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>literally weaker than a gtx 950/750 ti


Atleast it will have GAMES.

This, but don't tell that to the shitposters when they're starving with the PS4 and Scorpio.

What are you guys going to play? NBA 2k18? Watch Dogs 3? Call of Duty Infinite Warfare 2?

>Atleast it will have GAMES.
That's what they said about the Pii U

But will it have Red Dead Redemption 2 or any of the popular third party releases?

and they were right

>trusting leaks

Wow. Modern Sup Forums sure is smart!

>Atleast it will have GAMES.

Switch is literally nothing more than a Zelda machine.

probably because the games haven't been announced yet, I expect launch titles will be revealed january for the big press event.

>Weaker than Pentium 4

It hasn't even been formally revealed and its already at the same number of games as PS4.

where's the source?

You mean a game.
A ported game.
Because this thing won't sell and third parties will drop support for it fast.

muh rumor!!!

Digital Foundry. They got the dev kit specs and a few others jumped in to confirm their sources seem to agree with the leak.
If it ends up as the final spec though is still unknown due to previous "final" dev kits from Nintendo and other companies being different to the real thing.

This is how games will look:


Lmao they look worse than smartphone games.

who are you quoting?
I literally just asked for the source, I've heard of the Maxwell >rumour but not this one. Your immediate jump to a defensive stance really speaks volumes, though.

Thanks for clearing things up instead of being a massive faggot like the other user

>multiplats on a Nintendo system
that's not when Nintendo do anymore, nor is it what people generally buy the systems for.

Yes, I'm sure Nintendo will triple the power of the Switch from their devkits to final product. It will surely get RDR2, and many other third party titles. Nintendo surely won't censor their games, won't refuse to make good proper sequels to a lot of their franchises, nor will they ignore what many fans ask for!

Nintendo is back, baby!

>that's not when Nintendo do anymore, nor is it what people generally buy the systems for
Still doesn't stop it being disappointing even if it is kinda the norm for Nintendo. Being able to play some of the multiplats on the go or just lying in bed would have been pretty neat.

I swear I wanted one.
But this shit is just too much. Are you even trying Nintendo ?

Talk about yourself, kiddo.

Leaked info doesnt mean it's 100% true, things can still change during dev. Time.

within 3 months of launch?

I have no idea what any of this means.

is this docked mode? or undocked? If undocked it´s pretty impressive.

Also they are only using 1gb vram so textures can look way better. and with optimization it can also look better.

true, it honestly boils down to if the Switch manages to sell well - keep in mind even the fucking Wii managed to get some multiplats among its shovelware (though most had to be gimped heavily as the Wii was ludicrously underpowered, the Switch doesn't seem to be quite as insanely underpowered as the Wii was [though if rumours are true it'd still be at least half a gen behind)

no u :^)

How are you people this delusional after ten+ years of this shit from Nintendo? If people started to bitch at Nintendo en masse, maybe they'd get a clue. Instead they see shit like "lets wait and see how totally awesome it is" and continue being garbage because in their own little World of Nintendo, they're still totally awesome radical to the max, bro.

Right about what? Even the PS3 outlived the Wii U

It's a more portable WiiU that's maybe a bit stronger than a 360.

Docked. These games will probably run when undocked in a lower resolution than 720p to hold a decent fps.

Wii u is great though and isn't it sold out nationwide this Christmas?

the Wii U got games of its own, even if you probably feel they're bad games - the platform had more exclusive titles with positive ratings than the Xbone and PS4 combined.

also on the wii u.

>that's not when Nintendo do anymore, nor is it what people generally buy the systems for.

Nintendo disagrees with you. They want people to buy multiplats. Most of the money in the console business comes from third party licensing, that's why the PS store makes more money than all of Nintendo now.

I don't even give a shit about graphics myself desu. I want good ost and gameplay. Story and graphics are just a bonus to me in any game. When you learn to think this way too then you will have a lot more fun playing vidya user. This is why you shitpost all day on Sup Forums and haven't put more than 20 minutes into a decent game in the past 5 years.

>Nintendo disagrees with you. They want people to buy multiplats.
>no source

One main mario 3d game
One main zelda game
One mario kart game
One smash game
One or two new nintendo ip game
Mario tenis/party/soccer
Assorted shovelware

Repeat for the next console

Because Nintendo stopped producing it earlier this year. Shipments were limited in the first place.

>tfw to intelligent for nintendo consoles

Nintendo's fan base is very cultish.

Microsoft and Sony fall prey to this bullshit too

This industry is so uninspired and repetitive now.

