Will his son continue his legacy?

Will his son continue his legacy?

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his wife's son you mean

>implying /our guy/ is a cuck

idk and idc

Long may TB reign



No. Even his wife AND his wife's son have cancer. Dey be ded also, bro.

No. Years from now people will have already forgotten about him.

He doesn't even make videos anymore. Not video games

wife's son*

And yet Sup Forums still has threads about Kojima

Will Boogie get a son to continue his legacy before he dies?

i hope not. I also hope he has a heart attack soon

>implying boogie is physically able to have sex
>implying his wife would like to have a child with someone with genes like an elephant


You just know

I guess that sex would be possible as long as woman is on the top.

Lmao literally

Fuck now I really want to see what it looks like for someone like Boogie to have sex.


Do you think Totalbiscuit browses Sup Forums?



Just take a moment to think about it. If somebody that fat was on his back the woman would have to actively push his gut up to reach his groin.


I mean it's hard not to notice, his son Orion is black after all.

He probably has multiple fat rolls covering his penis so penetration is likely impossible.

Name one offspring of a prolific figure that surpassed their parent.

Go ahead and use google/cheat, I'll wait.

He does. He said once in a couple of videos that he prefers Sup Forums because it's brutally honest and that reddit is just a circlejerk pile of shit that's only good for promoting his content.

Hes not gonna die though right? They said he was doing good in chemotherapy?

Clint Eastwood's son

You don't "get better" from his cancer.

You fight it until you die.


He has metastasis in his fucking liver..

To be fair, the entertainment industry is filled with them so Google isn't required.

lol, why would he even post that?


read: "surpassed"

We all have to die someday, its just a matter of when

>dying young while plagiarizing mountains of idiots subscribed to the idea can't enjoy video games, unless adheres to an arbitrary performance quota?
He deserves better

>read: "surpassed"
Are you retarded?

He browses everything and gets butthurt about the criticism due to mental problems or whatever. That's why he blocked yt comments to the detriment of the discoverability of his own videos.

He is reading this thread right now.

To answer your question, no. But the likelihood of you being illiterate is 99%.

you better be a non-native speaker, ideally not any European language either

Totalbiscuit has -some- stuff to respect, mostly in transparency and ethics in games media.

However, he has an incredibly thin skin, and when you're a critic, that's probably one of the fucking worst things you can be.

He goes off on twitter rants, and lets comments on youtube and twitter get to him.

He's a fucking joke. I'm honestly amazed at how fucking fragile so many youtube "stars" are.

But it's literally his wife's son, also the boy has actual autism

subjugate? no matter how you know a language, false friends always strike back


Is Boogie literally, I mean actually in reality, a cuckold? I keep hearing this but it's hard to distinguish memery from reality these days given that "cuck" is the latest insult right now.

I do think so.
They have a black friend she's awfully close with, and everytime someone mentions it boogie goes straight into hysteric defence.

Not like he could satisfy her anyway, he probably can't even grab his junk to take a standing piss.

pretty sure that comment said caretaker

Don't his wife and son have cancer now too?

Go to /gif/ and wait for a "YLYL: Porn Edition". You'll find out then.

Don't be suprised if you start seeing Boogie just straight up film his videos from his bed next year.

Honestly. Guy's still going up in weight despite his doctors telling him if he ever drinks mountain dew again it will send him into a diabetic coma.

Guys going to be totally bed ridden in 2017, and dead by 2018.

>you literally have a wife's son
>the wife's son has autism
>you got double butt cancer
>your rostie fat wife is getting in shape to prepare for the next beta provider while you wither away
>you are cursed with a fanbase that regularly eats you alive AND a very thin skin
>the media hates you because you were sympathetic to GG
>Trump is gonna repeal Obamacare soon, leaving you to die in pain

why is /ourguy/ so unlucky?

That's what they said 2 years ago and he's still alive
I'd say he's growing stronger with every cheeto consumed

I complain about this all the time. I "beat" type 2 diabetes with diet control and I still got neuropathy in my hands after 2 years uncontrolled. I have to bind keys away from my ring finger and pinky when I play vidya and assign stuff like space/shift/ctrl/alt to my mouse.

How is this fat fuck still playing games. How is he still alive.

