He doesn't have a gaming pc

>he doesn't have a gaming pc
what's your excuse

Other urls found in this thread:


>gaming PC
nice bait faggot

>all that piracy
good lord

I'm poor jobless and useless

That rig, so 1080p and 1440p is what you're going for huh? Not bad at all, you can probably max out everything no problem.

>tfw you fell for Sup Forums's memes and can't run all games at 1080p 60fps max

>He fell for the i7 meme

I got better shit to spend my money on


I could max witcher 3 with a 1060, what game are you having trouble with?

>no sli
>((((((((((gaming PC)))))))))))

Dumb satan worshipper

My rig is almost 1 year old but still chugging along.
Buying myself an SSD and a better monitor for Christmas

See There are a lot of games the 1060 can't run perfectly, GTAV for example and that's one of the best selling games on the PC platform.

Good thing I have never liked gta then.

>tfw fell for the multi gpu meme

Buying consoles a generation behind is the patrician form of gaming

A decade ago I would have said the same about PC but its been on the way out for awhile

I do though. I'm extremely happy with it too.

because my laptop is more than enough and i can take it anywhere i want

>get multi gpu
>Barely any game uses it

My GTX 1070 just died, what are some good and comfy games that I can play on my old 9800 GT while waiting for it to come back?

>rx 480
>no ssd


what happened? also what brand?

I do.
It's fine but I miss physical copies and don't really care about graphics, most of the time I don't even look at the graphic options unless there's something I want to turn off like motion blur, why do devs make motion blur active by default?

im poor


I do though.

Windows 10 Enterprise NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43

>can't run at 1080p max
Well no shit.


Screen just went black while doing fuck all, after a restart and switch for integrated fans were working at 100% all the time and nothing could recognize it.

Restarted it about 6 times and nothing.

I spend my money in culture, art and vacations with my girlfriend and my friends

What are you doing here then?

wtf? I get 100 fps on very high with my 1060

wat do

Dumb normal scum

Video game are culture.

I like to keep me informed about PC components

>keep me informed about PC components
You didn't answer the question.

I'm this and had some issues with MSI as well, even though the one I have now is working really well.

First, they sent me a a 950 in a 1070 box (no joke), then they sent an already opened and defective one.

Sup Forums is tech illiterate, go to Sup Forums instead.

I'm literally using a worse but similar rig and I run everything at 1080p. are you retarded?

>he doesn't have a gaming pc
I have one, but it's older, runs only 7th gen ports and upgrading is not worth it.
My PS4 Slim is more powerful.

Sup Forums is even worse

>windows 10
>gaming pc


>not willingly falling for the dx12 meme

same here
I run everything at 1080p60fps without hiccups

>a 950 in a 1070 box

I just really hope they send a new one, or repair this one as fast as possible.
It just had to fucking break right before christmas fuck my life, first the PS and now this.

Atleast I can still play SOMETHING I guess

Probably gonna upgrade the ram sometime soon

Sup Forums is elitist circlejerk
You can't ask for advice there because they nuke your thread or shitpost you to get out.
In here I ask for advice and so far Sup Forums has been right and I haven't been memed on.
Fuck them

Build thread's are frowned upon on Sup Forums because they pretty much a 24/7 dedicated build thread where you can ask questions as well as a a 24/7 /sqt/ thread where you ask even dumber questions. Making your own thread just clogs up the board.

because you ask dumb questions

I have one but I realized that I don't enjoy games anymore. I have plenty of Steam games, I run them, think how pretty they look and just close them. I just don't feel them anymore, here and there a trailer hypes me up.

Now in the aftermath a cheap laptop would have done it, but whatever a good pc holds for years if you limit it to daily usage.

ah rig is i7 2600k / gtx 1060

What's the point of building a PC in 2016 with Pascal around?
When you can have better an cheaper gaming laptops?

You gotta go back

because I want it to last a long time by upgrading and generally laptops are not upgradeable

>nice bait faggot
Why would you call OP that? Bait faggot I get, but why nice?

>I have one but I realized that I don't enjoy games anymore. I have plenty of Steam games, I run them, think how pretty they look and just close them. I just don't feel them anymore, here and there a trailer hypes me up.
You are just addicted to video game facebook and now feel depression, because the stimulation doesn't work anymore.
Admit it, quit Steam, start a physical collection and you will start liking vidya again.

>because I want it to last a long time by upgrading and generally laptops are not upgradeable
What do you want to upgrade?

