Look what I found laying in the dirt beside the road while I was out walking my cat this morning

Look what I found laying in the dirt beside the road while I was out walking my cat this morning.

What kind of sick fuck do I have living in my neighborhood?

>dirtying Shiki

>picking up the cum-molding of some shit taste faggot who owns a terrible Senran figure

totally disgusting

>terrible senran figure
You don't mean that

This hurt my feelings

Comedy gold

You're right that's probably a touhou or something

>while I was out walking my cat this morning
>walking my cat

I bet you don't even give your pet birds walks you abuser.



bootleg or something.

hot glue it

I guess I could have worded that better.
It's more like I go for a walk and he follows along beside me. Sometimes he'll fuck off and go do some cat shit for a minute, but he always comes right back.

>not having a self walking cat
literally lmaoing @ ur lyfe tbqh

One who obviously hates best gessen girl.

thats a sick cat, cunt

keep it up

Enjoy your roadkill.

clean your dirty fingernails you fucking faggot

Presumably it belongs to a child. It looks like a child's toy.

It's ok, the dirt will come off in your mom.

Meant for

>best gessen girl.
so like best from few different types of shit?

Your cat is cute. CUTE!

Shiki is legit good though.

That's what you get for buying a Shiki figure. It sneaks off in the middle of the night to be hotglued, then can't find its way back home.

And loses her body in the process.

Gameplay-wise yes, she's fun to play as far as SV and EV gameplay allow

But her character, backstory, character development and interactions with other girls are terrible. Or should I say "terribly written" because they aren't terrible by themselves, and could be good if the devs spent less time on lewds and more time on actually writing new characters - Gessen and New Hebi - properly.
Still, she is one of the better new characters, pic related is the biggest offender as far as bland characters go.

That's pretty awesome for a cat