>game st Around 1600AD Japan, at the high of Japanese isolationism when Japan didnt have any contact with the US, England or any other English speaking nation
>Japaneses voice over speaks using English loanwords
immersion broken.
>game st Around 1600AD Japan, at the high of Japanese isolationism when Japan didnt have any contact with the US, England or any other English speaking nation
>Japaneses voice over speaks using English loanwords
immersion broken.
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Name eighteen thousand (18000) games that do this.
I thought i was the only one
>mfw merodii
It takes a special and rare kind of autism.
There are not 18000 games that do this
I'm sure they use completely 古語, too, you pufta.
so is there a 14th and 15th hidden level the space after the 13th in the mission select menu triggers my autism
Is this game as good as i'm reading about online?
I could do with a commandos like game like.
Name them anyway.
Your post is like the equivalent of being bumblasted that every English language game in existence isn't written with period appropriate English, even if it makes the game near comprehensible to modern audiences.
I just completed it and really enjoyed it. I can see where some people are coming from when they say that some sections were perhaps a bit to linear and not sandboxy enough but there were still enough open sections for my taste. I also liked how they used factors like snow and daytime to make the levels feel unique. The story was surprisingly decent and i ended up liking the characters. For future games i would there to either be more characters or some kind of inventory system so that characters become more flexible in their abilities. Interior levels would also be nice.
The thing is that since their is no inventory system it really makes little sense to have these huge maps with a bunch of interiors. In commandos i explored around since i wanted to find cool stuff. If you don't have that then there really is no reason to explore areas not critical to the main objective.
It's even better than Commandos, it's literally the new king of the genre.
I like shadow tactics and you could say that it is a tighter and more polished experience but it clearly lacks in terms of content and depth compared to commandos 2.
Yes its good. get it.
no because Melody isn't even Japanese, they have 旋律. I dont know if they used it back then but they do use it today.
Give me one good fucking reason why not to use 旋律
Perhaps they are using 旋律 and it just happens to be pronounced as melody?
>clearly lacks in terms of content and depth compared to commandos 2.
Tell me about that content and depth. Because even as a C2 fan I can't come up with examples.
Interiors maybe, but thats so-so depending who you ask, because ST certainly works more than well enough without them. Inventories? More of a stupid thing in C2, which made less sense than it actually did, due to the completely retarded usage restrictions on characters. Speaking of said restrictions. A lot of fun when only certain characters can tie up enemies because "lmao" .
>every single soldier in the game carries a musket
how long did it take you?
thinking about buying it but not sure if I want to shell out $36 for a game that'll only last a few hours
>game set in 1600 AD japan
>they use modern japanese
Hell they didnt have a word for love back then.
its pronounced senritsu. and even if by some magical occurrence you were right, are you going to claim the same for every occurrence they she uses English loanwords? Melody wasn't the only fuck up.
First of all, those muskets were introduced before the Sakoku - the policy of extreme isolation. before that Japan had limited trade with the Dutch and Portugese (and the Chinese, but ONLY those 3 parties, no one else) and even that was done just so they could get western weapons like muskets and artillery. Also by 1600 they already learned how to make muskets themselves.
Japan didnt have contact with any other nation (especially English speaking nations) until 1854 when the US came to Japan with force and threatened them with war unless they to end their Isolationism and open trade relations with the US (which ironically sparked a period of hyper industrialization, gave birth to the Empire of Japan which culminated 90 years later with Pearl Harbor. Good job America!)
google translate says its Senritsu.
Nips use a lot of loanwords that have japanese synonyms.
Well the maps were larger and had a bunch of interiors and since the game had a inventory system with tons of different items exploration actually mattered. There were also more characters with different specialties and combined with the inventory system there were more ways to tackle each situation. You can say that usage restriction are bit anal but it made it so that you had to use different characters. Overall there were more content and plenty of more items/abilities/vehicles to added depth and a need to explore. I have a boner for shadow tactics but compared to commandos 2 my dick is flacid.
