Soldier: 76

How would you nerf him?

>caring about balance in a casual game

What the fuck is this autism

I wouldn't, he's fine

Yet you're here posting about this "casual game".

When is this qt finally going to get buffed?

ive had it up to here with your fucking overwatch threads you fucking faggots are a real crick in my dick you know what

slight lower in rate of fire

Make his cock only 6 inches long instead of 7.

lower the damage on his gun. He should have that fire power when he has a fucking rocket, sprint, and group heal. The whole point of the character was that he was versatile not a stronger more mobile mccree who doesn't give a fuck about barriers and doesn't need to aim

A whole inch is too much, he'd be perfect at 6.5.

0/10 bait

By nerfing his damage.

I don't see a world where people don't bitch about OW balance constantly. They poorly thought out several aspects of the game, such as Lucio, shields in general, a handful of ultimates that just need to be gutted/replaced, and so on.

Take him back to how he was on release.

He's perfectly balanced and if you don't agree then you just suck, plain and simple familia

He's fine, i would increase his damage range falloff.

Give him a "sprint" meter like Dva has a shield meter

Make his rifle mode select and give him an accurate 3 round burst or innacurrate full auto

Lower his overall damage but give him a "gets hot" ramp up based on how often he fires, so full auto will do increasing damage until he runs out of clip

This will force players to choose between being accurate but doing lower damage for plinking Pharah, and bring innacurrate but doing high damage for hosing down tanks.

Nerf ana instead

Super retarded thank god you aren't in a position to implement this

All opinion into the bin.

because he hates autists like yourself

I wouldn't. he's fine.



Cool it buddy

You're the same guy who posted the porn in the deep thread aren't you.

Autism speaks

>I'm allowed to be wrong because Sup Forums hates niggers and /r9k/ hates women

>my face when blizzard will never fix tanks ever and only make it worse

>my face when blizzard will never fix ana's bullshit grenade ever

Soldier 76 is fine, how would we balance Mccree?

sounds like we got a hog main

No, I hate roadhog actually.

That ana grenade does way too much, seriously. One skill does 4 different things all at once.

It's ridiculous, seriously.

Like this

Make him gay.

>that left one over his hp bar


>all these people pretending he's fine
If you can't see that he's by far the strongest offense character then you're retarded. He's basically a mobile bastion right now.


>can you pass me the salt

>user that's pepper

BUT Sup Forums *autistic screeching*


It's the only thing that makes Ana fun to play though.

So how long til we get a pyromaniac character, because you know it's going to happen.

Maybe a robot pyro.

Him being the most capable doesn't mean he needs nerfs. The game would be a lot more fun if everyone else was as good.

Regardless, that grenade is too good. It's enabling an awful metagame.

I would enjoy buffing the other characters instead of nerfing him, but a Tracer with higher dps could be incredibly cancer. It would be kinda weird having Genji and Tracer being tank busters

i could fuck with this idea. plus makes the animation for high noon a little extra sweet (and longer) by having him roll back his other gun.

longer heal cooldown or make his weapon spread more if you go full auto

>his weapon spread more if you go full auto

bliz does insist that there is a damage dropoff if you just spam his gun but raising that will only hurt bad players and wont help even it out at the top.

He was already "balanced" into the ground.

He isn't a tank or healer, so we don't nerf him you fuck

They will probably never touch 76 again now that the cod kiddies have someone of importance.


bigger flashbang radius and his fan-the-hammer can kill tanks

Tracer already is with her ult.

>6 shots
>2 revolvers
That's half a round per fucking gun

But he's your huckleberry. He can do it.

autists hating other autists... we need to go deeper