Sup Forums plays on the Nostalrius servers

Bringing you todays news from Nost

refugees arent human since they are like 90% grown ass niggers who are leeching of europe s welfare

more open boarders, more terrorist attacks. Its your choice Europe

He is right though refugees only cause problems and deserve to be sent back where they came from if not just straight up kill them or we will have more terrorist in europe

Libcucks cnat handle the bantz in their safe space, lmao

White genocide isn't real


It was exactly like this in Vanilla too. General chat being about politics.

Obviously Derpy Hooves here didn't play during then.

Politics are all over live still too. I hadn't left /1 /2 or /4 in such a hurry as when this election started up.

This only proves how many normies and trash have fluttered to WoW from the reaches of Facebook and Sup Forums alike.

This type of discussion would get you laughed at in video games and on Sup Forums, but mistakes were made and places like Sup Forums were allowed to exist.

Yeah, I get enough of the shitty politics outside of wow, I just want to level with my friend without constantly having trump and refugees down my throat desu, i know they suck but cmon, enjoy yourselves you inbred fucks for once

WoW has always been like this; it's like you haven't heard of Barrens chat before.

>barrens and STV chat
>general trolling as they're the zones spent most time in

Not the same as general chat where every walk of life is just spouting memes and Sup Forums trash for a reaction.

So you never played wow? It was always about politics or shitty random memes.

>Hey guys do you know where Mankrik's Wife is?
>yeah i fucked her to death
>+20 Lols from random people in the chat.
>this repeats infinite of times

Welcome to the wow chat

fucking libcuck should go to tumblr if he wants a safe space. I pray that God Emperor Trump deports the liberals along with the spics when he builds the wall. Kek wills it.

>This only proves how many normies and trash have fluttered to WoW from the reaches of Facebook and Sup Forums alike.
Yeah, it's almost like politics is important to a lot of people across all nationalities, hobbies, or any kind of classification. Can't imagine why; must be Sup Forums's fault.

WoW general chat is vanilla was FLOODED with Bush talk. Before twitter was made, i used to get news really fucking quickly from the general chat.

I always hated the attitude of when someone posts something political it's "Sup Forums is raiding us" or whatever. There's always discussion or jokes about race and shit on any board.

>ask for favor from a stranger
>get one by proving or bluffing your allegiance
Top notch roleplaying experience.

It actually is exactly the same. Trolling is about getting a rise out of people, and for a lot of people like yourself; just mentioning Trump's name is enough to trigger you. It's always your fault for enabling, remember that old saying? "Don't feed the trolls".

Based Russian mage.

Stupid cuck, turn it off

I've never seen a group of people so desperate for the approval of others than trump supporters.

I think hell do an alright job as any president but Sup Forums's insecurity is starting to get annoying. Every off topic forum is now endless trump promotional material like hes still campaigning and didnt win.

>all Trump supporters are Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is literally behind every single instance of dicussion about Trump
For someone who dislikes Sup Forums, you sure sound a lot like them.

that does sound lulzy to be honest

Ah good ol Trump discussions. Just how I remember it back in MUH VANILLA.

It's been going on for so long that there's always 7+ levels of irony behind every message; it is pretty fun, i won't lie.



kek wills it

It never used to be like this; even before Sup Forums was a fast-moving board, we talked about politics on here; we talked about everything.
It's even worse when you're discussing a game that's plot or premise actually has a political message, and if you bring it up in any way you're immediately bombarded with "MUH Sup Forums A BLOO BLOO"

I hope you guys know a good chunk of the more aggressive Trump shitposters are Russians. Breaking a country apart when nearly everyone has already accepted Trump is what the Ruskies want.


Well they are right. Refugees aren't human.

Nah, there was still a bit of "GO BACK TO Sup Forums!" before, but you're right that it was never this bad where the slightest thing can trigger people, it's no different than being on fucking tumblr or something, anons say there's an influx of normalfags only on Sup Forums and its ruining the rest of the site but it's pretty evident that most boards are being infested with them and their paranoia of the boogeyman is ruining it for themselves, it's still partly due to Sup Forums and 4chans rise in popularity mind you.

I have to say that both sides are equally annoying but I don't necessarily mind political discussion if it's related to the thread

>literally behave like rats or cockroaches
>people get upset when you call those parasites for what they are

>muh Sup Forums
>muh russians
these are the people who need to be gassed most of all

It's because Sup Forums is a tired meme at this point and practically reddit. Any shit memes hijacked by reddit are attacked.

>simply mention someone is a Russian
>they immediately chimp out

Calm down Vitaly

>Nah, there was still a bit of "GO BACK TO Sup Forums!" before
Yeah, that generally happened when the thread was already well in 1488 territory.
Nowadays you can't say nigger or SJW without some redditor trying to send you to Sup Forums.

Just chuckle at the fact that they helped elect their childhood bully who is in the process of turning himself into a tougher looking Obama rather than becoming The Great White Hope.

I get tired of seeing politics all the time also.

>I am unable to ignore things that upset me, pls ban everything
Or you can ignore it

It's pretty annoying.

Video games are escapism for me, yet every time I open general without fail some retard is spamming "cuck" or talking about Trump. Do these sad cunts never get bored of talking about this shit over and over and over again.

And no i'm not a "triggered SJW", I just find it dull as fuck

It's for their Lord Putin.

True I guess, it's just, when people try to blame this situation on a certain problem, a million more arise and just saying "delete Sup Forums!" or "remove anything Sup Forums related" won't fix it. The ship has already sailed my friend.

But video games are degeneracy and Sup Forums is against degeneracy.

good goy

>Sup Forums is against degeneracy.

No they are not. They are liars and frauds.

Sup Forums is actual degeneracy though.

to be fair, it can get kind of draining to be pelted with that shit. Even if you agree with it, it gets fucking annoying to not be able to escape from it.

Then again he's committing and aiding others in committing a felony by playing on a private server and illegally torrenting game data, so. Get fucked, bud.

[citation needed]


>Then again he's committing and aiding others in committing a felony by playing on a private server and illegally torrenting game data, so.
1/10 b8


The Sup Forums way of thinking has really infected the entire internet hasn't it?

Its a scary thing when mostly dumb people form aggressive opinions on politics based on lies.

Sup Forums blends a little everywhere with relative anonymity, being a jerk is the true nature of man.

If ya cant handle it, fuck off.