I would say that i spent around 1 hour on each mission so say 15-ish hours. The missions gets longer as the game go on.
Eh, in commandos you just pick one guy you like more and clear out the whole map with him. Shadow Tactics actually requires using different characters in different situations (and combining their abilities).
One of the few games I'm willing to 100%
Here's my current progress
The only two Steam achievements I'm missing is knock out 250 guards and get all badges.
I rarely even care about steam achievements in the first place. There's just something about this game.
How hard was it to complete the maps in the given time? I always took way more time to finish them.
The speedrun challenge is the last one I do, so I know the maps pretty well at that point.
I also don't care if I get an alarm. At some parts it even helps me when guards all rush to that one point, the other parts are clear.
The only speedrun that was particularly difficult was mission 3 because you have to sneak Mugen inside to the getaway cart through a million guards without stones or sneezing powder.
In the last map there's a gimmick that makes speedrun in 5 minutes possible with using only Aoki.
Well i agree that shadow mode is a nice addition. Well yeah you could go bananas with your favorite commando but the different item/ability restrictions made it so that you had to keep using more than one of them.
>Game takes place around 1600AD japan
>There were no games during 1600AD in japan
Dumb game
Are you really this much of an idiot OP? England and Portugal had the most contact with Japan prior to the Tokugawa Shogunate enacting isolation policies in the early 1600s. The Dutch didn't gain favor until later.
Nobunaga loved the fuck out of England.
This bullshit always pisses me off.
>England and Portugal had the most contact with Japan prior to the Tokugawa Shogunate enacting isolation policies in the early 1600s
Portugal yes. England no. The first time England contact Japan was 1600(See William Adams) - right before the isolation policies started. since then there were minor interactions but no serious state level interactions until American intervention.
Nobu didnt have contact with England.
If someone can rip the damn Unity audio files, I'll translate the unit dialogue.
Well, it looks like the only "research" they did for this time period was watching some anime and maybe some old samurai films and then "omg samurais and ninjas are like soo cool"
The soundtrack is pretty neat.
And they still managed to make a good game.
How will immersionfags survive?
Jackie Chan
They bit the hand that fed them
And reaped what they sow
Fire and brimstone unending
Merodii~ is kawaii as fuck. I can't hate it.
Soundtrack is a pretty important factor in these type of games. I'm glad it was decent but not as good as Commandos 2
they actually did a fairly good job in terms of history, far better than I expected. which is part of the reason why the whole English loanwords annoys me, I mean come on you do a good job all around but you fuck up on something so basic? its the contrast which makes the problem be so prominent. and the fact the melody line is used fairly often isn't helping.
>he uses japanese audio without knowing japanese
>They bit the hand that fed them
If you mean Japan bit the hand that fed them, its debatable.
First of all, how would you feel if someone came into your home and start threatening you? Angry? Afraid? Now imagine that guy threatening you is a big, scary foreigner using advance technology - massive metallic, steam spewing ships, armed with massive cannons, How does this effect your emotions? Makes you even more angry and afraid right? great its exactly the type of emotions which allowed the rise of the Japanese Empire. they were afraid of western powers and mostly the US, which was seen as demonic bullies who abuse their superior military power.
So they went on to working to solve it, they took massive steps to industrialize so they could mass produce weapons, they invested heavily in technological advancement which made them leap hundreds of years within a few decades and they got the power to conquer many parts of Asia and the Pacific. suddenly they became the bullies and they can fight back against the big American bully and humiliate him for his past actions.
Think of it like a Nerd, getting a chance to get back at his highschool bully years after highschool.
Now Asian males must submit to the dominance of the white man by surrendering their women, jerking off in box rooms and dying
Why is this game so expensive?
No, it's good but not on par with Commandos 2.
