Fantasy game

>fantasy game
>over a dozen races to choose from
>he picks human

Please tell me you don't do this, user.

I always play some other races.
Playing human is boring.
I go for lizards if given a choice.
But I also never pick elves. Fuck them

>anonymous image board
>over a dozen images to start thread with
>he picks his shitty fursona

Please don't do this, user.

Fucking scalies.

>he plays MMOs

>tfw only ever play as a puggle
>no games have piffle option

but it's the most main protagonisty race there is

>Pick Avian in Starbound
There aren't enough playable bird races in games

Who /ape/ here?

Best race, Lizards close behind.

>Pick human
>Tear shit up because I'm jack of all trades master race

scalies can suck my master race dick


>No game where you play as a human in a monster filled continent
>People ogle over you like you're a freak of nature

there's a bunch of drawings of this idea and I love it

Does race even matter in that game besides aesthetics?

>pick human
>kill every other species because they aren't human


>Pick bird race
>Can't fly

>not purging xenos

Not only do I pick human, I spend the entire game systemically cleansing the world of anything but humans.

>there's a bunch of drawings of this idea and I love it
show it

I always build myself because I'm ego-centric and like the idea of putting myself into a fantasy world to try and fug elves.

Animal crossing basically

>roleplaying game
>you're not allowed to roleplay

>Implying I have them

Maybe they too chubby to fly

I don't..ever, so we're square.

>Not picking undead master race
>Because it's never an option

>fantasy game
>pick human
>fuck the other races

Human is dull and plebeian, but picking a humanoid with animal characteristics and acting like that makes you superior is just pathetic.

Robots are toppest of tiers, followed by undead.

>Fantasy game
>The only races are humans, humans with pointy ears, short humans with beards, green humans

Every time

No your not. That's the literally the definition of jack of all trades. You are master of nothing.

the fantasy races might as well be humans since they're just recoloured humans literally 99% of the time

Fuck no.

I mean sure, Human President is voiced by John DeGodDamnDelancie and the other Human is voiced by that one dude from Nightmare on Elm Street, but the other races are so much fucking better.

I fucking love how the Narrator is pretty much like "Why the fuck did they think this was a good idea" when the Mrrshan win through diplomacy and is elected Galactic Ruler

Rat race
Best race!

burmecians in 14 when?

>invisible race

Had such an idea ever been developed before?

halflings are the worst because they're just scaled down humans. They have all the same proportions.

They don't look small. They just look far away.

Jack of all trades, master of none, but still better than master of one

There's unique ship design and layout, armor, and flavor text when inspecting stuff.
So pretty much just aesthetics unfortunately. Would be nice if there were unique passive bonuses in the base game.

This post is for real nigga, when the fuck would knowing a lot of skills be a bad thing?


The only reason to pick human imo

>Fantasy game
>It's medieval Tolkien wannabe shit

BASED user

developers often make humans the best race. divinity does this with leadership although the other races have their uses due to it being a 4 character game.

what game?
Is it interesting?

Because you might've learned a bunch of useless shit while someone else mastered something actually useful.

game? now that looks like some much needed variety

I want knife ears to LEAVE

>Because you might've learned a bunch of useless shit

Like how to maximise your shitposting?

I might be late but there was a game like that on X-box.

It turns out all aliens are psychic and stuff. Humans are this "mythical" "legendary" race of superpsychis that disappeared from the galaxy. All modern humans just "turned off" the psychic ability to try and live out of sight.

Humanity gets ambushed in the intro and the ayylmaos take you and turn on your psychic abilities. You become a fucking superhuman and they're always worshipping you and being all like FUCK YEAH THE HUMAN. WE GOT A HUMAN ON OUR SIDE. AWESOME. As you toss badguys all over the place like ragdolls with your Jean Grey abilities.

Apparently Starbound's community on their forums voted them out. Guess some players of specific races don't want others to have things they can't have.


fucking awful and its so fucking common too if I see another elf,orc,gnome or whatever im going to spaz out

>playing anything other than humans

Who is this artist again? I need to find their gallery.

I like their lizards.


that sounds fucking AWESOME, what's the name?

Master of Orion, I believe.

It's the Master of Orion reboot.

luckily mods exist for that game to make it somewhat playable


Master of Orion. The 2016 reboot.
It's pretty much Civ 5 in Space.
Voice cast is pretty much all Sci-Fi celebs.

>there won't be a game like this ever again

I just want to live out my power fantasies man

>twn be a game where humanity is a spacefaring game where they genocide/uplift a tribal ayy species
>twn be a game where humanity is more advanced but ISNT the bad guy
>twn be another unique game again

Yes, mastering shitposting is much more useful than learning how to write constructive, thoughtful and meaningful posts on Sup Forums. The effort-to-(you) ratio is very unbalanced due to mods not cracking down on the bans.

it better not be early access