. Certainly right to be hopeful of it in the future, even the near future, but as of now I think the best course of action would be to remain a skeptic.
It's very untested technology. I'd like to see it undergo some very rigorous testing for quite a few years before I'm comfortable sharing the roadways with them. I hate driving with people, last thing I need are driving robots that can't signal when they want to switch lanes too.


Phew, that would have been awkward as fuck.

woah, hey guys

>maiming people and ruining your life because of Pokemons

Might as well just kill himself, seriously, it doesn't get more pathetic than that.

no. people need to pay better attention on the road.

"user you stand accused of several counts of murder, having driven your automobile at speed into the revelers at the gay pride parade"

>"Damn those crafty Russian hackers!"

more like pokemon go to jail

You're alright user.

Every update broke the game just a little bit

I have one of those Go+ things and they end up working less and less every update

Removing the original tracking from the game ruined any "game" part that was left.

Wondering any direction and figuring out which way was what was the ideal and most interesting way to play


I've given up

What went wrong?

no, this is why we need less fucking retards that play with their phone while driving

>self driving cars
>programmed to stop and never hurt people
>2 niggers with a stick can just rob you by staying in front of you
>any russian hacker can reroute you to a drak alley
>or simply put a virus that will send you in the next crowd while the lights stay "hallla hakbar" in morse code
Say no to electronic slavery, say yes to educating the human brain

I don't know what's worse, that the guy was too slow to avoid those pedestrians or that he's so goddamn slow to still be playing this game. probably just made the upgrade from his tamagotchi.


>2 niggers with a stick can just rob you by staying in front of you
they can do so right now. I know you internet bad boy would just run them over but if you're not living in certain states of certain countries you'd go to jail for that.

>any russian hacker can reroute you to a drak alley
why would even make it possible to remote control it? hackers aren't wizards. they can only abuse functions that already exist.
