Anons say they can finally play bloodbourne because they now have a PS4

>anons say they can finally play bloodbourne because they now have a PS4

What is this? I mean those two events are plausable, but when i see mustards post that they also now have a PS4, there is some grand excuse for it a "but only".

You have money, spend it on what you like. Why is there this isecurity as though they will be less in the eyes of Sup Forums if they just say they wanted "thing" that is not their PC as well?

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyway this isn't new behaviour, go on Sup Forums and anyone who has an iPhone or a Macbook claims it was an unreturnable gift from a distant aunt or something

Can't say. I've literally never seen this happen on here or irl before
t. masterrace

Maybe i just keep going into odd threads then. I just noticed it a lot. A defence before anybody bullied.

What was going through this persons head when they took this picture?
"I am so smart, this girl will never see my phone if I just stealthily hold it up and take a picture of her"

>seriously? Who could it be??!

Im sorry you don't have friends that take bus or train jorneys to fun places with you.

It didn't come to mind at all that the person taking the photo was her friend and a girl did it?

look at me user. It' not your fault.

Dude are you gay?

Dunno. She is an actual biological female, with soft breats and a vagina. Are you about to suggest if she took her kit off, you just couldnt because you have serious psycological issues?

>hurr a girl is only a girl with the official hairlength guidelines.

So you like girls that look like men. I think what would be a closet faggot?

What kind of feminine men have you been hanging around?

Closet faggots tend to marry the most girly girls possible what are you talking about.

You know, i have noticed there is a vocal bunch on Sup Forums who look at actually aesthetic pretty women but get MAD AS FUCK when they don't have long hair. EVEN if they are wearing femenin clothing.

And what do they say each time?
>"j-just go fuck a man already!!"
And i realised... It is not an insult, but a horny request.

The faggot is you user.

the bitch looks kinda nice, but the pics are cringy as fuck

Usually its just Judo stuff...

Because a lot of people probably got the console for christmas when it came out, then didn't play it for fucking ages because there was shit all games on it.

I've had a PS4 since the first christmas after it came out, and I own 2 games for it: InFamous: Second Son and Killzone Shadowfall. Neither were that great.

Pretty much all of the other games on the console which aren't shit that I'd want are on PC too, with the exception of Bloodborne, Resogun and Uncharted 4, and most people are now telling me that Uncharted 4 is fucking boring.

It's not some false-flag "BUT I WASN'T DUMB ENOUGH TO PAY FOR IT LOL" thing, it's a "yeah, I have one, but I have fuck all reason to use it right now."

Was the PS3 this bad? I'm pretty sure I remember always feeling like there were games that I wanted on it, right to the end.

>"yeah, I have one, but I have fuck all reason to use it right now."

But this is perfectly fine. Telling people you spent $1000+ on a PC with no issue but feeling the need to slip in "i also have a PS4 but of course i FUCKED THE SYSTEM in getting one with the least dollery doo's possible!" Might be a tad telling.





Oh, I misunderstood.
Well yeah, those guys are faggots.
It boils down to:

>I need my statement about the video game to be relevant and of valid, and to do this I need to have played the video game
>I don't want to admit that I bought the PS4 and the video game


Where does get a cute tomboy gf like this?


It says a lot that we feel high end "not normie" gaming is our elite secret club.

Once this feeling of an individual within a community has been set, It simply does not due to have a bunch of anons on the internet think they might be trash.

Shame really. I hope that attitude does not eat into their personal lives as well.

im actually dating one at the moment. She is not japanese but white. As far as i can tell sp far she has had one bf and boys do NOT ask her out despite being pretty like the girl in OP. Im hopeful that we keep dating. She is a rare breed in the animal kindom.

Do you like her user?

I rike. Does she have cute abs?

Considering she is a famous athlete and Judoka have INSANE core strengths i can only imagine what they must be like.

>father is a FUCKING LEAF
No longer interested.

because its a dogshit platform with barely any software worth owning. Let It Die has shot up straight to a must own game and its a fucking bonkers gook f2p game. thats how thin things are.

Nobody wants to be seen as a proud PS4 owner, that is embarrassing as hell. PS4 owners are so far up their own ass it's ridiculous, it makes sense to not want any association.

Weird though huh? Would you even think she is half white?

She will cuck you.

>PS4 owners are so far up their own ass
>being a mustard is not. In fact we are SO not far up our own ass that we feel the need to justify our purchase to anons on the internet.


Actually my main concern is she is one of these types that does not like to let people in and hust freaks after a while and pushes you away. I kissed her half way through our first date and she was straight fucking on it. Even said she felt comfy with me about it. Suddenly second date, she thinks it was not like her and just wants to move a bit slower. She held my hand and kissed me goodbye onnce after the second date. I hope there is a third.

>sonygger doubles as a mobilefag and console war shitposter

Not surprising at all.

Who said anything about sonnigger? Stop projecting. The guy was making a stupid point. They can be up their ass about perciving others being up thier own ass.

Up your ass buddy. You might not be a sony pony, a mustard or a fone(!)poster but you are worse. You brought nothing but memes to this thread.