And yet no one cared. It's almost as if reviews and ratings are irrelevant if a console lacks games that consumers actually want to play. Crazy right?

The only console worth buying is a 3ds.

If Skyrim and NBA 2K on the fucking reveal of the console doesn't confirm to you this then nothing will.

Keep believing that the mass market actually cares about exclusives.

But it literally has games
I don't know how we can make this any clearer. His argument is that the Wii U has far more quality games on it than other current gen consoles.

Given the variety and weird shit on it. Yeah. I'd agree there. Handhelds have always been a free zone for experimentation in gameplay.

and its successor, the Switch

they want people to buy Nintendo games first and foremost, they barely care about multiplats

kek I had a 400mhz PC in 1998

sony makes a lot of intering stuff, more than they get credit for. i kinda wish nintendo experimented more like them because id prefer new stuff rather than the slew of safe games they make for every console from existing franchises

Remember when Nintendo consoles were actually competitive specs-wise?

Nice. I can't wait for it to come out.

Also dat zelda nnngg.

2016 went by with LITERALLY 0 Wii U releases of note and nothing to look forward after Zelda. It's a dead console at this point, being smug that it has games at this point is like saying that the SNES has games. Of course they do, this means nothing, the people who weren't swayed by the Wii U library at this point aren't going to suddenly change their minds.

>no touch screen
>no clam shell design
>too big to put in a pocket
>too big to play comfortably under a blanket in bed
does it even have stereo speakers?

>sony makes a lot of intering stuff
such as?
I can think of Gravity Rush, LBP before it dried out, and the upcoming game from media molecule "Dreams" that I haven't heard fuck-all about in a long time (is it still in development?). That's all Sony's recent experimental games I can think of.

What happened?

it's the same size as a 3DSXL once you detach the joycons, but I was just meme'ing tbqh. No idea if it uses a touchscreen or not, I've heard rumours for both sides there.


Fuck they could bring back some of their old IPs, Startropics, Pilotwings, Takamaru, Punch-Out, Balloon Fight, Mach Rider, Ice Climbers.

There's a lot of potential in cool as fuck games with those IPs.

Ape Escape, Medievil


>Wii U died for this

Usually good quality equates to sales

Wii U didn't sell well and neither did the games.

Nintendo doesnt need to make consoles that last for years or games that become iconic past the initial hype. They can make a new console every year that will sell anyway

>such as?

Not that guy but Horizon Zero Dawn, Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice Delta, The Last Guardian, Bloodborne, Tearaway, Dreams, Wild and even though Deep Down is vaprourware, they built that engine with Capcom. And there's really heaps more smaller or last gen titles I haven't mentioned either.

Sony just tries to create more stuff than Nintendo and it's a good thing for this industry as a whole, better than sticking to the same franchises and making sequel after sequel

I never really played Ape Escape, just the demo; so I can't really comment there. I did play Medieval though, great game despite some stiff controls (though that was common for the time so I forgive it). I'm not sure I'd exactly call it creative/innovative, though. Never played the sequel, heard it was sub-par.

I find it really bizarre that Sony has paid almost no attention to their "classic" franchises like those, only recently do they seem to be drawing attention with stuff like the Crash trilogy remaster (looks pretty good so far, but I'd prefer a new game - stop this remaster meme for god's sake Sony).


*gets exhausted from the roaring laughter
*takes a deep breath*
*inhales and continues the laughter*



That's not the CPU clock, that's the GPU's.

Nintendo and Sony both but more so Nintendo can draw from a pool of great ip they already own, the task of making a good game out of them and one that'll sell is the difficult part. Shit's not cheap in todays industry, not like how it used to be

>Deep down

God damn it. It's not fair, that game looked fun

Ape Escape was pretty much set the foundation for twin stick controls in an action game. Admittedly medieval wasn't ground breaking but it sure was charming and fun as fuck.

>Horizon Zero Dawn
Didn't look particularly creative or new to me, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt that only combat and some dialog wheels have been shown off so far, as I'm assuming there'll be more to it than that which we haven't seen yet
>Gravity Rush
I already brought that one up
>Soul Sacrifice Delta
is it bad that I don't know what this is?
>The Last Guardian
I didn't like it, the AI was awful
It's a souls spinoff at its core, not sure that's particularly innovative
I also already mentioned this as well

list one game
You can't

Jackie chan

>tfw you have a 970m who is a little bit better than a 960
really makes you think

>megahertz myth

really low quality shitpost

>I find it really bizarre that Sony has paid almost no attention to their "classic" franchises like those, only recently do they seem to be drawing attention with stuff like the Crash trilogy remaster (looks pretty good so far, but I'd prefer a new game - stop this remaster meme for god's sake Sony).
The new Crash trilogy are remakes, not remasters. I'm not sure why they're promoting them as remasters when they use new assets and even have new cutscenes. It's not like they just took the original PS1 games and upscaled to 1080p.


