Nost launches, it does well, everybody is talking about it.
Blizzard just announces Tracer is gay, everybody completely loses their shit and forgets about nost completely.
Nostcucks btfo yet again.
When will they ever learn.
Nost launches, it does well, everybody is talking about it.
Blizzard just announces Tracer is gay, everybody completely loses their shit and forgets about nost completely.
Nostcucks btfo yet again.
When will they ever learn.
>forgets about nost completely.
>4500+ on the PvE server right now
>PvP server is at its 12k cap
90% of that population are russian or chinese scammers
90% of the retail pop are bots
Yeah and that news would be everywhere except...
blizzard is smart.
So they just teased a gay character and then sat back and waited for Nos to release.
The second it drops they announce tracer is gay.
Do you honestly think that was a coincidence?
Blizzard has played the noscucks so hard from day1.
But I thought private servers were insignificant?
Why does a multibillion dollar company time its content releases around a shitty private server?
>Population already down 500 players
>Midday EU time on a Wednesday
Because its personal, they stole from them. Blizzard has clearly since day1 targeted Nos hard and set out to maximum cuck them no matter the cost.
>they stole from them
Proof? And I don't mean assets because they're readily available to anyone.
There are so many people playing nostalrius that its hard to kill the mobs in almost any lvl up zone
I'm waiting for fresh roll out and I know this will be the case as well. Especially as I intend to roll a warrior, tagging will be hard. Legit considering ignoring it for a couple weeks or so after it launches.
Stealing copyrighted material for free use of a current pay to play videogame, seems pretty straightforward to me
>Muh assets
Alright bye.
blizz can go ahead and do whatever gay little stunt they want.
nost is populated nicely for a 4 day old server and expected to grow.
personally having loads of fun there.
blizz can suck like the faggots they are.
>4k people playing Nost
>10 million people playing Retail
You think you do...
>not just doing what SoE did with EQ1 private server and simply sidestepping the entire issue
People will still be playing nostalrius months from now but people wont care about this dumb tracer shit a week from now
B-b-but it's an OLD GAME, why do I need to PAY for it :(((((((
It has nothing to do with assets and everything with the fact they're emulating a game that DOES NOT EXIST anymore. Vanilla WoW, or any WoW prior to current version, effectively does not exist anymore and cannot be played in any legal way. You did not buy a service, you bought a PRODUCT that you no longer have access to.
Totally autismal, sorry you feel that way hombre
Time goes on, things change
Maybe you should too
Here you go kid, just for you
nost is playing checkers, blizzard is playing 4d chess.
>the blizzdrones completely loses their shit and forgets about nost completely
That's great news! Now we can enjoy playing on nost without retailcucks whinging about it!
you realize that disclaimer exists for the sake of performance depending on your internet connection?
t. retard
>using logic
Just leave this thread. Half the people are Nost fanboys and the other half is reverse trolling for the sake of it.
If the game had no progression or expansion locked servers then I wouldn't play It, seasonal events, Weekly events, mounts and dungeons
If you run out of things to do, maybe you need to explore more
>mfw filthy australian
>got 200-300 ping on old nost, it was manageable but not great
>this new russian host get 400+ usually, it is now borderline unplayable
This is what I don't get about nost people acting like russian hosted servers are a win. I don't care either way but if I wanted nost to succeed I'd be mad they gave up being the first pserver group to sit down and talk to blizz and just give the server to russians.
Fuck i havent played new nost yet
This may be a seriously problem
Or pay for it
The only way blizzard is going to talk to a pserver is by a lawsuit and a court date, they're not going to *talk* they run a business not a friendship ranch
Why are blizzard so goddamn stubborn? Why cant they just support nu wow and classic wow? Theres no down side to supporting both.
>Overwatch has a comic.... really...
>wasting time making a comic about a shitty game
>wasting time even giving a character a sexuality
How fucking gay can blizzard be? Jesus Christ these SJW faggots are hilarious.
I have around 20 more latency than from old nost. The best i could get it was 150 now its 180 sometimes 200. Not that bad Old wow was made with 56k in mind so its not as terrible as playing modern korean mmos..
Because it's a popular videogame, don't you think some girl or guy out there can't relate to any heroes in media or entertainment, giving light to a LGBT background of a popular videogame, albeit a character, it speaks volumes on how we are slowly progression into a welcoming society, just my opinion though
Russia's infrastructure is fucking garbage. Hosting the servers there is retarded.
>that trump image
>.... ...
>insulting a popular video game
>insulting the SJWs
This is some masterfully crafted bait, god damn.
Props my dude.
So what happens to Nost once Russia goes into WW3
>Theres no down side to supporting both.
Besides wasting time and resources on a classic server that no one will play
Why do you tell yourself that some people are failing or feeling bad?
>GUys no one is reading our comic what do we do?
>we have to do something controversial to get people to read it.
>i know lets make one of the characters gay
>Brilliant tha al do.
You retards are so easy, your lives are so boring.
Anyone with a nost character gets conscripted into the Russian military.
