Moving faster has a cooldown

>moving faster has a cooldown
>besides a couple, all the guns feel like shit
>no option to turn off targeting laser for rpg
>fight strafing soldiers for most of the game
>less weapons to use, replaced with gimmicks
>first hour of the game is slow and dull
>easy as shit
>short as fuck

This game was only goty for its year.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ok but it set a bar in fps games. It's nostalgia that keeps it relevant. Don't take it so seriously when some retard says it's the greatest ever. It just means they're too autistic to step out of their norm and play another game.

That's why I love smod, even though it makes no sense canonically:
A shitton of weapons
Weapons feel great
More enemies, better AI
Slow-Time a la FEAR

But shit like ADS makes no sense for most weapons, nor do i use it

I still get fun out of Sup Forums Synergy servers

HL: Opposing Force is the best HL, hands down

No its not you moronic contrarian

Agreed. Something like SMOD or Cinematic mod is a must, I recommend it to most people for an initial play through so they don't burn out.

>Cinematic mod

Isn't that the one with fully modeled vaginas, ferns and the fucking horrible models (Especially the Combine)?

Please use a real argument. In your opinion, what is the best HL, and why is it better than OF?

It is, that user is fucking stupid

Original HL.

Because last boss doesn't suck total ass and the atmosphere is more lonely and desperate struggle and less ALPHA BRAVO CHARLIE FOXTROT STAY FROSTY.

Still like OpFor, though.

That said, wouldn't call "OpFor is best HL" exactly a contrarian opinion.

>game sucks
Valve feels the same way.

>all the guns feel like shit
>fight strafing soldiers for most of the game
what is level design
>first hour of the game is slow and dull
what is pacing
>easy as shit
>short as fuck
hl1 is way shorter man
wtf are you eating

>This game was only goty for its year.
It wasn't even that.
The earliest gameplay video was impressive at the time, but by the time the game actually came out its graphics were outdated.
And the linear, cinematic experience wasn't novel or fun except for people who were new to FPSs.
It was just the Goldeneye of its era.

I still think the larger variety of weapons, more enemies and the "Oh shit we're fucked because our superiors left us behind" atmosphere is superior to the HL1 atmosphere, that only really lasts for the first levels makes for a better game. HL1 is still great, don't get me wrong

>HL2 had outdated graphics even for the time.

What? Talk about the gameplay of Half Life 2 all you want but the graphics are pretty damn good in the game. Especially when it comes to humans.

What is G-Man's endgame? Does he have ulterior motives or is he trying to help humanity defeat the combine?

The variety is larger, but not by that much - you don't get a lot of HL1 guns, so it's not like you have HL1 arsenal + new guns, a lot of them are replacements. Sometimes, questionably balanced ones.

I kind of liked Race X, though.

Race X were separate from Xen, right?

Yeah, I think so, they were some other enemies that made story perhaps more complicated than it should've been, but were pretty fun to fight. Except for the geneworm.

>HL1 is shorter
That can't be right. HL1 is long as fuck, and doesn't even use wide open vehicle segments to pad it out.

IIRC, they are competing with the Combine or some shit, but they're only semi-canon, still, the spore launcher is a great weapon, I love the reload animations

Contrarianism knows no bounds.

No lie. The facial animation system is still unrivaled.

What's with Valve and good facial animations? All Valve games have good facial animations except Portal (For obvious reasons) and CS

Nuh uh.

>This game was only goty for its year.
It was hyped by bribed game journos.
It was a Trojan horse to introduce and force video game facebook on PC gamers.
It killed PC as a self-contained video game platform.

No, Race X wasn't justified at all in canon after HL2 came out. There was no explanation of how they relate to the Combine at all. And I'm 99% sure we didn't know jack shit about a "Combine" back when HL1 or OpFor came out.

Because they actually hired a specialist who understood the facial muscles and how they affect the face under the surface. It's in the developer commentary, IIRC.

Nihilant literally hinted at the existence of the combine, though

Nihilanth made vague nods towards the Combine during the battle between it and Gordon.

Refresh my memory, what did he say?

>Cinematic mod

Ayy you're back

An interview with Doug Lombardi had revealed that the Nihilanth, the Vortiguants, and Alien Grunts were from the same world and they fled to Xen to escape the Combine invasion or their home planet.

That's all well and good, but that could easily be a retcon since it wasn't public knowledge. I'm more interested in the original argument that Race X and the Combine somehow account for each other.

Love this new meme

Get taste

>be Valve
>make FPS
>mess up some of the most important things in an FPS (Map design, guns, AI)
>release anyway

Not gonna lie, it was impressive the first time but the longer you play/look at it the more you realise how fucking mediocre it is compared to HL1.

They basically just released a tech demo with a story tacked on to it.

I think it's been established that Race X was not cannon.
The unused quotes reveal that he is being controlled
And the fact that he has mechanical implants similar to combine technology

I wish Synergy had hooked me as much as Sven Coop did.

>this game was only game of the year for its year

That's usually how it works.