>mfw i sold my video game collection to build a pc
>can now play those games through emulation

one component at a time as they age

You can upgrade HDD storage and memory in laptops.
Everything else you need to upgrade at once anyway. What's the use of a 2016 GPU inside a 2006 rig?

>one component at a time as they age
Maybe you are not really interested in playing games and "upgrading PCs" is your actual hobby?
So games are just the excuse to get more hardware?

>What's the use of a 2016 GPU inside a 2006 rig?
If you upgrade obviously you will upgrade everything relevant.

you are stuck in 1 generation with laptops
I'd rather just buy a new graphics card then months later upgrade my cpu rather than buying a completely new laptop because it became obsolete

Don't see point in getting a new videocard while I'm serving in Defense Forces, will get one tho next summer.

>666hz RAM
>ASRock motherboard

I dunno, why don't you tell us your excuse for not having a gaming pc?

>I'd rather just buy a new graphics card then months later upgrade my cpu
And how does CPU upgrades work with ever changing sockets?
Or how do you upgrade an AGP card to PCIe?

Yup it's the same build I have. Except for the motherboard

then buy a new motherboard, its not like intel changes sockets every generation


They change sockets way more often now.
You used to bve able to upgrade 6 times before a change. Now it is down to 3.
Rumors say eventually they will stop offering upgrades and sell you the mobo and cpu in a set and then we apple now.

Sup Forums is also full of poorfag amd shitters with their leafblower rx's

>then buy a new motherboard
Or I save money and buy a new laptop.
Which has the advantage that I can continue to use the old one, instead of accumulating a bunch of useless electronic waste.

2gb 1060? Why lie online?

you can sell your old components tho
if you're happy with a laptop then great, we all have different needs and opinions user

>tfw only got an i5 6400

because I earn 450$ per month m8. 200hours of work.

pic related

My 1060 also says 2 gb, speccy is dumb

I guess I do.

What third world country pays so little for 200 hours of work?

>you can sell your old components tho
Yeah sure, I'm total going to sell that Phenom II X4 810 2.6 GHz.
Because that bit of change is totally worth the effort bothering with niggers on eBay.
I don't want to sell shit like a third worlder.
When I upgrade to a new laptop, I can keep the old one in perfectly usable condition including compatibility support for older games.
If rip a PC apart, I end up with a pile of trash.

Poland. I tell you worse. Ukrainians earn even less in Poland but it's still more than they do in their own country. Thats why we are emigrating to UK,Germany or Sweden,Norway. I am considering emigrating to Netherlands myself.

Still love Poland, best contry in the world

Here in beaner country you barely earn $5 A DAY
Of you are one manual worker that is, equivalent to mc donalds tier salary.

Built my first custom gaming PC earlier this year. Spent too much on expensive parts.
It was fun though. Would build again with more restraint next time.

>aib titan
wait what?

Might be a reference card sold through a partner. I've seen a few older Titan X's from gigabyte before.

>Titan X
why would you do such a thing user

Ram is DDR4-3200.

only an SSD?

>titan x
I would return those things and get only a 1080 max and a i5 6600

It's possible. I do that, but I have an incredibly fast internet connection, an external HD and a bigger SSD.

Literally why.

>I'll return this Ferrari and get a Corvette because it's 70% of the performance for a more reasonable price.

Let people get nice things. And a 6700k is totally worth it.

There's nothing to play on PC. Nothing that won't run on a 750ti anyway.

Because no single game is gonna ever be able to utilize those settings that is worth playing.
But if he wants to show off only, all the power to him.
He should use 3 firewalls though, because with that power I am sure hackers will love to put bitcoin miners in his system at the first try.

Microcenter didn't have the HDD I am looking when I last went. Will purchase one in the next month.

>Because no single game is gonna ever be able to utilize those settings that is worth playing.
Are you one of those "if it was made after 2006, it's bad" kind of people?

Maybe he wants a 4k/60 with minimal compromise?

Shit, in 3-4 years the XX60 card will be as powerful as a Titan XP is now.

It seems to be a reference pcb on a gigabyte cooler.
Pascal was already out. I bought a Maxwell Titan being cleared out for the price of a 1070.
It's not a Titan XP.

That's exactly why one shouldn't spend so much in hardware that gets outdated so quickly, faggot
Unless you have money to show off.

It's not "showing off" if it's literally the best performance by a large margin.

Protip: people with money get to have a better experience than you. This is America, learn to deal with that.

Might as well.