>complains in a thread
>on 4channels vee
>about people complaining about a gay comic
>calls other people boring
ahahaha :DDD
retails boys have so much butthurt that they must go into every nsot thread and spam their shit without clue
Because you have so much to do on retail so you shouldn't have time to shitpost on /v
Keep it going, i like reading this knowing that not a single person on this board can do anything about nostalrius xD
>Thinking Blizzard has retail on anything but life support and a skeleton crew regardless
"Muh resources" is a shitty excuse for being lazy and maximising profits out of you stupid fucks that will eat anything Actiblizz shit on their plates.
you do know that Russia, China and North Korea are the only places where the Americans can't stick their dicks right?
You're not different from those asshats you hate if you're going to bring up the controversy too for attention
Here's you're (you)
More like 100% kek. I don't even play the game any more but my 4 bots are still running 24/7.
You're trying too hard, man.
How much is blizzard paying you?
Blizzard stoped paying for shilling month after legion launch. Everyone doing this now ale jsut idiots doing it for free or looking for atention
So here's how you retards are wrong.
It doesn't matter what it says on the box, what it says in the ToS, ect. When you pay for a game, it's a contract. Money is legal tender. The exchange of money if the first contract you get into with the company when you buy their product.
Software is slightly different from other products, in that when you pay for software, you are entering a contract that basically says "You are exchanging money for the personal use of this software. You can use this software anyway you see fit, as long as you don't reproduce and distribute it, or make money off of it."
So once you buy vanilla WoW ONE TIME, you are legally and morally allowed to use the software anyway you wish.
Now, when you pay a monthly subscription fee, what you are paying for is to use blizzard's servers. The ToS only works on blizzard's servers. Blizzard's servers are private property, and they can impose whatever rules they want on that server.
Now, blizzard's servers provide a service: to play vanilla WoW on. once those servers no longer provide that service, you are legally within your right to find something else that does provide that service.
ANything the ToS says, anything the box says, anything blizzard says, anything blizzard fanboys try to make up, it doesn't matter. if you paid for Vanilla WoW ever in the history of your life, you have every right to download it as many times as you want for your own personal use, and play it on any server if blizzard will not provide you with one.
learn the laws you retards.
No matter how you break it down, or how it makes sense to yourself, it's just how it is.
Also don't call me wrong you fajet
Progressing into faggotry.
You wish
> t. I'm a queer
Homophobe kek
Lack of human rights treating you well phajeet?
I know the reasoning. But it doesn't feel like a "win" since it's something they could've done, but didn't want to all along. Thats why I just dont understand it.
>knows he cannot come up with an argument
>w-well it doesn't matter I'm still right!
Argument with what?
Security guard at the shopping mall consumer law rundown of proprietary licensing?
I'd rather jack your dad off with my elbows
>that no one will play
WoD and Legion proved that Blizzdrones will play and pay for any old shit.
>50+ people farming the same 7 mobs for 12 items that have a 50% drop rate for 4 hours only to move on and do the same thing elsewhere
So by that measure, television shows that were aired in the 80's when I bought my first television, I'm entitled to those shows, right now, it's my consumer right to be able to access them at my leisure
So local cable companies MUST tape and mail those shows to me because I'm entitled to it
Time moves on, like I stated earlier. Maybe you should take your ball and go home, but you gotta pay for that ball first
For some reason, I don't see this server lasting longer than a year.
It won't. They said they would shut down the servers if Blizzard had their own legacy servers. I guarantee Blizzard will release their own half assed vanilla servers then abandon it. Anyone complaining about it will be ignored.
Maybe someone will put you on a wheelchair one day so you can enjoy the change.
Love to see you try
It's always a fucking elf player.
Have they fixed login yet?
>Only 23 downvotes
It's over, Nost is finished.
>10 million people playing Retail
>it does well
>Nost launches, it does well,
I'm gonna hit this shit up. Wanna tank on a warrior but I hear like half of all characters are warriors. I can play anything, but I want to be useful and a needed spec. Anyone care to toss me some insight?
Alliance side pvp realm
Don't bother, there's a new nost server coming early in January and everyone is gonna be moving to it. Just wait for that one.
I heard. Wasn't gonna start proper until over newyears anyway. Is there any particular reason why people are moving?
I'm playing and haven't heard about this...
Can you link/ source?
Warlock is good, always wanted, good for buffs, has many utilities, easiest to level solo and many talent builds to go for in both PvE and PvP.
If Alliance: Gnome
If Horde: Orc/ Forsaken
Warlock and Druid were my runner ups if warrior is a no go, but I like tanking a lot, so I really want to do that unless there is an abundance of tanks already
t. First year law student
now that, is some grade A tope tier meme shit
Blizzard have done about 4 banwaves in the past 3 months, if you actually think botting is an issue now, youre just a nostcuck who needs a false excuse to not play retail other than the fact you cant afford it LOL
how come nost didn't pay a legal team to promptly deliver this rational and impregnable argument to blizzard?
how come nobody has
Nost's server hosting company was approached with a cease and desist order from Blizztard legal team, Owner cucks were told they'll go to court in a week.
Frenchy Server Owners asked Nost what they wanted to do, Nost said shut it down.
Nost devs were retards, the C&D is an empty threat and can be ignored a million times. Also, the police are the only ones who can say
>See you in court, kiddo
Nost devs have learnt from their autism and now they've teamed up with Elysium because they know they can do it right this time and now they've released again with full confidence.