No mustard has a ps4 because ps4 has yet to ketchup. No games, no get.
>implying anyone in the world even wants to play it
Weeaboo everybody!

I bought a PS4 with my money on purpose and have no intention of buying Bloodborne because I haven't had any interest in souls games since Demon's Souls bored the shit out of me.

>No games no get.

But you got a PC to play vidya user? Undertale i guess. I liked it too.

>slurping Playstation cock while shitting on PC
>not a sonygger

>"who brought up Sony????"

The real question should be "who brought up PC?" That dude got #triggered to infinity just by mentioning that I don't want to be associated with embarrassing people such as him, then went ahead and embarrassed himself further. I didn't mention PC once, I just answered the OP's question plainly.

And nothing is worse than phone posters. They need to be banned already.

Are you me?
>user! Why would you buy a PS4 unless you just want to play uncharted, bloodbourne or killzone?!

Mfw i have never played ANY of those series and still own a PS2, PS3, PS4 and an N64.

Good luck but

You aren't "dating her". You've gone on dates with her. There is a difference and it's not subtle.

But you ASSUMED he was all about playstation just because he did not support the argument. Just like he assumed you were a mustard.

So what are you playing on then?

guess this line of argument suggests there really are only two relevant groups anymore. Sonyponies and mustards.

Shit. You are correct. Guess i shouldnt like her too hard just yet... Or imma get hurt. Fuck. This. Gay. Earth.

>>anons say they can finally play bloodbourne because they now have a PS4
this never happened, the game is a commercial disaster, not even 3M sales among the 50 millions consoles sold.
Your friend wanted uncharted, fallout4, Cod, fifa or madden, but not BB.


Its funny how people think others might want to buy a PS4. I have one for Tekken 7. Really. Just like how i upgraded from my PS2 to a PS3 only after i saw the first Soul calibur IV screens.

Being current gen is cool too i guess.

Going so far out of your own way to defend your lord and savior Playstation the cock-master god-king makes it pretty easy to assess that you're a sonygger. I did not assume, I made an easy diagnosis.

Meanwhile I never did any such thing for PC, or mentioned PC at all. Hence, the two are not the same.

There is no reason to defend a man who religiously worships corporations. I don't see why you even try.

I hope you have that post copypasted somewhere because if you're going to bother replying to the frustrated closed fags around here you're going to use it a lot.

What exactly IS tumbler?

Its like how i had no idea what reddit even was till Sup Forums started spouting it as a not argument to people they disagree with.

Who the fuck are you talking to?

Whatever you say tumblrina.

Fine. Put nintendo, xbawks, sonycuck or fat neck beard steam faggot what ever the fuck.

The tgread started of about PS4 and PC. Why would i not use them as relevant examples.

The point was "one group are up their own ass, and its embarresing so we NEED to act up our own ass and pretend we didnt just buy one" is a pretty shitty point.


It's hard to admit PS4 is leagues superior to PC.

Who are you quoting?


> asian
> short hair

oh baby

Anonymous of course. Are you dumb?

Nobody really want to be associated with sonyggers

Too mainstream?

I want to kiss those abs and feel their warmth on my lips.

too obnoxious

Well, PS4 is now under 300 hundred bucks. And Bloodborne is on sale costing only 10 bucks.
The deal won't get any better than this

Why though? The only people who don't seem snooty on this board at one point or another is xbox boys and that just seems to be because its irrelevant.

If you buy a os4 you can play ff15 but if you buy a pc you can play dota. Hmm.


i did not need these sad feels this early in the morning

Why sad user? Tell me.

I have a PS4 and PC, stay mad poorfags

because Sony is a piece of shit, we're only now reluctantly buying PS4s because it's finally getting games.

Most of us are still angry at them for the PS3.

people too poor to own console and PC.


tfw no qt tomboy you know how this goes

>tfw still no ps4 to play the nier demo

>those feet

>tfw qt tomboys are going extinct because now most think they're lesbians


is that time again?

>you'll never have a cute lesbian looking gf
Just end me already.

>you'll never be a cute lesbian with a cute lesbian gf

i'm replying to this thread not because you offended me with le condescending image of muh dream asien wymmyn, but because you can't spell plausible correctly you dumb troglodyte


I borrowed a ps4 and the game from a friend. Finished it in one week.

I finished the "ps4". If I win one in a competition I would sell it.

lil stinky didnt pray to god hard enough that morning

>tfw no qt dark skinned gf

does anyone know this feel?



time to fap I guess


>tfw 26 and no sign of GFs anywhere
it's a tough feel


>short hair qt
>she has a bf





>condescending image of muh dream asien wymmn

a-are you ok user?

>want an asian gf
>be me

I guess so... Want more deguchi?

You're doing god's work user

>ahegao medics

I have that pic too funnily enough. Its like you know who i am.

I've seen you posting at some point. Saved some of your pics too I think.

Yes please

Does she have a bf? Cant read runes

Neither can i. She is fucking gorgeous though.

I am an idort and fags shit on me anyways because I "waste money" while they eat their doritos with mountain dew, cry about not having a gf (even if they did, she wouldn't last long if they don't give her money anyways), have no job and survive on neet bux or in their parents basement then wonder why they don't have a single cent.