>enemy can decrease your movement speed
Enemy can decrease your movement speed
>enemy can permanently decrease your stats
>party members can increase your movement speed
>enemy decrease your hp
There isn't a single game that does this.
Name 3.5 games that do this
Name two (2) games that do this.
Sengoku Rance. Demon Army can decrease your SAT points.
>enemy can reduce any of your stats
>they can reduce them to zero (0)
>it's permanent
Most DQ games.
De-generator trap in final fantasy tactics permanently decreases your level
Why is Spurdo drinking from a Polish juice box?
Most mmorpgs
>enemy can break your legs
Fake King Allant from Demon's Souls has a move where he permanently drains your stats.
Litterally every game does this
dota 2
>enemy can steal your items
>You can't get them back
All fit EYE
> enemy steals your shield
>that part of the game where the entire area can decrease your movement speed
That's a can of Finland's chepaest energy drink that is very popular among the youth.
Not an enemy but in the first Diablo, certain shrines permanently decrease your stats, and you're not aware of whether they do or not until you use them.
Fuck these guys.
Black death in d1 reduced your max hp
>enemy turns you into a frog
>enemy puts too much ketchup on your cheeseburger
Diablo 1 is one of my favorite games of all time and I never realized this.
>it becomes a whole goddamn cheeseburger apocalypse
Weird, I don't have this in my EYE folder, post the rest, culter.
>enemy makes you watch the friends opening without clapping
>enemy disintegrates your toon
It was used in op build for mage.
1hp mana shield.
Hit stun was calculated as % of Max hp and it made you immune to hit stuns.
>Ketchup on hamburgers
mayo, MAYBE mustard.
fallout 4 does
>enemy turns you into a dog
>enemy turns you into a little girl
do not joke of my suffering
putting any ketchup on at all is too much
>cropped porn
>samefagging your bait
>Enemy CCs you for 10+ seconds
>Nothing's hitting you, you're just staring at the screen
>enemy can perma break your gear
>enemies can steal your items and/or money
>>enemy can steal your items
>you are missing shit
>and you haven't saved in 2 hours
Thanks user
>enemy mind controls you and burns all your cds
>enemy frees you from MC but removes all your buffs
Found them in the last thread
not samefagging man
ketchup is just shitty
vittu eeeƤs XDDD!!
nnot permanently, cunt
>enemy can use a stone status effect on the mc, resulting in an instant loss
>can't complete the game because of it
thx wizardry
Wizardry is not a game.
It's a deathtrap. Expecially the 3.
>an instant loss
> not eating your cheeseburgers plain
>Enemy mindcontrols you for several minutes
>Does it again when you finally break free
>No other enemies around to kill you
>not loading your burgers with lettuce, tomatoe, and fried onions
Getting cursed by goggly eyed frogs in Dark Souls.
When hooded masked lantern dudes look at you in Dark Souls 3.
fallout 4
>wading in knee deep water makes you slow
>enemies can move just fine
Maybe the enemies aren't manlets