I just picked up one of these yesterday (model no. scph-90004)

i just picked up one of these yesterday (model no. scph-90004)..

what's the most elegant way to play ps1 & ps2 .iso's on here?
i heard about taping shit down and swapping in burnt discs and stuff. but surely in this great day and age there must be a way to just load things off usb or something, right?

Other urls found in this thread:



The fuck is the point of buying a console if you're just going to burn discs to it. Get an emulator and a duelshock adapter for your pc. Hell even my toaster of a laptop can run them fine.

i play on a crt over rgb... it looks nice.
plus, i do have a bunch of genuine ps1 & ps2 games - i just don't wanna spend 200 euro to buy a copy of suikoden 2 and that kinda stuff.

Just use the USB method. That worked fine when the disc reader or whatever in my ps2 failed.

sounds perfect. can you elaborate?

USB in PS2 is too slow to read games. They'll lag like crazy and be unplayable.

Get FreeMcBoot on your mem stick and you're good to go. You will need CD's for PS1 games.

Just Google it, it was so long ago I barely remember.
Probably has something to do with converting iso into a different file type.

This is the PS2 SuperSlim. It's great for using discs.
But it's not going to run pirated shit.

>i just don't wanna spend 200 euro to buy a copy of suikoden 2 and that kinda stuff.
Just wait. The scalper phase goes past and they move onto other platforms.

I use the ps2 network adapter with a hdd. Works perfectly and the hdd fits nicely in the ps2 so it looks good too.

here's a (you) spend it wisly

You can't use softmod or USB method on 900x model ps's.

You need to get a modchip installed.

>I use the ps2 network adapter with a hdd. Works perfectly and the hdd fits nicely in the ps2 so it looks good too.
PS2 SuperSlim has the network adapter built in and doesn't offer an HDD option.

Ah right sorry. Is swap magic still around then?

ah shit.. for real?
actually i might be able to swap with my friend's earlier model slim. would that be worth it?

Im that case you can use a crossover cable and network partition one of your PC hardrives to hold .iso files that you can load to your PS2.

>elegant way to play ps1 & ps2
In a trashcan , fampai. An environment truly befitting of the console's quality

its not for real, its a common misinformation
google more about freemcboot. the issue is that it boots itself on older consoles. on new consoles like yours you need to hold triangle on the gamepad while the console is booting.

Everything else works fine.

>Didn't get the fat one with network adapter And HDD
You can only blame yourself

>need to physically remove the HDD, put it into the computer, transfer the files and then unhook and hook it up again

Yeah, nah. Just connect your slim to a computer/laptop via network cable and just run isos off your computer ffs. Much more elegant plus it runs faster.

Also PS2 network adapters have gotten pricy lately.

Untrue, you can install FreeMCBoot on a memory card.
You just need a Sony memory card, some tape, a blank DVD and a copy of Agent Under Fire.

You can also just order a modded memcard off ebay ors omething and save yourself two hours of hassle.

Anyway, 9004 owner here. The issue with 9004 is that when you boot the console and get to the browser/settings screen that usually contains all the applications including uLaunch, there is none of that. Just regular browser. Instead you need to hold triangle while the console is booting and console will start uLaunch automatically. From there you can navigate to whatever app you want to launch manually (openps2loader, HDLoader, etc whatever the fuck you want). I also keep these optional applications/elf files on a thumb drive to save memcard space.

9004 are amazing machines, they are quieter then most slims and also use less power. Not that it matters but still.

oh, I had a non-9004 slim then I guess
mine autobooted into ESR when I had a disc in

Also one big flaw about 9004 that I didn;t mention - it can't play PS1 games. Not even original legit copies. I have no fucking idea why.

This is a giant flaw but I never really cared because I have a real psone that is modded so who gives a fuck.

Damn, that really fucking blows, I'm glad I don't have a 9004.
Sometimes it's nice to play Spyro once in a blue moon.

Get a debug console and play anything you want

You can play most ps1 games on a modded ps2, even 9004, via POPStarter. It's basically a ripped ps1 emulator from a certain ps2 console. Not all games work perfectly but there is a compatibility list online. You basically convert a ps1 game into a cue/bin format. Then you patch it with a cue2pops.exe which is like 3 seconds long. This gives you a .vcd format of the game that you put on the usb drive. You launch it with the popstarter.elf.