Seems like someone found UE4 graphic settings for the Switch in GitHub, and it seems to use the "full" version, and not the "mobile" builds.

Except both gets AAA multi-plats support from third parties, unlike Nu-tendo.

Uninspired rehashed garbage-tier first party exclusives? Well, at least xboners and sonyggers still have FIFA/Cowadoody/Battlefields/etc. to entertain themselves with.

Nu-tendo fuckbois need to realize that console gaming doesn't revolve around Mario Rehashed #1345 and Zelda Rehashed #7033 anymore

You're gonna be megahurtzing if you don't shut up nerd.

>they want people to buy Nintendo games first and foremost, they barely care about multiplats

Nintendo's fanbase gets smaller with every generation, pleasing them with exclusives is a dead end. If Nintendo just wants to sell software then they'd be better off going third party, because people don't want to buy boxes to play just Mario and Zelda anymore.

That's been known for months.

To be fair. Those series you listed are just as guilty of being stagnant as fuck.

The industry in general has gotten to such a point that they have to play it safe at all times and just spin their fucking wheels and go through the paces, again and again.

dammit user you're making me want to whip out the PS1 again to play some Medieval.
I have a thing where I play a bunch of classic PS1 platformer/adventure titles (Medieval, Crash/Spyro 2, Rayman, etc.) roughly every year. Aside from dated controls they hold up surprisingly well to this day. I miss the platformer boom

I thought "remake" would refer to something more akin to the Ratchet & Clank 1 remake, which changes some of its content and gameplay; whilst "remaster" is a graphical upgrade - in Crash's case, it's a proper remaster with overhauled assets and textures across the board (mane devs are really fucking lazy over remasters, which is why I'm happy with how the Crash one is looking as they're actually putting in the effort). In my view, a simple upscaled port is just a port, or a "rerelease".

Thanks, user.

That sounds fine to me

>I miss the platformer boom

Me too, user. Me too. Platformers are my favorite genre of vidya and it's pretty rare to see it nowadays except in the indie circles, and some of that can be absolute garbage

How about fucking goddamn Metroid?

How can it run UE4 if it's barely stronger than the Wii U?

>How can it run UE4 if it's barely stronger than the Wii U?
Modern architecture.
Phones can run UE4.

>How about fucking goddamn Metroid?

user she's dead. You're gonna have to move on.

I thought it was not able to become more powerful when docked. Why did Digital Foundry lie about this and said in a previous video?

Sony tried to see if there was demand for cartoony adventure platformers with great artstyles, music, semi-open world exporation and gameplay with Sly Cooper 4 and it bombed and I think sold around 200k or something.

I want Sony to return to old franchises too especially the fun cartoony fun gamey games but I'm pretty sure they know they don't sell which is why I kinda envy Nintendo and the attachment their fans have to their first party content. I wish Sony had that kind of love from it's fanbase so they would make fun cute games like NIntendo dose but they just don't have it.


Actually, i think it become less powerful undocked, not other way around.

couldn't agree more that's honestly why I got a Wii U don't meme on me, it was cheap and I got my money's worth out of it easily, but man I really hope Yooka Laylee is at least good and encourages platformers to resurface in the general market - I'd love for more platformer videogames to be coming out again across the industry

1. People don't realize how much stronger than the Wii U it is.
2. Nvidia made sure that Epic knew what the hardware and architecture for the thing is like and a half ago.

I don't get why they'd decide to test that market with Sly Cooper, possibly the least-memorable platformer/adventure game of that era that I never particularly liked

I know, it just hurts. I'll just pass on Nintendo completely at this point.

I got a Wii U too, friend. It's why I still come back to Nintendo, other than that I have given up on consoles, my PS4 has let me down for the past few years, with the exception of Let It die, this has been a game that's popped out of nowhere and has really hooked me.

It's why I'm still gonna get a switch, for platformers and action games

>1. People don't realize how much stronger than the Wii U it is.
2 times at best, docked.

I should probably clarify that I meant I never really liked Sly Cooper, not that era.

Sony is still obviously trying with Knack 2. The thing is that there's no demand for platformers anymore, Nintendo is the only publisher that still makes money with platformers. It's the same kind of semi dead genre that rock band, skate games and space shooters belong to.