Which one is the superior royalty?

Which one is the superior royalty?

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I unironically prefer the sketch version

Peach because cute high heels.

I actually do like Peach's shirt, not to mention her shoes.

>the exact same thread
>yet again

Don't you get tired of doing this? How about posting about actual video games and not just waifu shit?

>he doesn't like waifu shit

Back to plebbit with you.

Big girls are too hot for me

Make thread about the topic you like. It's that simple. Don't thank me, pal. Listen to your senpais and you'll feel like home here!

>tfw i'd fuck all of them
>tfw none of them would want to fuck me

>rosalina is the tallest

>Tfw Peach will never kiss you on the nose for rescuing her
It hurts to live

>not pregnant
>suitors are fucking plebian italians

they are all shit. Royal blood that does not produce royal heirs dies with the body.

The sketch version of Rosalina is superior due to the smaller lips

>smaller lips

Forgot princess number one

enjoy your fishlips

holy fuck is nigg3r marked down as spam now? jesus fuck.

rosalina for death by snu snu

really? holy shit

Rosalina is tall and curvaceous so she's automatically S-tier.

Daisy is cute in the most boner-inducing way possible.

Peach looks like a shitty degenerate AIDS-ridden valley girl whore.

Shut up, nigger

>Dressing like whores

>focusing on anything but what's under the clothing

>ugh fucking eceleb shit I swear to god FUCK OFF YOU'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT VIDEOGAMES
>cute, cute, CUUUUUUUUUTE! what do her feet smell like? this is X, say something nice about her.
off yourself after you have carefully evaluated the mental gymnastics that led you to this point

>not being inbreds

Anyone have the sketch version?

If you don't like anime you shouldn't be on Sup Forums.

carefully evaluate the mental gymnastics of what you're doing

Is throwing around the term "mental gymnastics" the new Sup Forums meme?

carefully evaluate your decision of coming here instead of staying on reddit

Not everyone is the fucking Hapsburgs.

inbreds confirmed masterace, Gods literally makes kings. More proof miscegenation is a grievous sin.

i'm only advising you to remember that you're doing the same shit the next time you feel like telling faggots who discuss ecelebs to fuck off

>when you have no points
>mental gymnastics

Samus is the queen of my heart.

Well Peach has a King, so

You do realize that videogames are listed as a subset of Japanese culture right?

I liked Rosalina's more natural looking mouth in the sketch. I haven't seen her llike that aside from that sketch so I really liked it. Other pictures gave her the bigger lips like normal and I was disappointed with the colored edition because of it.

not one post of this thread is discussing videogames
reconsider your life choices

if you don't like it, just hide the thread :)

reconsider using an imageboard and instead just stay on reddit

Is Daisy even royalty? She just introduces herself as Daisy and nobody seems to think she is important. Maybe she is a servant girl?

>muh reddit
it's nice to see that you know i'm right but have no more flimsy counterpoints
sasuga shitposter, until next time

Does Rosalina really count as royalty? You don't need to be royal when you're something of a cosmic mother.

>that Samus and Zelda
All of my yes

that was my point all along though

Here's some video games for you, user


copy that

Just based of their fashion selection I'd go with daisy.


confirmed for not actually meeting a woman

I want to run my hands all up and down Daisy's legs!

confirmed to not knowing the difference to a 2d image and someone in real life

Probably, Peach has the Mushroom kingdom, and toads do prop her up as the royalty.
Daisy has nothing to her name - Probably a 'title' given to her from Peach.
Rosalina seems to have taken space for herself, though I wouldn't regard that as 'royalty'.

Isn't Sarasaland Daisy's territory?



Haven't you heard of courtship? Goddamn.

jeezus fuk I MUST RESIST

fuck off, fag

>"user, why are you still up...?"

How is this shit not deleted yet? It's not even about videogaymes, just a bunch of losers circlejerking about a group of fictional women

>being this gay


She looks grumpy there, like someone called her fat.

somethings in the pic are fat if you catch my dick

Explain further

>"fapping while thinking about you..."





"HI, I'M _______"

rosalina, her cock is the mightiest in the land

"a virgin."

Fuck off chad daddy


Hi, I'm Chris Hansen

Need more gorgeous dick sucking lips.

What a fucking faggot.





>all this rosalina

send help





muh board culture

We can all agree with this chart.

i feel you

i've been trying not to fap. I see all of this on page 1

kill me

Generally correct

Another case where the censored version is better


You best provide a source

I need to see official proof that Rosalina has bigger tits before I can agree.

second this

Here's official artwork.




thank you

After extensive market research and focus testing, it's been decided that some characters need to be redesigned to stay relevant and appealing to modern audiences, starting with Rosalina, pictured.