Is Warhammer 40,000 the last untainted franchise remaining?

Is Warhammer 40,000 the last untainted franchise remaining?

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Noise Marines are likely gay.

Slanesh itself is just gratuitous androgyny slathered in bdsm.

And they're told to stay the fuck in the eye of terror like the fags should be IRL. 40k is pure.

Slaanesh is all kinds of excess. Sex is only a part of the whole.

No, its only a matter of time before Female Space Marines are thing.

>Female Space Marines

I think the Dark Eldar are a little bit of every sexual orientation ever made

Things probably get awfully seedy in hive cities user.

But really, 40k is too focused on the grim darkness of the universe ; war.

Hell how often do you see actual romance depicted in a given story?

Yes, Slanesh does represent excess as a whole, but carnal pleasures seem to be the baseline aspect that we see.

Also for the love of The Emperor, just make the Sisters more prevelant.

SPESS MEHRINES have to be male.

untainted by good video games? Yeah

The SoB would probably prefer not to be more prevalent. When they are present, the Grey Knights use their blood as armor lube.

>Also for the love of The Emperor, just make the Sisters more prevelant.
I believe new models might appear next year. /tg/ is complaining that the rules may or may not be shit tho.

You know it will happen.

That was retconned.

DoW 1 and 2 are supposed to be great, Space Marine was at least fun, and Deathwing seems like a shallow, but good time.

I think that meme incident was supposed to be retconned.

I'm sure they're grateful to have an Imperium faction get some light shed on it that aren't Astartes or IG.

I need to stirke oil so I can play the tabletop myself.

>Hell how often do you see actual romance depicted in a given story?

Only in fanfics

>tfw no MGS-like in 40k
40k had a hard life

they are suppose to be this degenerate over the top fits.
>No, its only a matter of time before Female Space Marines are thing.
Dark Gods save us!

>new models might appear next year

..didn't they say this last year?

>40k had a hard life

C'mon, user.
Copying a ton of shit and wrapping it in a package autists like is not hard, look at Gurren Lagann.

New models were just announced like yesterday, including a new Celestine. Check /tg/

Okay time to relive the thread
Make your own 40k game
Type of game
Tone of the game( ultra serious, goofy etc...)
What game mechanics included
What team of dev
What producer

Make your game and r8 the other one
Have fun !

user I'm going to check /tg/ now please don't be lying

There was a live stream yesterday on twitch revealing the new miniature
It's like you don't want to be informed

So far only 3 sister models, and female Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor.

Don't forget the mechanics guy

oh fuck you guys are right

shit it's been so long


Oh yea....he looks awesome but I dont want to paint masochism lv isnt high enough.
One annon said they look like I cannot unsee this.
Guess I have to put helmets or heads form 3rd party.

I like the fact that the one who escort the Celestine aren't looking like call-girls but more like hardened sister
But that's just my opinion

They're trying to "desexualize" everything so hard they removed Slaanesh from 40Fantasty

I totaly agree, they look like warriors.
Just that neandertal referance is still in my mind.
> call-girls
That look is reserved for my Seraphim squad.

>all female faction



okay so its literally a toy series for children like bionicles now. how boring.

What's wrong with Warhammer fantasy, cunt?


Have you read any of the novels? There's so much garbage in there it's not even funny.

Top pip, comrade.

Pretty sure homosexuality in the Imperium is accepted.

It doesnt exist anymore.

Age of sigmar says hello.

>It doesnt exist anymore.

Might be a blessing. Now they can't do end times shit with it anymore.

got nuked

>You will never play as a techpriest and murderfuck heretek faggots with an energy-sheathed axe, manipulator mechadendrite, and a plasma pistol mounted on another mechadendrite while surrounded by servo skills giving covering fire or assisting your medical and utility mechadendrites in fixing organic fleshbags and blessed machines respectively, with priority opposite how I just listed them

Why live


Sisters of Battle exist

WH40ks universe has bigger issues to worry about than its troops sexual preferences.

Like how in the current narrative everything is about to get fucked by Chaos.

Shootan/ability MMO, (think planetside but actually good).

Story based levelling

Continuously updated endgame story is primarily progressed through PvP and large scale open world events.

Game also has 5 man, 10 man and 40 man raids with procedurally generated elements to serve as perpetually repayable hardcore content.

Fun as fuck with friends. It's 40k-like.

Sucks to be you, it's only a matter of time before the end times takes over 40k. heck, it's already in the process. Roll an January

GW being kikes and ruining their franchise is totally fine

But sisters of battle isn't SJW faggotory

Its a catch 22 that the Ecclesiarchy may not have an army of 'men at arms' but they made an army of women at arms instead.