Should I start with Commandos 1 or 2 if I've never played them before?
yeah, and when you watch gladiator you cry that there is no latin version ? faggot
How is this even similar? but yeah if they do a Latin dub version, I expect them to use proper latin rather than mixing Latin and English.
Mugen is pure 古語, nigga.
you should calm your autism, ofc they weren't going to use ancient dialects but use modern language to do VA
wake up little faggot
castle Vania symphonic of the nght
no it's like complaining Italian dubs aren't in latin
What irked me the most is Mugen's dialogue where you can listen to him refer politely to everyone like hayato-dono, yuki-dono, but the English text says -san, -chan, etc.
Also why wouldn't you translate okaa-san like it's a proper name or something? Yuki was clearly talking about her mother.
Like, what the fuck man.
Its not ancient vs. new dialect. its about using English words rather than Japanese words. see Italian speak Italian. Japanese speak Japanese. so why the fuck did they use ENGLISH in the JAPANESE voice over?
I mean Japan got pretty cocky after they defeated Russia.
>in 1600ad italians spoke italians
>in 1600ad japanese people spoke japanese without any english words in their speech
how much of a baka gaijin must you be to not get this straight ?
you're assuming melody is english word only, most languages from greek and latin have pretty much the same word.
if the japanese use it commonly now, I see no trouble. If they don't, I see your point, although I still think you overreact
旋律 is a common word, about Junior high level word, which means melody. no reason why not to use it. same for all the other occurrences where they used English.
I think his argument is that Latin is an old form of Italian and that 1600s Japanese is almost a different language than modern Japanese.
I dont know much about the Japanese language but 1600s English is almost a different language.
Wouldn't you? They won where Napoleon failed miserably just 90 years before. it made them feel like they're in the big league now.
not the user you are replying to but they should use modern Japanese. Modern Japanese word meaning melody is 旋律, actually saying "Melody" isn't Japanese.
The second one is the best one so start with that.
i hate weebs so much. i bet your fat white ass can't speak a lick of Japanese.
Well it seems to be in Japanese dictionaries so I don't know what basis you have to say it's not part of the language.
You got foreign words in English dictionary too, doesn't make them English words.
Yes it does. They're part of the English language now no matter where they came from originally.
No, if they have foreign roots but evolved into English its one thing, but just flat out copy-paste using a foreign word doesn't make it suddenly an English word.
Well I disagree I say as soon as a word is widely used in a language it is part of that language and the only difference between a word that's been "copy pasted" and one that just has "foreign roots" is time.
>evolved into English
They're speaking modern Japanese in Edo Japan, if you're so much of a linguaphile you'd have alt-f4'ed out of the game during the first 5 minutes. Fucking weeaboos.
>game takes place in the sengoku jidai of 15th century japan
>mayonnaise exists
>Japan didnt have any contact with the US
Because the US didn't exist retard.
They were actually domestic copies of arquebuses introduced by the Portugese, but yes, the OP is pretty retarded - isolation didn't come into effect until 1633 onwards when Iemitsu started placing restrictions on foreign trade.
Sakoku wasn't even all that exclusionary either - Japanese foreign trade was already in low-volume and high value commodities (silver for silk, mostly) that did not require large fleets of ships like so it's not like it really changed a whole lot.
There never was any bulk trade to cut off to begin with; the policy was meant to prevent domestic daimyo, especially the Kyushu domains, from building diplomatic ties with the West and overthrowing the Tokugawa based in the northeast.
>Remember the Alamo, Asuka
wtf I thought this game took place in ancient japan?
Note the matchlock, rather than flintlock action.
mfw the elder scrolls games with their "wait" function showing the 24h cycle where they have renamed the days of the week to something similar like "sundas" instead of sunday which just brings attention to the whole thing and why it's so stupid and also starts making you think about why they have 24 hour day cycles and shit if the world is vastly different. There's a reason why you don't start naming things like "horse" to something new. It just brings attention to the fac tthat you're in a made up world. Fuck.