- Nintendo 3DS: 21 913 661
- PlayStation 2: 21 833 216
What did they mean by this?
- Nintendo 3DS: 21 913 661
- PlayStation 2: 21 833 216
What did they mean by this?
How many years did that take? PS2 has been long dead too.
5 years. PS2 stopped production in 2013 iirc.
I don't think that matters to much. Beat the PS2 after a mediocre launch and the explosion of the mobile market (specially in Japan) is a huge deal.
that Monster Hunter, Pokemon, and Dragon Quest apparently make your console sell well in Japan
This just confirms most of the PS2 sales numbers world wide were spics and people getting their defective by design consoles repaired (which Sony counted as units sold, meaning I according to them bought 4 PS2s).
>explosion of the mobile market is a huge deal
20 years from now, we'd probably have mobile phones that can play Crysis level graphics.
I wonder what sort of games they play in the future.
Nintendo wins in the end.
Best console ever.
Japan already plays MOBAs and MMOs on mobiles.
>Implying there is a future
As opposed to all the Nintendo 3DS owners who bought one of the shitty base models and then double dipped on the New 3DS for the performance enhancements?
NDS accomplished this in half the time
Holy shit.
Time to upgrade to a new 3ds. There's no way Nintendo's dropping support for this thing for a long while.
You don't have to upgrade, you do have to repair your shitty PS2 when it gets the inevitable disk read error.
It was also a way different market back then.
3DS is likely getting support until late 2017 (I think Pikmin is the last game Nintendo is involved in, and I'm pretty sure there's no more internal projects for it by now)
>and I'm pretty sure there's no more internal projects for it by now
That we KNOW of you loser.
Though there is the possibility of the switch replacing the thing completely. I wonder...
A shift in culture. They are increasingly becoming a more mobile culture thus mobile sales are increasing. Also handhelds are cheaper and consume less space.
Pokemon Stars is very possibly going to be a thing. Switch is replacing the 3DS, they're just not being obvious about it.
it's still way less than gb and ds
>inevitable disk read error
You clean the fucking lens and it's fixed
Don't forget niggers. They made huge pushes into the third world.
Nice best platform of this gen.
Nintendo won again
the 3ds is for pussys though