Are you ready for SAM to be announced in TWO days?
Are you ready for SAM to be announced in TWO days?
please respond
As a Tank? Otherwise nah.
We're getting Red Mage and either Dancer or Mimic.
more pics of this semen demon
just go watch the trailer you virgin
I wasn't aware I was a secret
>implying we'll get another sword wielding tank
anyone have the potd xp chart
i need it
I swear you people are more daft than the witch autist. How do you even imagine this would work?
its just Blue Mage fags
It a katana jeez get it right *adjusts fedora*
Reminder that even the fastest A12S kill had a main healer.
>tfw hoping for SAM to be announced so my brother can get interested in the game again
Not since FFXI have we had our PLD/SAM adventures ; ;
>I'm a monk so I'm a main DPS
Who said SAM would use a sword? It's going to use a a Naginata, basically a Templar.
People think it's 2 monks in the trailer, but they say it's a Mime/Mimic due to copying what the WoL does.
Put xiv in the topic you mongoloid.
Are they adding the ability to fuck Lalafells?
Daily reminder that this game sucks dick and if you like it you should probably kill yourself because you're the reason MMOs are dead.
If it doesnt use a katana, people will have bigger meltdowns than when drk was announced as a tank instead of dps
You mean like how Thief is a class and not a Job?
Only XI fags got upset over that
Most of the playerbase just saw that they could be ninjas and didnt care
muh naruto
I'm ready to find a consistent OT for my static that won't flake out a few days in or server transfer without telling anyone right before raid night because their name is (Unable to Retrieve) in the LS.
I just want to clear A11S before the new year. Also Ellia Lombardia please uninstall you being a mediocre AST is the reason people on Primal can't clear A11S with RF
>FFXI hotpants return
Also what gear set is RDM getting? Casting, or will it have a new set similar to scouting but for INT until 60 it wears casting like NIN wore striking,
Looking at the official census shows you wht SAM being a tank would be a fantastic idea. DRK are 47% of the tanks at level 60.
Elaborate on what you think makes an MMO good.
That chart added up to 110%.
>Sense of adventure
XIV lacks this. It's a bunch of instanced zones stapled together. Yes, it's a beautiful game, but it feels so dead and lifeless.
>Sense of accomplishment
I never felt like I accomplished anything in XIV. Everything was piss-easy, even with retarded party members.
You might argue that savage is the real end game, but fuck that noise. Savage should be something different, not just fighting the same bosses with new move sets.
>Sense of community
I didn't make a single friend on XIV. Not one.
You can argue that "well you just didn't try!" You're right; I didn't have to. When you can simply queue up with a bunch of strangers to run piss-easy content, there isn't much reason to do so.
There's also nothing that brings people together. Yes, there might be a community-run thing in someone's stupid house, but admins never make events or do anything fun or worthwhile.
It's all scripted "seasonal events" where you do a stupid thing for a stupid reward.
>Horrible content
Nothing they patch in is worth a shit. It's regurgitated bullshit.
There also isn't any "fun" things to do. Just stupid time wasters like crafting. Everyone is in their safe space bubble doing nothing to affect the world around them, outside of the player-driven economy,
Think about that: the only impact you make on the world is through the economy. How fucking dumb is that.
(XI had this problem too, but at the very least the gameplay wasn't generic MMO bullshit so it at least kept things interesting.)
>Story sucks
Story sucks, flat out. I don't care what people say; if you enjoy it you're an imbecile. It works OKAY as a single player Final Fantasy game, but as an MMO it's retarded.
Making you the Chosen One in an MMO is about the dumbest thing you can do from a story standpoint. You're supposed to be a cog in the machine, a single person among many who affects the world around them.
I could rattle on and on but I suppose it's a matter of opinion, in the end.
>I didn't make a single friend on XIV. Not one.
no wonder you think this game sucks
Meme race here
Reminder that potatoes will still be the most popular race both in playerbase and with Square.
Remember to pet every lalafell you see because we're better than most of you.
Fanfest can't come fast enough holy shit
Did you really put FFXIV in your name instead of subject?
what are you even implying
rdm wont be a tank either
Seek professional help, all of you.
>Bigger sword
>Bigger stick
Fuck off SE
Fuck off, WAR tanks everything better than PLD and DRK.
>Most popular
My server is infested with Au'ra and cat shit
Why are MMOs the only genre where people seem to think making shit incredibly obtuse equates to good game design? I see people complain aboit almost every QoL features like it's some sort of slap in the face to "real" MMO players. Well if you chucklefucks want to waste hours trying to assemble groups for shit like basic leveling dungeons or take 45 minutes to get anywhere instead of using Teleports then whatever, but don't pretend that sort of shit should be the norm.
The race popularity ranks go
1. Hyur
2. Cat
3. Lala
Though Hyur is debateable due to bots
Doesn't matter, it's still true with the unofficial census.
