

Republicans don't play video games.


Yes, because republicans play this weeb, autistic shit

Everyone knew Overwatch was full of fag shit, as a conservative I dont care

>GOP plays overwatch
how retarded are you

Is there any reason to make a character a lesbian other than to please SJW?

If you make strawmen posts, you never argued with someone else in real life

No not at all, sexuality is irrelevant in video games most of the time.

I don't think i've ever played a game where knowing if someone was a fag moved the plot forward

Is there any reason to make a character straight?

But i was told by SJW publication that videogame lesbians are just porn to please creepy lonely males!

Because it's the normal state of Homo sapiens sapiens.

Straight is the default, you don't "make" someone straight, they start off that way

>It's ok when I make political threads on Sup Forums but when Sup Forums does it I'll moan and bitch to the high heavens

One word:


Boy i wonder if someone has a fetish about lesbians or something

>Republicans don't play video games
>Just like the ESS JAY DOUBLE-YOUS
Woah. It's almost like the people who bitch don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Fictional characters don't have a default. It's called imagination.

>Lol dems are good and reps are bad

Why is it always like this? do people learn politics from the fucking Simpsons?

>It's a Sup Forums thread but with a twist; it's left winged faggots this time!

Having two separate Parties where a mistake.
Literally the only difference is that one lies that they aren't the other.

Nice strawman faggot. Sjws play video games all the time, they just don't usually play the games they're bitchin about.

>Implying they have the time to play games when they're too busy doing IMPORTANT things like update their tumblr and complaining about shit that doesn't matter instead of shit that actually does

I'm a SJW and I play video games.

They learn it from real life. Or can you think of anything good Republicans have done?

Have you thought of anything good Democrats have done? because not even their fanbase knows

But by calling yourself SJW, i think i already know where this will go.

>I get all my news from Breitbart: The post.

Legalize gay marriage.