I played all Resi games, SH, Crash 1/2/3, Spyro games, Gran Turismo 1, MOH 1/2, FFIX and bunch of others flawlessly. There were a few that didn't work but still its a neat little method. It saves games to virtual memcards so you don't need real ones.

thanks for the info!
so once i have a memory card with free mc boot i use that to run various programs, right? (openps2 loader, ulaunch elf, etc)
is there somewhere (like a ps2 homebrew wiki) i can just get a run down of what these various programs do in one place. i'm googling but just finding a lot of different individual forum threads that seem to assume i know about all the various programs.

need a total newbie guide here basically!

No. And if you go to ps2 homebrew forums its even worse because everything is so convoluted.

uLaunch.elf = basically windows explorer. Through it you navigate through cd drive, memcards, usb drives etc etc. You can perform basic move/copy/cut operations and you launch applications (.elf files). So yes you got that right. Installing freemcboot means putting BOOT.elf (ulaunch) on the memcard so that ps2 can boot it up when you hold the triangle button. All other elfs you can put anywhere else (usb drive) and launch from there, it saves you some space. Not that space is that much of the issue because if you are using the network method for ps2 games (aka Open ps2 Loader), recent versions of OPL have virtual memcard functionality.

You can manually put all those elf files on your usb drive through your pc, no need to burn anything or install it in any fancy method, apart from FMCB itself.

Look up a guide on OPL somewhere online, but here is the super short gist of it:

>create a folder named PS2SMB, share it, dump ps2 iso files in a specific name format, you can google this part easily)
>set up IP addresses in Open PS2 Loader settings on your console, you need to set ps2 IP, PS2 IP and gateway IP if you are using a router, this is also what most people get wrong on their first try.
My router is super shit chinese tier so I had to use my dedicated network card instead of router, which makes gateway IP same as PC ip. Something to keep in mind. Otherwise gateway IP = router IP.

And that's it. There are guides on youtube, just make sure that you are looking for a network guide or a USB guide depending on what you want, they are different, you use different patching utilities for ISOs and different ELF apps.

Oh, also super important bit of info - in order for your ps2 to read your usb drive, usb drive must be in fat32 format. Otherwise all files appear corrupt. Keep this in mind.

emulators can have issues that do not happen when played on the original console

some games do not work properly emulated as well

Here's how file names should be for games.

[sles/scus code with dots]DOT[whatever game name, you can use spaces].iso

You can open ISO files with winrar, and each iso file contains one scus/sles file with its number code, you don't need to google them or anything.

You patch your .iso files through a software called USButil. That's a very simple operation that is also one or two seconds long.

This all seems super complicated but once you understand it its simple as fuck really, don't get discouraged. There is nothing you can fuck up completely.

amazing - thanks so much for that.

and i'm guessing popstarter mentioned here: is the what i want to use to launch ps1 games.. since ps2launcher doesn't have that capability, right?

>ps2 emulation

Yes. Open PS2 Loader cannot run ps1 isos.
And yes, POPstarter is what you want for running ps1 games. Just keep in mind that it's not that perfect, google compabitility lists online.

Here's all your popstarter shit you will need, uploaded it now myself:


Basically, drag and drop your ps1 .cue file onto cue2pops.exe. Don't run the exe, just drag and drop it onto its icon. This will give you a new .vcd file with the game. Name it whatever you want. Let's say you name it SilentHill.vcd

Then take the XX.RE2Leon.elf file thats included in the file I uploaded. You can see where this is going, rename it to XX.SilentHill.elf and put it together with the .vcd in the same folder on your usb drive. Just make sure that its named XX.[same name as .vcd].elf. Through uLaunch you run the elf and elf runs the vcd game.

Then just copy the XX file as many times as you need for different names and rename them accordingly. You can keep all of these files in the same folder together and then just run whatever elf you need. Hope its clear enough.

so helpful -- thank you again man.

You are welcome. The main thing to remember is that you cannot burn and install FMCB yourself if your system is not modchipped. Just order a memcard online that contains it already, you are going to need one anyway.

Good luck. If you need help again just make a thread sometime and I will probably see it.

yeah, that's what i was planning to do. cheers man.