Have you ever been a tank in a MMORPG?
Have you ever been a tank in a MMORPG?
No Im not a cuck
Yeah it's fun
>this thread again
MMO's are shit.
Yea but I am usually uncomfortable during. I like it though. I am best at heals so I like to stick to that.
Back in vanilla.
I loved it.
Then they took the role and just made it stupid, now I just try to push my ability to tank to the limit and solo anything I can when I can because tanks are broken as fuck every other patch.
DPS are the most pointless class in WOW now, if there wasn't an artificial DPS check, they would likely be the least played class as they're also the most boring as fuck to play, its litterally keyboard DDR, but with a .5 second beat limiter and lag.
I would gladly give up my overpowered class to have more varied strategies apply to group content in MMOs again, but fuck wrath for making tanking boring as fuck
Currently I enjoy tanking in FFXIV but WoW tanking is just so spammy and boring now, really sucks
>don't even have to manage aggro you just keep it automatically
lame as fuck senpai
>Actual Tank
That's a pretty gud meme.
Not really, I tend towards DPS roles, though it'd be interesting to give it a shot if my guild is willing
In fairness, it's just a shift in perspective. In vanilla tanking was about maintaining aggro, while your passives did the best they could to keep you alive while the healers healed.
Now tanking is about staying alive, while your passives (and underlying threat-buff) do everything in their power to maintain aggro for you while the healers heal the rest of the group.
Tanks are about survival now. Aggro is just something that happens around you.
>tfw always ranged DPS coward
I like being safe and I like big numbers.
I don't have the patience to be an early game gimp for end game nukes, unfortunately, so mages are never for me.
That, and it just seems boring, goddamn. Just throw circles lmao tier shit.
A good tank meme would be
>noone ever plays tank
>and the one person who plays tank sucks at it
>now i have to be the tank
>yep, i enjoy getting praised for actually not being retarded as tank
Yes, keyboard DDR is not fun.
Maintaining aggro required positioning, cooldowns, ect.
stance dancing to charge, taunt, pick up a mob and pull it away from the healers was great, it felt way more dynamic
Now? At most I just heroic leap out of groundfire, fucking boring.
I think the problem was that Blizzard realized that no one wanted to play a tank in the old style. Keeping threat on mobs (especially during AoE-pulls) was a real bother. The only fun you could get out of it was the appreciation you got from your friends/guildies for doing it.
The shift to a more survival-based tank (over a threat-based one) has also had a drastic shift on healer's gameplay. Now the healers is more stuck healing DPS, and expected to keep them alive through all sorts of shit, because the tank can essentially handle himself.
I only tanked through one expansion and that was Cata as a Blood DK. The most fun I've had in years, even if the content wasn't up to par.
Always been a tank
Always been erping with healers
I did the tank dom/heal sub thing long before there were threads on Sup Forums.
Being a Tank is fun. Its an excuse to boss everyone around and be unreasonable.
You will do as I say. When I say, or you can wait 40 minutes for +10 keystone/mythics.
Also selling runs makes money.
I can only imagine how the rest of the people in that raid felt
I'm working on tanking in FFXIV.
Had two embarassingly bad runs back to back last night, though. Somehow managed to royally fuck up keeper of the lake and snowcloak, despite no problems in the vault and aurum vale earlier on.
Feels bad.
>fucking up ``dungeon" non-content on ffxiv
honestly don't worry about it kid the game doesn't start until primals/raids
Yeah. LFG tool made it the funnest way to level in wow, in my opinion.
>always have best gear without being a no fun BoA loser
>practice leadership skills
>face the biggest monsters head on with your trusty sword and board
>can carry a team full of retards as long as the healer manages to be semi-competent
>always get compliments from the healer at the end on a job well done
Warrior tank in WoW is comfy af
On occasion, though I generally stick to DPS.
Honestly, tanking is pretty easy in general, but I find that it makes me more anxious than any other role, inexplicably so. Fuck me, I guess.
Oh are we doing the whole hyperbole stereotyping? Cool
I play as a druid tank on wow and played a war prot too. I like the fact of carrying and shouting at incompetent dps but the fact that when your entire group wipes due to mechs and you still hold the fight as the sole survivor is one of the best things ever. It's a real pumpin' adrenaline experience specially when your undergeared for the fight and you barely finish it, then rez the shit out of the dead so they can loot. Also, fuck DPS.
wut games can i be a manly tank that never dies ever while everyone else dies in like 1 hit?
i got baulders gate if i avoid crits what else
in some wotlk heroics. was alright
Virgo fits me pretty well, except I talk all the time while leading raids.