Eternal Crusade

Chaos was always gonna fuck shit up and there are only a few things that could ever happen to the imperium

>Chaos fucks every thaing up
>Get butt fucked by Tyranids

Other than that, either the Notorious E.M.P kicks the bucket, Astronomican failing or E money reincarnates.

Eh 40k is mostly shit. I did have fun with down1/2 tho, but the rest? meh.

Played deathwing recently and that shit is incredibly fucking boring. You just walk around looking for glowing objects, doing boring objectives while your retarded AI (co0op doesnt fucking connect reeee) stand around without fighting back.

There's no banter, nothing interesting humanwise. It's just:

I mostly just want to whinge about deathwing.

Yep, can confirm.

Lore they made up to let an all female army exist

Deathwing has too many faults for it to be a good game, never mind a good 40k game.

>all these slaanesh posters

As long as its not colide with duty, you arent vocal about it and local inquisitor have somthing better to do.
Annon.... I have to tell you....all lore is made up, Space Marines dosnt exist, HH didnt hapend. I cant lie to you any more.

Its a space hulk game.
Which precedes 40 k. By about a decade or so.

40k is an attempted unified setting for necromunda gorkamorka rogue trader

> tfw no Animal Crossing-Like in 40k

Suffering lad I know your pain

Sisters are getting plastic models next year senpai.

Also SoB are far more prevalent than the tt army.

1/3 of their number are assign to the ordos famulouses. Which is basically space church bene gesserit. Eugenics breeding program for getting them knocked up by imperial heroes and so on and so forth.

Another 1/3 are assigned to the ordos dialoguous (sp?) Which exclusively figures out xenos languages.

And not even the remaining 1/3 are even deployed fulltime. Most of the actual battle sisters are guarding ecclesiarchy sites or personages. Pilgrim ships et al. Or teaching at Schola Progenii.

Also. The sisters if silence didn't just dissapear. Where t f r they?

How is Vermintide?

Cool. So an army will only cost the soul of your firstborn instead of 25 souls.


>Variable assassination
>Grimdark as fuck
>Assassin on mission, choose which of the four* temple's styles fits the mission best, Culexis, Vindicare, Callidus, Eversor (*Vanus and Venenum are secret unlock in new game +)
>Officio Assassinorum vetted mechanics
>Looking Glass/Arkane, or someone who gets the source material and won't fuck up the fun factor
>Not Bethesda

Fun with friends.

Sucks without friends, also loot grind.

Sly Marbo Game

Stealth Action Third Person Shooter

Edgy Gritty Action Movie from the 80s

Sly Marbo crash lands in some alien planet where he uncovers a secret plot which he must stop. Nothing special. It'd have to be Orks but I don't think Orks are smart enough to even make a secret plot. So alternatively, the planet he crash lands in could be in an Ork/Eldar War and he has to find a way off planet.

No crafting that's what. Holy shit I fucking hate this trend. No. Sly gets his fucking weapons by killing everyone. Run out of ammo? Sorry you gotta loot some fuckers. I think a reputation system could be awesome, as Sly kills more and more mooks and destroys tons of shit those goons will be more afraid of you, like how in Bamham you spend those stealth segments sometimes just fucking around with the last few guys making them accidentally shoot each other?

I just realized what I've been saying is just Far Cry, so I guess imagine Far Cry but none of the Ubisoft-isms.

Like a Hitman game ?

Untainted by good video games? Yeah

If you decide that Callidus is the temple to use for the mission, it would play similarly to Hitman.
Vindicare would be a non-shit Sniper Elite, Eversor would be similar to high-chaos Dishonored, etc.

Sequel to Space Marine

So it would be 4 games developed and sold for a price of one? Seems reasonable.

The opposite of modern game publishing, yeah.

Maybe split it in 4 games
That seems the most logical choice

There was the possibility some guy from /tg/ wanted to make an Ork cross-world racing game kinda like Mad Max or Fuel.

Or just in general an Ork game featuring da fastest gits around.

does that really matter? space hulk is set within the 40k universe and is ingrained within the lore. So until then, myself and thousands of other with reference it to 40k, tabletop or vidya.

Not really, in MGSV for example, you can go in guns blazing, all sneaky beaky like or any combination, it's similar in idea, just the different Temples specialize differently. Gotta stop thinking like modern publishers, the aren't your friends so don't try to empathize with them.

Wasn't MGSV also a half-baked game where neither aspect really shone? I don't really believe in huge games that do everything well.

Yeah, sure, but games like Project IGI did it back in the early 2000s, using Kojimawank Part 5 as an example wasn't the smartest.

Uhhh, project IGI was a pretty simple FPS with stealth elements. It wasn't trying to be four different games at once - a social stealth game, a super-hardcore sniper game, a complete melee carnage game, something like a hybrid of Hatred and DMC, and... whatever is that weird pariah thing Culexus do.

