i wish anime was real ;_;
What a time to be alive.
So that's what Michael J Fox is up these days, molesting japanese schoolgirls.
This looks worse than Honey Select, already lots of repetition in this PV alone
>this will never release outside of Japan
Why would that even be an issue? Are you serious?
>what is hongfire?
>not a game
>it is not going to but it will be available on hongfire with full subtitles, menus, uncensored parts, 3 gorillion different dress modes and several futa mods with balls and no balls option.
Seriously AA2 modding community is hillarious in many ways
>no ass
T-thanks, Illusion.
Don't forget about her, kudasai.
This, that girl looks like the highway between Ft, Worth and Dallas, no curves.
>what is nyaa
What's hilarious is that I know fluent Japanese, and I wouldn't touch this with a fucking barge pole.
Illusion haven't made a decent title since Rapelay, and this looks like the same garbage engine and physics from their last few turds.
It's legitimately kind of sad that EOPs are excited by this company.
This is fucking embarrasing to watch. Imagine your Mom walking in on you playing this
>Made for pedos again
>mom walks in
The last sexy beach game was only good because of the shitty gameplay, all other games have indeed been terrible
i really needs a big chunky cheesy girl. If she isnt big, chunky, and cheesy, I don't want her. Her sweaty fupa fold marinading in her oils just turns me rock hard man. Thigh gaps? Ew. Jawline? What are you, gay? I need my big chunky easycheesy thicc mozzarella mommy. Wide pelvis?? Gross. It's gotta be easy. It's gotta be cheesy. You're doing it wrong if you're not doing it thicc.
If the sour aroma of a nice juicy easy cheesy mozarella mommy's fupa doesn't turn you on, you are fucked in the head my friend. How could you look at those delicious gooey creamy thighs and not pop a boner? Those ooey gooey creamy chunky cheesy mozzarella mommy thighs. Damn. I'm salivating.
If you dont like thicc, you're fucking low test. If you dont fuck a nice ooey gooey easy cheesy chunky mozzarella mommy, you're fat short bald little beta cuck.
What's next for Japan?
>sonycucks get a game where you can't even look at pantsu
>pc get this
PC master race wins again!
>not embarrassing of living with mom
This is exactly what I would use VR for.
No it's definitely releasing worldwide. The game is download only and their site is completely translated in english. Japan doesn't care about foreigners but there are like 20 people in japan that have a decent vr setup, they need to sell this all over the place.
what a strange looking back massager
>Japan doesn't care about foreigners but there are like 20 people in japan that have a decent vr setup, they need to sell this all over the place.
There are about 20 people in the world with a decent VR setup, you mean.
Only a fucking moron would release a game for VR, and this is pretty blatantly a tiny side project of recycled animations anyway.
>since Rapelay
Stopped reading there.
That game was fucking trash, literal downgrade in every way, later games actually improved on it a lot.
>implying amerifats will enjoy this
It's VR, you can turn off your TV/monitor.
Which summer would you lesson?
Nigger I live in one of the world's most expensive areas. I work 45 hours a week. And I still couldn't afford even a fair apartment without getting fucked
Normal panties user.
This only demonstrate that you are a shut-in that never has seen a girl in person.
Japan is an country full of pedophiles, it's to be expected.
The world is full of pedophiles you mean
The blonde one and bottom right.
>tfw learned japanese to understand my porn games only to discover the girls are only saying simple and forgettable one-liners over and over that I could have learned in about 5 minutes if I just focused my studies on what they were saying.
all men are pedophiles
1:. Graphics are shit
2:. How fucking lonely do you need to be where normal porn and shitty bait anime games don't get you up
3:. It's embarrassing. VR in general is pretty cringe. Imagine yourself fucking fondling the air making stupid faces and bumping your desk.
4:. Please record yourself playing this shit. Watch it every morning and night. Try to convince yourself that you aren't watching the most beta cringe shit ever.
5:. Looks like shit.
6:. How do you think it's real. You aren't feeling the girl. You are feeling air. You grabbing her or having her give shallow fake affection is just fake. It's not real.
7:. The irony is you say it's good because no girl (or guy) likes you. But you fail to realize you will never know because games like this are so beta that they make you even more anti social
Honest. Playing this enough you'll become worse with girls. Or people. You'll go into the world not knowing girls have opinions and ideas and aren't cheaply animated anime whores with 3 branches of thought and giggle when you molest them.
I don't think games make people voilence or evil. But shit like this can't help with social life. I would know. I'm mid tier in social life, I can be chill. But I'm pretty bad at being outgoing. But fuck me if I ever get so bad I need this trash to feel useful and wanted
>not already having her lose all hope
>2:. How fucking lonely do you need to be where normal porn and shitty bait anime games don't get you up
Spoken like a true underage. At least you wrote this as one of your first points so I don't have to read the rest of you worthless post.