I wish someone would draw a tank equivalent to the slut healer
Capricorn is best girl
I've never seen an MMORPG that didn't suck copious amounts of dick
So no
>I've never seen
then take those Arabian goggles from your eyes,
That's so accurate it hurts.
Leo here, can confirm that power is meaningless without style
Nothing is stylish in that game.
>hoarding usesless drops
>repeat same quests
fuck, too accurate
Fuck off back to your generic WoW clone, tasteless pleb
I can't fucking stand that "care bear/OCD/micro managing" type of tank who explains every fucking detail and writes fucking novels for one newbie while the other people have to fucking stand around.
>hey man can we just go already?
>"Please wait, we a have newcomer here, I'm explaining right now :)"
>"Please don't use swearwords, lets just get along :)"
That shit triggers me more than loudmouthed, try hards.
In FFXI I played Warrior for a while, it was alright.
Then when I switched to DRG I was both the laughing stock of the whole party AND the guy who had to be both tank and puller for the group.
loldrg my fucking ass.
>if you don't listen to me, ill kick you because im the tank :)
not at all
>goes suicidal on the boss
accurate. frequently when I was playing FFXIV I'd finish off bosses/fights solo while the rest of my party was dead like a bunch of cucks. I was just a DPS.
Just rolled gladiator to eventually go paladin in FFXIV
what is my butt hole in for?
>cant. stop. talking.
Holy shit. I swear half my guild probably muted me unless we were raiding because of this -- accurate
Other than requiring better threat management what was better about Vanilla tanking?
>Explore every single area.
>Comment on every shit happening, cant. stop. talking.
>Play with tons of tabs open.
This is so true i kek'd a little.
>Always changing character/weapon.
No. I do a lot of research before i choos a class or a endgame weapon/gear. So, no.
Your butthole is gonna remain pretty close and relaxed. You have the best defensive skills in the game and if you get good gear/weapons you're easy to heal.
Don't be afraid of pulling mobs, 2 or 3 groups should be alright, know where your limits are.
>Offer help all the time
one of four
I am the master race who can play any role.
>lore is for nerds
>roleplaying is for nerds
>consistent competitive parses
Who would have guessed astrology is bullshit?
>Instant change
the other two are spot on though, you gotta take on the boss so that the healers would have time to raise the actual tanks up. Bless WotLK evasion
It was at least a little bit engaging.
I always got shit for being a "You learn better in practice. Don't fuck up too much, or I will replace you." kind of tank and raid leader.
I despise people who don't organise/clean their inventory regularly
>"hol up user xDD let me just clean out my backpack for 15 minutes before we go treasure hunting"
>"Oh fuck, I didn't get [item], my inventory was full!"
>tfw cancer
>tfw the other healers erp-bully you mid raid
Funny that's how I feel about Final Fantasy 14 Agro is a non-issue you're basically a DPS with twice the hit points
Sounds like fun.
My tank partner and I are like an old married couple.
The closest I've been to being one was frontline guard in GW2 guild vs guild
its not ;_; everyone i was close to has gone. but i have no where else to go yet im still in good graces with the guild
Someone post the edit already
What's the edit?
I don't think there's a tank edit
While not true in practice, those four things are the four things I am most terrified to become known for. Because secretly I want to talk in character, I repress the urge to skim tutorials, I have to restrain myself from using exclamation marks and emoticons because its unseemly, and I genuinely do enjoy the world building and the small characters that the game designers have made.
Slash thread
>been a dungeon tank since vanilla
>ran lower/upper BRS, west/north/east dire maul, BRD, Wailing Caverns, Gnomeregan, Maraudon and all other dungeons so many times i learned them
>stopped caring if you got a bad healer or dps, and just made the best of it
if problems started you let the healer and dps duke it out
I like the dancing part of tanking more than anything else, the rest is kinda meh. I do have a track record of being overly cautious of teammates and slowing down the run over normal enemies. Never ever quit a group until everybody else does.
What was that game where dancing literally helped you tank?