Look what you've done

are you happy now?

>sjw's and anti sjw's flip their shit
>Blizzard laughs all the way to the bank again

>put the game on sale
>announce the cover character that you've been pushing hand over fist since the first day is a homosexual
>subtly remind people the game is on sale now and won Game of the Year at the Video Game Awards
Gotta hand it to the marketing department at Blizzard, just wish they would do more to address the issues with the gameplay

>biggest hit game release
Is people still playing this?

>implying I play trash

>Meanwhile the faggots in /owg/ on /vg/ are hanging themselves en masse because the token gay person wasn't McCree or Reyes


if blizz keeps this up they might ban overwacht completely over there

They sell video games in the Middle East?

Not even memeing, what servers do they play on? And what countries permit such a thing?

>people caring about the sexual orientation of a fictional character when it doesnt matter in the slightest

They even make games in the Middle East. It's fucking ridiculous!

Why is it that all these people have so fucking disgusting way of expressing themselves? Like

>See this character? He's a faggot.
>Yes, this character is a faggot.
>Guess what? I'm a faggot.
>I'm a faggot - and you should feel bad

Turkey isn't in the Middle East, it's Europe, so says Sultan Erdogan

no one cares about lesbians, unless they're hot lesbians, which is arousing.

you gotta be underage

>the most worthless character in the whole game is gay
Who would've seen it coming

>Is people
fucking black people

>Turkey isn't in the middle east

>make a character that already has tons of gay fan art gay, fueling the male gaze for lesbian sex

If Blizzard had balls they would made a dude gay, but that is way more stigma involved when your fanbase is 90% young white males.

Something the matter lad?

Pretty fucking hot honestly. Imagine her kissing and rubbing pussies with another girl. Any other dev would make them ugly hambeasts.

>fueling the male gaze for lesbian sex
Shut up Jonathan.

Working in Blizz marketing must be them just laughing for 8 hours straight every day as they collect 200k in holiday bonuses each.

No I mean the real Middle East. Since when is Anatolia in the Middle East

I mean like places like Syria and Yemen and UAE

I somehow fail to see how kissing a girl makes her homosexual.

Literally why would anyone care about this? There's a 50/50 chance they're straight or gay. It's just up to whatever the creator of it feels like giving them. Just a tag with no weight behind it.

>tons of porn of Tracer, Mercy, etc going at it with each other
>Tracer is canonically gay

Memes aside, Turkey is European, Asian & Middle Eastern
But Turks think they are White so it's just European

I knew a famous MapleStory player from UAE. I'm pretty sure his name was xUAEx

vind ik niet leuk

Fair enough.


>tfw I was backing that theory because it doesn't actually change anything in the game at all
>tfw I'm not broken up about it because it doesn't actually change anything in the game at all

I'm actually glad they put Tracer into a relationship with some random woman instead of another member of the cast.

Do they cut people's hands off for stealing runescape accounts?

Gays not welcome

why is this such a big deal? i dont get it

>Mei is still literally perfect

Feels good picking the correct Overwatcher

>now giving her a flashbang + headshot will be considered a hate crime

>But Turks think they are White so it's just European

that's not how geography works you tard

Too bad. Men who act totally normal and professional who just happen to like dick are my fetish. Fags not welcome.

Probably a stoning at the very worst.

>I know what will make heterosexual men angry
>hot women having lesbian sex


syrias gaming industry is blowing

>make game thread
>talk about game merchandise instead

Do you think Mei is into white guys?

who cares
keep your shitty twitter wars on twitter

>I'm fine
>You can say that again
Distracting and irrelevant to the situation at hand, likely to cause issues during the mission if Gabe gets confused about it, hardly professional. Try again.

hurr durr we retroacitvely added XY so go "insert cause here"

the nigger/faggot worship of the west ruins everything

What is the deal?


She's also literally a wireframe with some textures.

>Fap to lesbian Tracer porn
>It gets canon

Oh shit, the timing! Was this all a ruse cruise?

>twitter screencap in the OP
I bet there's a great thread discussing vidya above my post, amirite

It's not real. Why does it matter what sexuality someone assigns to a game asset? Why did someone bother to give it a sexuality?