You just had a big map, a base, a gun and a set of goals.

What is happening?

Also, i wish nids got more representation. They were supposed to be eating the whole fucking galaxy

Abaddon will finally take Cadia. Once that falls there's nothing stopping Chaos from reaching Holy Terra.

>Type of game
Rouge Trader RPG with Mass Effect combat between characters, space sim and fleet management simulator

>Tone of the game
Swings between serious and black comedy with dry humor

You are a freshly baked Rogue Trader (you can choose your gender) and inherit some nice stuff from you father. Sadly most of the stuff you've got was destroyed when he fought a sizeable fleet of Chaos Pirates. Your mission is to rebuild the fortune of your bloodline and do so in any way you want. Oh there is something out there that is trying to kill you and sends ships after ships...

>What game mechanics included
The ones that are in the paper RPG + getting better the longer you spend time doing it (you get bonuses for this).

Extensive ship management that allows for painting, modifying (exterior and interior), adding xenotech to you ships and etc.

Looting and conquest. You either go and attack ships and take their stuff, or go looking for unclaimed planets to include into the Imperium.

Trading. Because RTs also do it, but what stuff you sell and where you get it depends on you.

Become the ultimate sex machine. One of your duties as a RT is to also keep you bloodline alive, thus you will sooner or later need to have kids. This makes for interesting campaigns as if you die, then your descendants take over and you continue the game. Also it all depends on your partner. You can bang your officers, a princess from a medieval world, a noblewoman from a Hive World, that female Inquisitor that was running after you for kids also get bonuses depending whom you banged/who banged you. This results in a generation-long story of your bloodline.

And more...

>Devs and Producer
Focus Home Interactive and Tindalos Interactive with help from Cyanide Studios.

What this guy said. Tyranids were never the primary threat to the galaxy, Chaos are. As soon as someone opens a Daemon portal on Terra all shits gonna break loose.

And then, either E money reincarnates or it goes into End times.

>singleplayer ELDAR RPG
>KOTOR -era Bioware
>electronic arts

>God Emperor might finally wake up and get a model

You mean the primary threat to the space marines right? Chaos can't hope to do anything against nids considering just their presence close their daemon portals.

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

Orks have already won

I just wish Chapter Master got finished.

>Type of game
RPG with hubs
>Tone of the game( ultra serious, goofy etc...)
Serious ofc
Play as an Autarch / Far seer of the Eldar
>What game mechanics included
Psy powers + nice weapons + segments in gravity tanks or space ships
>What team of dev
>What producer
Anything but byoware desu

Didn't Magnus manage to teleport the planet of sorcerers into the materium after he destroyed Fenris moon and is planning to attack Terra?
And I think the new SW book hinted that Russ would return on Cadia.
Also Eldrad fucked up the Infinity Matrix and the Changeling tried to free Luther.
Sounds like End Times to me.

They've said the 40k universe is going no where so things are just going to get real fucked up.

40k games outside of dawn of war are invariably fucking shit unfortunately

I doubt that'l come anytime soon as making any kind of drastic change could make one faction weaker than another, so as of now everything is kinda perfectly balanced, so the only changes they can make is anything that wouldn't upset the balance too much.

if 1 member of each faction got into a fist fight with each other, no armor no weapons, who would win?

probably tyranid

>something in the hands of GWS
You what

it sounds like you want tons of gay sex along with it if you want bioware to have anything to do with this

kill this fucking heretic ffs

define fist fight
pretty sure nids don't have fists

Chaos got a pretty good chance of winning against a nid same for Ork, but SM are also incredibly genetically modified, so who knows? Nekrons are essentially weapon themselves and so are nids, so who knows, they would all have equal footing.

The winner can fuck the remaining 2 races that will be the bitchboy, eldar and the weaaboo one.

Completely ass-naked? An Ork would be tough as shit in a fist-fight, Spess/Chaos Marines probably also stand a decent chance.

If you throw a genestealer in the mix though it's fucking over for everyone.

>Having sex with a hot Inquisitor...

Well Ciaphas Cain did it, but normally that would be like mating between a male and female mantis.

>Also Eldrad fucked up the Infinity Matrix

No that was Eldrad. And only due to bad writing.

You mean like the permanent warp portal open right under the imperial palace of terra caused when magnus the fuckwit psyker fucked through all the wards and defences built around the nearly complete imperial webway ripping a stupidly huge gate to the warp where an army of daemons continuously assault terra from?

The one that's been open ever since the heresy?

stealth shooter
Lots of gore and a lot of ork humor

You are an ork kommando just joined a small kommando squad

i have no idea about the rest i just want to play this type game