And the unused quotes are files in the game's folder, I still remember finding them and wondering what was he speaking of

You know, I have no memory of the Nihilanth quotes. Must have been too much racket going on at those parts.

What version were you playing? Source usually bugs out the audio. He speaks at the start of every Xen level, I think, but it's kinda hard to hear, look it up on youtube or something, they sound really ominous

Just curious do you have a nurse or does your mother takes care of you? Because the shit you just typed makes me think you're a drooling, bed-ridden, retard who has never played any decent FPS before or after HL2 and doesn't have any frame of reference.

Go post in HALO/CoD threads you failed abortion.

I played the original. But it's probably been way too long, and I don't remember if I ever bothered to play the Xen parts more than the first time.

Well, past the Gonarch. It bugged out the last time I played and the floor didn't open to the next area.

I don't get the Xen hate, I love the alien feel and the change in pace, you really feel like you're going trough the places where all the aliens came from

No, I agree with you. Xen is pretty neat and foreboding. The first time I played I was awestruck. I think I just haven't been diligent enough in my playthroughs to just stick it out that long.

>Ok but it set a bar in fps games.

What bar? There are plenty of games older than it that are better.

>What bar? There are plenty of games older than it that are better.
There were even releases in the same year which were better. Like Doom3 and F.E.A.R.

Doom 3 wasn't better and FEAR released a year later.

But Doom 3 was better.

It was nothing more than an engine techdemo for engine to be license to third party developers for games to be sold through the new digital platform Steam only.
Guess what: PC developers had no interest in this shit and licensed Unreal Engine instead. idTech4 shown off in the same year. saw the same fate
After the Source engine licensing shit never took off, the Half-Life series was canceled and the video game facebook business intensified.

FEAR I can grant, but Doom 3 was not so great.

No, that's a silly opinion to have. HL2 wasn't amazing, but hey, at least it's not Doom 3.

Titanfall uses it

Doom3 offering the Quake 3 FPS gameplay formula was clearly better than Half-Life 2 and available for more platform like Linux.

>Titanfall uses it
Interestingly enough this is not sold exclusively through Steam, despite this being a condition for Source licensing deals back in the day.

HL2 is fucking carried by the gravity gun. why couldn't it have been in a better game?

>no option to turn off targeting laser for rpg
I heven't played this for years but I can swear it's right click to turn rpg laser off.

Right, because Linux users need to be catered to to make it big.

>Doom3 offering the Quake 3 FPS gameplay formula
um what

That's in HL1, where RPG is an actual weapon.

>>no option to turn off targeting laser for rpg

i think the rpg is laser guided so this makes sense

but HL2 is vastly overrated

>Doom3 offering the Quake 3 FPS gameplay formula
>um what
It's literally the same smooth FPS gameplay. Which makes it great, unlike the clunky HL2.

>an actual weapon.
RPG is pretty dangerous even outside of chopper fights, user. Rockets seem to be everywhere, even besides the unending crates.

>but HL2 is vastly overrated
It's a techdemo for a physics engine and a day one patcher client.

>States an opinion
>Someone states an opposing opinion
>"Please use a real argument."

The first hour of the game is the good part though.

>decade+ year old game that you played for the first time this year doesn't feel good

>It's literally the same smooth FPS gameplay.
Can you even strafe-jump in Doom 3? What the fuck. The guns are different, the character is slow, the maps are small and cramped.

Though I can admit I liked Doom 3 more than Quake 3. MP-only Quake sequel? Into the trash it goes.

>first hour of the game
>no gameplay
>good part
Oh I see.

Oh shit, are we at that point where we now unironically start praising Doom 3? I never get the memo when we are supposed to start being contrarian. Make sure I get one before we start praising Skyward Sword, because I know that should be pretty soon.

>short as fuck
>muh game length

fuck off this isn't a gay JRPG, it's a first person shooter

You know the rules. Skyward Sword will be good once the new Zelda comes out, and not a moment before.

it really isn't that short though, when i replayed it recently it took 8-10 hours, not bad for a game you can get for like 1£ on steam tbqh

You're right, a Zelda game is only good once the next Zelda is released.

>Skyward Sword
>be good once BtfO comes out

See: It's standard operating procedure.

>Cinematic mod
>slutty alyx
just no

I bet you fags think Seinfeld sucks too, and you probably have no idea what that has to do with this thread either.

>moving faster has a cooldown
HL2 confirmed for sprint

SMOD or Substance for sure.


Is SMOD still receiving regular updates? I haven't checked on it in years.

>le HL2 is bad meem

not falling for it, Reddit

Back to le 9kek with you :^)

What bothers me is HL2 still has better facial/lip-syncing than most modern games, and modern games are mo-capping faces of all fucking things.

What bothers me are people who think that facial animations are important to determine quality of a goddamn first person shooter.

Attention to detail is important to any game.

Ironically, HL2 has some of the worst weapon animations and issues I've ever seen. The pistol doesn't eject any shells, SMG shoots a huge grenade out of tiny barrel, when you reload the revolver Gordon just levitates new bullets in the chambers.

But hey, at least we have cool facial animations. Really shows where their priorities were.