I hate otakus they are destroying Japan.
>underage who lives with his mom talking about embarrassment
the fucking ironing
>Google "anime porn"
>Get the same experience instead of throwing 60 dollars like a fucking idiot who judges games with their dick
Wow, that was easy
Also it's not too late to be social my cringe anine friends
Asked one of the popular girls out for a drink yesterday. A girl who would have treated me like shit in HS. One of those girls. She gave me her number. Been texting a bit. Have a plan for tonight
Don't let your miserable high school life take you down. Anime will not save you. Only you can. Not 2D fake shit.
that's a very very bad dog
Alpha chad here, I can't wait to flip virtual skirts.
upvoted and subscribed
26 is underage....
You must be younger. Or just dumber than me.
Or a beta faggot
not when I shift into MAXIMUM OVERBONER youtube.com
>no ass
At least it doesn't mean pedophiles in asia
The doujinshi are great though.
>You aren't feeling the girl. You are feeling air.
Only meaningful part of that entire post.
I get more immersed in text descriptions of what my character is feeling in regular eroge than in waggle-gesturing in VR.
Is the cost of living in Japan insanely high or something? Why does everyone seem to be Lower middle class? Not saying this is the case, but it seems like all the Japanese user's I see post on Sup Forums are either barely getting by or just skimming the bottom half of that high life.
>he still plays videogames and shitposts on Sup Forums
Wow, that's really fucking pathetic, user. Shouldn't you be looking after your kids instead of playing videogames? You do have kids right?
yeah but you have your dick out and cant see your mom coming
>no customization options
Gay as fuck, family. Guess I'll just continue jerking it to HS.
i'd still lick an asian gir's ass clean
PC use in Japan is limited by the train culture that dominates everyday life, hence the popularity of mobage trash.
People have small apartments because everyone wants to live as close to Tokyo as possible, so space is a premium.
Honestly, VR is a dumb contention point, nobody in the west owns that gimmick either.
I don't understand the space argument.
There are a lot of creative solutions to make a PC take even less space than a console.
You can literally screw your tower it to the ceilling or build it into a shelf, table ot whatever if you are so troubled about muh space.
>screw your tower it to the ceilling
Yeah that's sounds like a great idea in an area with frequent earthquakes.
A console can easily be put away in a cabinet, and it uses your TV screen.
A computer requires a whole separate desk in the apartment.
HS content update tommorrow, right?
>that never has seen a girl in person
Majority of women of all ages all around the world wear thongs or at least regular panties. Those panties in the video are granny panties that not even eldery women wear anymore.
There are micro towers with sizes smaller than any console.
You can use it with your TV too.
Not an argument.
Because yen is weak, space is very limited and affording a western sized home is fucking expensive.
Kids have asses too. It's the tiddies they lack.
A problem! I can't play with both hands, is there and automatic ano hole yet so i can play with both of my hands.
Yeah working women don't wear thongs on a regular basis, sorry to break it to you lad
>>You can use it with your TV too.
Where are you going to put the mouse and keyboard?
Honestly, why are you getting so bent out of shape over this. Computers are bigger than consoles, it's a basic fact, unless you're planning on spending retard money. And people who spend retard money buy laptops.
For the vast majority of people, a computer really does nothing for them these days.
Please respond.
American version will have a fat bulldyke with short pink hair teaching you about privilege.
European version will have Abdul teaching you about the prophet Mohammed.
>European version lets you peek behind her burka
Speaking about space, for once you can look at that hamster thing and it'll be useful.
The computer is an excuse, it's more like they literally don't live, so having a HOMEconsole and a desktop makes no sense to them.
Is there a way to mod it... with lolies
>implying Nintendo is in charge of localization
PC parts are expensive in there and pre-built (good) PCs are really expensive.
Everyone has their mobiles and laptops, some do have desktops but most of them have horrible hardware. Most likely 1% of the PC users have a decent rig with new parts and all that.
It's a really niche kind of thing in there.
that's kinda hot
The dog knows what's up
>Most likely 1% of the PC users have a decent rig with new parts and all that.
>It's a really niche kind of thing in there.
It's a niche thing everywhere. You're seriously over-estimating the size of the PC market in the west, the majority of gamers play on shitty laptops.
It's not embarrassing for an underage to live with his parents, retard.
It's a niche thing yes, but the ratio of decent desktops (even pre-built ones) in the west vs. nippland is big.
Don't worry bro. God Emperor Trump will make anime real
Dead On Arrival
>t. woman
Yes, game.
what's the name of the game
and is it VR compatible
Is it possible to make a girl that doesn't look like shit in that game? Somethings off about the brows and eyes.