I'm implying they should drop the tank aspect entirely and be full fledged DPS.
Yes, because what this game needs is more dps to make the queues eternal.
dude again, i never said rdm will be a tank
can you not read
stop pretending to be retarded
It should be the norm in an MMO, fuck you.
Might as well be playing with bots if you're satisfied running stupid corridor dungeons ad naseum.
And I'm perfectly fine with fast travel if the MMO has a shitty, boring, instanced world like XIV.
in terms of fun
a12 is boring and dull
What kind of Asperger do you have?
>back peddling
>tfw the only stuff i look forward in 3.5 is new diadem and zhloe
It shouldn't be the norm in anything to have hour long wait times to do content, fuck you right back. And unless you're a PS3shitter or suffer from severe autism those two second loading screens don't really make any difference.
Don't worry SAM and RDM will tank for you.
>pointing out flaws of a modern MMO
>bruhh you're autistic
The irony here is that I'm probably the biggest normalfag in this thread, but I'm also probably too old to be here.
Maybe it's just nostalgia blinding me, maybe the notion of a modern,casualized MMO with content accessible to everyone (outside of a few reskinned fights) just doesn't appeal to me.
SAM is cool, but i hope they aren't a tank. Bushido emphasises attack, and that you are safest when your enemies are dead. Might be cool with it though if it emphasises counterattacks or disabling combos.
It definitely sounds like you have something from the spectrum. You should get that checked out, son.
all you did is spout your extremely shitty opinions as facts
You know how the japs are about their modern samurai. It'll probably be the only tank to make Parry a useful stat.
Yeah I was thinking if they were a tank of
giving them a short cooldown like Shelltron that would unleash a
counter on the next hit instead of a block
>Sense of adventure
The zones having loading screens between them is lame, on this I agree. I regularly see people running around doing things, though.
>Sense of accomplishment
You would prefer just adding health to monsters for difficulty? Adding different mechanics to harder difficulties is how you make something more challenging the proper way. If you don't try the content that challenges you, of course you won't feel accomplished.
>Sense of community
You said people run events in housing areas yet claim there is no community. It's your fault if you don't make friends if you have this mindset.
>Horrible content
>Story sucks
These are both subjective.
Aside from loading screens seperating zones, nothing you listed is a legitimate criticism.
meant for
so you want another tank that's a useless ot
>one cooldown out of a 70 level toolkit will make it useless as an OT
Will Stormblood fix MNK?
G L 4
SAM is the next most popular job they can make a tank to carrot weebs into not dpsing so I think it's going to happen.
Same with healer RDM.
What's wrong with MNK?
No utility
Not fast enough
DRK exists.
they just wanna inset as kirto uchiha
They lack any type of real utility.
It doesn't matter why they do it just that it works. DRK is a live example.
So how are they gonna ruin your favorite job in 4.0?
Yoshi P: We see that healers are still spending too much time doing damage instead of healing. To change this you can now not switch in and out of cleric stance in battle.
Gonna give a stack mechanic to keep up for pld and whm
That or "Fairies are now actively affected by cleric stance when casted"
Useless unless played by someone that can pull 90+ percentile.
It starts soon, hope we get some good info.
I hope they just change traits or give us more interesting ones. I love getting a whopping 12 points in my main stat from those 3 traits
The same could be said for DRG and NIN, as well as the rest of the group. MNK can still do good DPS even if their group can't.
Are they doing the concert thing again? will we get Oblivion?
So does SMN and they are top ranked on fflogs right now.
No 99th percentile SMN is using their rez
No it can't because NIN and DRG are useful for more than raw damage
Are they removing crafting specializations? Easily the worst thing they have ever added
This may come as a shock. But thief was the base class of ninja in FF1
What good is TA if your groups DPS is bad?
What good is disembowel if your MCH/BRD sucks?
What good is shadewalker if the tanks suck?
None of the fights in Alexander even require goad outside of deaths except for a9s.
And if SAM is an OT type tank, youll label them as "tank" as well, and dont try to deny it.
The point was NIN and DRG don't need to be top-tier to help the party
>I don't have any friends
That is in no way the fault of the game. Try not being a cynical autist and people may warm up to you
>NIN and DRG don't need to be top-tier
Yeah, just the rest of the party needs to be, which is less feasible than one MNK being good.
>what good are these things that can cover for less-than-perfect players if the players are less than perfect?
You need people to at least be decent to clear Savage, so NIN+DRG will always be better than MNK.
Utility is only as good as those who use it to its full advantage. it doesn't make up for being bad, quite the opposite.
A pure example of a selfish monk ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah huh
no real utility mainly just a big dick dps number guy
>hurr monk main detected
A pure example of having no rebuttal
What good is a MNK if the party sucks?
so smn and blm? nobody seems to complain about those being "useless"
Delete monk