What are you playin right now, Sup Forums?

What are you playin right now, Sup Forums?

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Nothing, i hate video games

Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me

Baiting Lee isn't even funny anymore. It's always the same spergout and the same images he posts.

Gigantic and Hearthstone.

Loving gigantic a lot, just wish I had a bit more characters and more reasons to keep playing.

Like maybe maining a character unlocks more skill upgrades that you can switch in and out.

Life. I might be losing.

There is literally no reason for you to be doing this

i have to leave the house in 5 min.

Just started MGS4.

What greater purpose is there in doing this because I can't find any

Seriously, there really is no purpose in continuing to do what you're doing for over a fucking year

Is that a fucking straw coming out of that burger?

And you clearly have some fucking vendetta against me if you continue to do this without a good reason for it.

I'm not kidding, there's clearly something wrong with you.

Why don't you just ignore these threads?

Of course not how do you come to that conclusion?

Modded Starbound
The base game is shit and the developers are incompetent, yeah, but at least we have modders to do the developer's jobs for them.

And don't pin anything on me, you're the one who continues to do this for whatever reason

Thoughts on Terraria?

You never drink some of your burger before?

Fuck off, you know what you're doing

I didn't make this thread you retard.

Because the straws bendable part is towards the bottom of the picture, and that is the top part of the straw.

He's giving you advice, you mentally ill clown.

Path of One-hit kill

Oh, well, just to shut this shit down.

I'm not op retard.

That's actually the first thing that came to mind desu senpai.

not very good advice at that.

Rimworld with the new caravan update

Haven't gotten settled enough to risk a raid but I've managed to trade with a nearby town. Otherwise it still Rimworld, so its awesome.

Neverwinter Nights 2: Storms of Zehir.

Been meaning to play this for a while but never got around to it. Good: Its a D&D 3.5 game with full party control. Bad: Its still the horrific NWN 2 engine.

Maybe we really can salvage this troll thread

wait, all I have to do to get to get wreck barneyfag is to post OPS image?
damn, ima save that shiz