So why do it at all? :^)
Why not just keep the team based shooter about killing each other and nothing else? :^)

Great post.

nope, she is clearly a BBC slut, white "men" cant handle the thicc

ohhhh noooo
this changes everything

I think there was an Iranian game a few years ago based on Persian mythology. It sucked but it existed.

>banter in a 4-panel comic meant for humor

how's it feel having autism?

I give up, video games aren't that fun anymore anyways. Guess I'll get a gym membership or learn to paint or something.

Who fucking cares

More hot lesbians in spandex

>Why did someone bother to give it a sexuality?
losers who describe themselves after their sexual orientation need to relate to their favorite video game character. it has the potential to sell more
it's the same as waifufaggotry in weeb games

I miss her in the anime so much, S&M classmate grills are not up to the task

My only problem is how aggressive everyone is on both sides of it. Even the people who say they don't care about it are being assholes about it.

>this post about black dicks was written by a scrawny white guy

Asians always like white dudes
Asians dont like black people and especially dont want to fuck them outside of porn

>tfw from Jewland and everyone always forgets you

It's how smug people with an agenda speak when they're trying to act superior, it sounds like you're explaining something to a child

Sup Forums does the same shit

Better than having a dick in my ass, I'd imagine.

>It wasnt a guy
Why is life so harsh?

I see someone has their priorities straight.

This doesn't really surprise me or change anything.

Lipstick lesbian you mean. Nothing gay about this one.

she's also not real

gays in the military.jpg

>Was this all a ruse cruise?

This era is the worst. lol

Of course, as a Chinese, myself, I can proudly say we are super racist but aren't ashamed about it like white people. All asians are brutally racist, but we chinese are also known as the jews of the east...if a black man is super rich and famous, then it's acceptable to marry a black, but as a rule they are beneath us as dark or tanned skin is a traditional characteristic of laborers or peasant farmers and the equals that we will marry and breed with (mostly for a greencard) are whites.

>"All right team, what can we do to stir up some news for our game, the holiday's are coming and we need to get on the news feeds to maximize our sales!"
>"Did we ever decide which one was gonna be gay?"
>"Oh shit I forgot about that, uh, lets just make the girl on the cover gay, that should stir some people up!"
meanwhile I be making lesbian AND straight tracer porn
honeslty this opens up a whole new fetish, dykes getting dicked until they love cocks is hot as fuck

Pharah is best girl anyway, who cares.

Who legitimately gave a flying fuck about Tracer before this.

I have no reason to believe she isn't bisexual

>he's never had a prostate orgasm

You don't have to be gay to enjoy that, user.

Any one else here shitposting the general forum?

>putting a hot lesbian on a videogame cover

I love Blizzard tbqh lads
they are the only devs from back then that haven't strayed from the path

Yea, maybe shes gay in the shitty non-canon comics

Shes obviously not gay in the actual game, which takes place in an entirely separate continuity

Man fuck the chinese. You're beneath everyone

>overwatch threads prior to this
>overwatch threads now
>omg she's a fucking dyke I can't fap to this shit male/female or bust

Why don't you chodes calm down a bit and realize nothing about this fucking matters

Why bother giving a character a name, or a voice,
Or a country of origin , or a favorite color or a backstory?

user. Stop trying to defend your gay. A prostate exam doesn't involve a dick in your ass.

I'm surprised Sup Forums is so accepting of gay tracer. Are we evolving?

Gay men are privileged now.

Didn't you get the memo?

I mean, most of us already had a feeling she was gay with that haircut...and being british.

But honestly, lesbians are a weak way to add gay characters to a story, strait people still fap to Lesbians. Gay men that aren't total twink fairys are what's challenging to write and are far mor devisive and controversial.

Is that wrong?

>on the board that loves traps

you do realize it's SJWs falseflagging on both sides? no straight man could possibly have a problem with hot lesbians

I want a nursing handjob from Mercy as she calls me a good boy for drinking her milk tbqph families

No we always liked hot girls making out

>prostate exam

Everyone are assholes.

Regardless or race, religion or creed.

>Yes and?

Like who the fuck cares about a Fictional Character in a fucking VIdeo Game this much?

This changes literally fucking nothing