I don't get it. Why didn't he follow his Dad?


Would have been funnier if he had said "dude what"


haha, i get it, he's a weeb and a slob, pretty funny stuff, I could go for a thousand more of the comics with this premise

That applies to every single comic

You asked for it


>even the iris is labeled
fucking kek

What did he mean by this? It makes me ponder

What crap are you suggesting?


even you laught doesn't make it less shit, furry



That's fine, except the punchline is in the sixth panel, not the fourth one.

The ol' marriage between not funny enough to do comics and not talented enough to do porn

Did someone say video games?

>sclera isn't though

Fucking lazy hack

He did porn.


His porn is pretty decent man.

Video games!


is this loss

haha get it? she is angry because she ate her snack and then needs her money to get a new one for herself.
ahh videogames!

That's right! Video games!

I love Weaver.

The top 3 panels are unnecessary.

/r/ing B^Uckley rule application here.




Weaver may be a furfag, but he's the least offensive of the bunch and manages to have a sense of humor nobody else from here that makes OC can really match consistently.

Please fucking sauce me on this.

Now that's some shit taste right there

Did he fuck that cowgirl?

His art is shit, but it compliments the comedy. That one isn't that funny, though.

The first three panels establishes that the characters are familiar with eachother, and that Ronnie is awkward with trying to climb on the mall santa's lap.

It has purpose, unlike with Bubklerp's comics. It establishes the relationship with the mall santa and Ronnie to a person who hasn't read all the comics, like me.

Yes, the premise is that humanity has been brainwashed into interpreting genetically modified humans as their respective roles such as live stock.

By putting fake human ears over their heads they break the conditioning, and he uses it to fuck the family cow.

damn shame its furshit.



I don't mind bad art, it's the horrible lack of comedy that is shit about that gargantuan faggot who ruined /tg/.

That's implied by
on the list

Alternatively, it could be just a single word from Ronnie in one panel, saying the name of the santa.

>Type tg into Google to go to /tg/
>Comics like this show up in results
One of these days I'm gonna be horny enough to actually jack it to them. I fear that day.


You can only cut the first and fifth and have it still work.

What's the artist's name?

Translators having a bit of a chuckle is fun to see.


B^U rule is not about cutting the minimum number of panels, but the maximum that doesn't hurt the joke.
The joke can be done just fine with 3, anything above that is redundant and should be removed.

Could be done in 2, but that would require hurting the joke. Or in 1, with some weird geometry.

You can't cut the first panel, or else Ronnie just appears near a santa out of nowhere. And you can't use the title of the comic to explain what is going on.

And you can't cut the fifth either, because it establishes there is another character behind the mall santa.

You 'avin' a giggle mate?

Buckley rule applies more on the overly verbose dialogue, because it's literally all that happens in those comics most of the time.

There are no establishing shots or action, most of the time it's two characters facing eachother talking.

Someone post the australian translated manga


Fuck me, that's old. I remember randomly searching for "cow" doujins years ago and finding this shit.


why don't we just start the fucking comic with a single frame with the punchline and cut out all build up and just get the joke immediately?
fuck off you armchair-anaylist


Is this a magipoka reference?


June of 2010


That's a new one.

Damn he got the CUCC!!!!?

So almost 7 years old.

Delete this

this is metal as fuck


>that style

Your strawman makes more sense than your buttmad.

If the joke would be best expressed with one panel, it shouldn't be a fucking comic.

Less is more



>spending your money on a female and being surprised when you get cucked

Post the one where the dialogue is edited


>Less is more
Then there's more reason for it to just be one panel; stop trying to come across as smart, you're a dumbass in an amateur comic thread




>her arm goes right through the ropes



In logic terms, you can clearly see in the next page that they're on a set, she's probably not actually tied.

In comedy terms, it establishes the idea that they're not actually in the scene they appear to be in.

Shut up.

I miss Seanbaby man-comics. It's the only thing worthwhile from that dumb sjw site.

but in both pages the rope is wrapped around her tightly.

Oh god why'd you have to point that out?

Thanks doc

That's good enough for an entire mango tbqh.

Someone please link this guy's porn


Classic Raimi

>not dumping her after getting cockblocked the first time





I miss the guy who'd dump Yotsuba. That was a good few months. Fucking mods deleting those threads.