>Trump is gonna repeal Obamacare soon, leaving you to die in pain

They aren't even on obamocare.

>Weigh 110 kg
>Obese as fuck
>Want to change my lifestyle
>Go to a doctor to get a general checkup on my health
>She says I'm absolutely healthy and that I don't need to change anything because all my values are averaging on the best values
>Tell her I want to quit red meats, eat healthy and work out because I already quit soda a few months ago
>Tells me I don't need to do it at all and that I should just enjoy everything like I already had

She must have some kind of feeders fetish, like how does this make any sense

Then why did he sperg out about it? Was he on one of his impulsive stunts that backfire spectacularly again? He never learns.

>Be Pcuck
>Not also be a cuck

>Weigh 110 kg
>Obese as fuck

>>Tells me I don't need to do it at all and that I should just enjoy everything like I already had

You know I'm quite sure it's illegal for a doctor to encourage obesity.

I'm also a fat fuck but apparently I'm tall enough for my BMI to not be that bad.

how tall are you?

You're supposed to weigh 60 kg ideally

That depends on height buddy.

Are you 5'3?

oh you're female?

I don't usually say this but...

Manlet detected.

I'm 173 cm


TB's meltdown over Trump's victory was absolutely delicious

Anyone have the screencaps?

He can't even see his own penis, his wife is probably just a glorified nurse

All you need to answer your own question is to take a look at his face. Tell me that isn't the face of a genuine cuckold

His wife does, not sure about >his son

what's your hip to waist ratio? what's your body fat percentage? bmi doesn't mean jack shit.
your doctor is a hack though. unless you're a body builder or over 2m tall, 110kg is too heavy.

Diabetes is super scary.

If any of you anons have to go to the bathroom like once an hour, and it's clear, go see a fucking doctor. Neuropathy will ruin your life.

110 kg for 173cm is quite a lot though, I don't get your doctor.

Definetly a big boy. But i can't say how much of that is muscle etc.

I would say dropping red meats etc. won't do you much good. You should just exercise and count calories if you want to lose weight.

Why do people watch Boogie's videos? To feel better about themselves, or what?

The best part about Trump winning was the tears desu

>nauseous 24/7
>even a VERY LIGHT meal fuck me up to a considerable degree
>shit looks like volcanic stone, porous and float at the surface
>stomach pain
>it hurts
>why does it keep hurting
>why do i need to puke all the time

This is me for the past month or so now. If it's cancer i welcome death. I'm sick of suffering.

Republicans will gut medical services across the board like they've been talking about for the past 40 years.

No one really knows how bad it's going to get but TB could be left without a way to access the medical treatments he needs or have the ability to pay for it.

I don't like TB but I do think he can see the writing on the wall better than most people and he understands that Republicans want to nuke the system and watch everyone burn instead of making it better.

The same people that use these medical services voted these Republicans into office but somehow they pull off some absurd mental gymnastics to convince themselves Republicans won't touch them in the slightest.

Cucks hate everything about Trump and everything he does

Go to the fucking doctor.

can i see your teeth?

>Sup Forums - Weight watchers

That was like 2 or 3 years ago
Sup Forums was very different back then

>posting it on Twitch of all places

THIS. I hate that fat cry baby cocksucker so much.

are you european?

he got 5-10 years tops IF he's lucky.

If this is the only picture, I don't think he is being cucked by this guy. He looks like a total faggot.

Boogie is getting very butt blasted over it though and I wouldn't be surprised if she were getting something else on the side but probably not this fellow

I hate to point this out to an idiot but no one is crying everyone is extremely angry. Hard to convince a buttblasted individual like yourself since you live in your lil echo chamber.


Please, not the poons and stones debate again.

You've been like that for a month and you haven't visited the doctor yet? What are you, a fucking retard? It's very unlikely cancer unless you're over 60, but that won't make your life any easier if you just leave it like that and let your fucking intestine get ruined by whatever's happening to it.

Kek. The absolute mad man!

>yfw his wife voted conservative

man, you're a fat fuck.

f you're 173 cm tall, you should weight roughly around 65 kg. 60 kg is slightly underweight--enough to be unhealthy.

Unless you're a teenager, you should beef up.


Oh god, what a little baby.
Boohoo democracy isn't a leftist echo chamber, boohoo.

Go back to England.