>this is now a carpetmuncher
how does that make you feel?
>this is now a carpetmuncher
how does that make you feel?
still not interested enough to launch overwatch again
fuck off blizzard marketing shill
>Stereotypical lesbo haircut
>athletic female figher pilot
>generic rainbow dash clone
>turns out to be lesbian
i thought after 20 years and billions of dollars going through their grubby hands blizzard could afford one drop of originality
Also she's former airforce.
Kind of obvious in retrospect.
I feel like there has been a gorrilion threads about this. How about you look at the catalog before making another Overshit one, faggot.
Fuck off
Go ask Tumblr you dumb shit.
>90% of all the porn/shipping is her and Widowmaker
>Decide to go with it so guys can have more porn to masturbate to and gays could pat themselves on the back for doing nothing
What did you people expect? Do you get pissy when Jap games use tits to get your money?
Blizzard did this specifically for people to masturbate and ogle at and I happily obliged. If that really upsets you, you aren't any better then those faggots who complain about tits in fighting games. Just take your dick out like a normal person.
>The LGBT character is a lesbian
Ha, every time.
How long until Trans people start hating Lesbos for getting all the attention but still being told all of LGBT is being represented?
Hey now, you dont want to.trigger.anybody who.is has an autistic reaction to ponies.
Be honest: Between Zarya and McCree what Overwatch character turning out to be gay would have felt original?
None of you fags ever stood a chance with her anyway, don't see why you care.
Check me out in the Tower of Who-Gives-A-Shit.
Never understood what people saw in her anyway, her haircut and body were always pretty boyish.
I even thought it was a trap or something when I saw the design for the first time.
Nothing as changed, the only difference now is there will be even more TracerXWidow porn.
and I am okay with that.
Rainbow Dash has never shown any lesbian tendencies.
Shouldn't you guys be happy?
Fapped to hot lesbo already
Lesbians have always been accepted because it's hot.
>pretty boyish
Answered your own question.
We're all degenerates now.
Why are you pretending anyone here is mad?
>generic rainbow dash clone
Fuck off to your containment board.
>SJWs won
he's from Sup Forums doing a pitiful attempt at gaslighting to get people to be alt righterinas
>another LesboWatch thread
1) Doesn't mean she doesn't like dick too. And even if she doesn't..
2) Why does it matter? She fucking loves dick in all the pictures I have of her
>how does that make you feel?
Nothing, who cares? So a fictional character is gay, who gives a damn. Can we please just drop this and move on already.
>he is unaware of /mlpol/
Way to shibboleth yourself, thirdie!
i want her to munch my carpet
why can't mods do something actually useful like make a containment thread for you annoying shit posters?
She has short hair. That is one of the indicators. I love how blizzard have been praised for their diversity but the most of the characters are stereotypes of their nation.
Angry it wasn't Mercy or Widowmaker since those are the ones you annoying Overwatchfags masterbate to the most.
I hope Blizzard ruins even more of your waifus.
See? Triggering.the autism
> pretending her and aj arent having rough.angry lesbian.sex for dominance
Don't know but I can't wait.
god damn it im so angry! sjw lgbt cucks am i rite?!
At least this wasn't on Carpet Munching Monday.
Rarijack > Appledash
canon tier: fluttercord
Great, more porn with her and widow. And I even didn't play this game.
>generic rainbow dash clone
something about her always annoyed me but I couldn't put my finger on it
you're right, she's fucking Rainbow Dash
it's Sup Forums and you're in an overwatch thread
it's like a fucking powder keg, take a horrible game that really nobody above the age of 16 should enjoy then add a hack forced "btw we're gay ;)" agenda to it magically it's like fucking "please buy my game, people who don't play games"
you ever hear about something so much that you suddenly hate it? sam hyde? pepe? whatever shit meme is being forced? that's how I feel about /lgbt/ now
even women get tired of listening to their shit. it's apthetic, these people are weak spiritually and their only personality seems to be being a faggot
>There are people who have spent the whole day buttmad about it or hailing it as huge progressive achievement
I'm lol'ing at your lives. it's a fucking video game
Literally don't care because gays get shot exactly as well as straights
It's nice that such an obnoxious little British boy can find a girl to love him, even if that girl IS a ginger.
Disgusted. I'm sick of this normalization of degeneracy by big corporations.
Underrated post.
I spent the whole day re-fapping to things that have a hot new context.
What does that make me?
Meh, the best ponies are twi, pinkie, and maud..I.dont care about the other mane 4. Aj.is.alright, but RD and rarara are the fucking.worst
Genji x Zenyatta
The empty line above really makes one think.
She can still take the cock. Even If she doesnt want to.
Disgusted that Blizzard is stereotyping all short haired tomboys into being lesbians.
Why does it have to be between Zarya and McCree? Why can't Torbjorn like to take it up the ass every now and again?
What does discords cock look like? Fluttershy is prepared anyway, she has taken.so.many.animal cocks, after all
A cool guy
In fact, they do it even better!
>liking wingsgetter showruiner
>disliking fashion pone
is your case of shit taste terminal?
Fanon Rarity is ok when they ignore some of her more annoying aspects stopped watching the show midway through S3
Unless it affects the games shitty play and terrible community (in that it makes them both better), I really don't give a shit who a fictional character bumps uglies with.
She always looked like a dyke though.
That weird smile on her face is the same "I think I've made a huge mistake" smile I've seen on other dykes.
im going to post this in every fucking overwatch thread until you Sup Forumsiticians fuck off
>see thread thumbnail
>dick engaged
>enter thread hoping for some hot /u/ action
>Sup Forums discussion about MUH EBIL SJWs!!1! instead of glorious /u/
>dick is sad now
jesus you ass jesters are getting so goddamn butt-blasted over a fucking comic that has little to do with the actual fucking game
why do you cunts even care?
nobody has a goddamn agenda except you alt-right faggots trying to fuck everything up. y'all are worse than the alt-left shitheads
what ever happened to the whole mentality of
>if it doesnt affect me directly, i dont care
has it been traded in favor of the political equivalent of middle-school gossip?
why the fuck do i keep coming on this shitty board? oh yeah you bethfags killed /cfog/ so now i have to wade through the detritus of Sup Forums to find new vegas threads
>inb4 go back to [random shit website]
This just makes it better
Tracer/Widow just got one step closer to canon
It makes me feel like 467 posts and 76 image replies omitted
why are gays and lesbians associated with mentally ill people making up like 0.2% of the population?
I cannot white to watch sfm lesbian action.
i've been here since before you were in high school, mr reddit boogeyman
ded gaem
>Sup Forums is triggered by Blizzard taking the easy way out with their token gay by making it the most bland dudebro lesbianism
It's like all the anti-gay SJWs on Sup Forums are homeschooled shut-ins who didn't go to high school so they don't know that every chad and tyrone watched lesbian porn because "dude having dudes in porn is gay yo"
Well, all of the lesbian tracer fan art I fap to is now cannon.
Tara's cocklust is too hot to ignore. Plus twilicorn just makes her an.even.STRONGER waifu.
Fanon rarity is literally a public use.cumdumpster whore.
Just like cannon.rarity
I though that was a given, him being Swedish and all
Dykes only exist because their first middle/high school boyfriend was a huge faggot and they've never found that proper dick that fits them just right yet.
I've seen it plenty in my life with people I know, dykes convert back once they find the right dick like a fucking hairpin turn on a dime.
Get off the table.
>if it doesnt affect me directly, i dont care
>"Ugh why isn't everyone dumb and apathetic like me? Can't you just be satisfied with calling both sides idiots and claiming superiority like I am?"
Most people grow out of this phase by the time they're out of High School.
Rarijack is best but FS only likes Discord as a friend.
Should've been Ana. Closet lesbian who adopted Pharah after she shot her father. Solves the "which one is gay" and "which one is Pharah's daddy" problems at the same time.
Like any non-retard I ignored Tumblrwatch from the get-go because I already got bored of TF2 years ago.
being upset about tracer is a forced meme
before you know it theres going to be pics of tracer chewing on actual carpets
made me want to watch the neon demon again
...and this is news how?
all women are bisexual, this isn't news worthy. water is wet, would you also call that news worthy?
fucking idiots I swear to god. how many threads we'll have of this shit?
Yeah I'm sure you're a big friend to all the ex lesbos
your mom is bisexual
This isn't a news board, this isn't news.
This is a video game board and these are video games.
Retard lololol.
as a male nurse i can confirm this. Most of straight female co-workers i've talked with have admitted to being intimate with female friends. But they don't consider themselves "bi".
It's just a girl thing :>
I can't wait for the porn where tracer get gang raped but then enjoy's it as her GF watches. Then the GF get's gang raped.
Neckbeard mouthbreathers will be eternally butthurt about it though
This game promotes open borders, multiculturalism, transhumanism, robot fetishism, and now homosexuality.
If anything this game is nothing but one big agenda.
>alt right
I see you are shoving blue pills up your assistance daily.
I know you're trying to be a faggot, but I'm actually a friend with 6 of them, 2 of them don't like me because I called them out on their dumb shit. Then again one acts like a Starbucks Drama Queen with her dumb comics that are never going to see the light of day.
if people are like this in high school nowadays, then shit maybe i should go back there.
why is apathy a bad thing? is it because then you wouldnt have anythinf to complain about, or people to complain to?
What the fuck are you doing, janitors? Delete this shit. Each and every one since they have absolutely nothing to do with gameplay and just dissolve immediately into Sup Forums shit.
Not him, but as someone who is apathetic I really wish I wasn't the older I've gotten. Everything just feels so lifeless most of the time, it just makes me more depressed.
Most dudes are also down with having another dude suck them off or fucking another dude in the ass if they don't think there's any "committal" behind it.
Now make either Mei or DVa one too