Literal perfect action game

>literal perfect action game
>forever locked onto the Dreamcast of its time

Odds of a Switch port?

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play more action games

Fuck Nintendo. Where is my ps4/xbone version? I'm still mad.

>literal perfect action game
>this is what platinumfags actually believe

name a better action game

Ninja Gaiden 3:RE

Furi : ^ )


Bayonetta 1, DMC3, any Ninja Gaiden, I could go on

God Hand

all objectively wrong madkids that dont have a wiiu

Jackie Chan

He said 'better'

This is a meme



Why are bayonettafags so delusional

Shall we break it down then

Clearly it will when Bayonetta 3 comes out on the Switch.

They'll release it as a double feature again.

What do you faggots hope for Bayonetta 3?

ninja gaiden will always be the king of its genre.

Which gaiden games are the best?

A fight against Queen Sheba at the end, Bayonetta using some of her Lumen blood, and restoration of both clans since the universe needs balance.

It to exist first. The genre is dead so I doubt we'll ever see it

holy shit people like you are the most retarded ones.

both microsoft and sony ACTIVELY turned the game down, P games went to nintendo who accepted and funded it, that is why it's only on the wii u, because the other option is it not existing AT ALL.

Maybe for Bayo to save Balder.

>Also known as WiiU 2.0

I'm hoping that the Switch has WiiU backwards compatibility, personally

Name 10 games that do this

I dunno, really. Bayonetta 2 felt wildly polished.

>Bayonetta using some of her Lumen blood
Definitely this.

I was so disappointed that you didn't really get any Lumen powers in 2.
I want her to get alternate Lumen weapons and shit that lets her really switch up her style. I think DMC had something like that in the later ones, right?

Nah, Balder's fine as is. They closed up the time loop well.
Bayo needs to move on from the past and do shit for the future.
Maybe following the whole Loki destroying the eyes of the world while unsure of what that will do for humanity stuff.

Oh shit OP, you posted the wrong picture! Don't worry I got you, though sadly I don't think a port will happen.

the switch doesn't even use discs.

>play sequel
>turns out it is the prequel

This game and Bayo 1 was the reason I thought "Thank God I bought a U"

I was expecting that too.

Instead we got some bullshit that I still don't even understand. 2's lore was garbage, imo.

This. Don't really know what they could add to the game. Though I think Bayonetta felt more difficult and the witch time timings werent as lenient. Both games are a perfectly closed time loop so there really isn't much to go off of other than modify the formula slightly.

>forever locked onto the Dreamcast of its time

and now you want it ported to the GameGear of its time?

Bayo 2 was a huge disappointment, what did you stay on second climax spam umbral trigger and think "wow what a great flashy game :3"?

The first Bayonetta, which is also on the Wii U.

Fairly low unless the Switch has backward compatibility with digital copies of Wii U games (unlikely). Honestly, odds are higher that there'll be a third Bayonetta game, and that's relatively speaking as the odds are still low anyway.

1 is better but yeah I hope it gets ported to another console at some point, Bayonetta is the best series of its genre and it doesn't deserve such shit treatment.

NGB and 2 are very very good. I liked Revengance, I like devil may cry, I fucking LOVE Ninja Gaiden but I didn't like bayonetta. It just didn't click for me like at all. I had to force myself to finish the first game for the sake of finishing it but it didn't do anything for me.

This is how to do it
>The Wonderful 101
>Bayonetta 1
>Bayonetta 2
>DMC HD Collection

Get on my level

> I didn't like bayonetta. It just didn't click for me like at all. I had to force myself to finish the first game for the sake of finishing it but it didn't do anything for me.
Oh. So you're a pleb? Okie.

Maybe have passive Luman abilities? I know she's completely align with the Umbra so I'm not sure she could use Lumen powers.

The undocked Switch won't function as a WiiU Pad, so this won't happen.

>fund The Last Guardian during a decade
>fucking ignores the creator of DMC and the possibility of having an exclusive hack n slash

Kek Sony

Dreamcast was a great system. Not seeing the problem here.

>tfw There might a DMCxBayonetta crossover
What do you think will happen?

New enemies, new weapons, no QTEs and a ponytail.

>dreamcast of it's time
You mean Game Gear of it's time.

Switch port is honestly really fucking high. No way Nintendo is just gonna leave one of their highest rated exclusives on their dead consoles when they absolutely need games for their new one.

Would seem the most logical hairstyle for her. What would Jeanne's be?

perfect hime cut

Posting best themes and boss
>Dat shit eating grin he does

I mean, they could have something happen to her Umbran powers for a time.

It'd be fucked up, but if they could find a way for her to agree to contract with an angel in order to use her Lumen powers, then they could do some crazy shit from there.
Getting over the whole "you killed my whole clan" thing, though, would be a problem.

>New enemies
I was actually thinking they have a perfect setup for a more human (or at least man made) threat.
They closed up the time loop of the first two games fine, but they left the future completely unknown.
Like, what happens to Balder's legacy? He had a huge business that was full of Umbra/Lumen info. That has to go somewhere.
Maybe some kind of military gets their hands on it and starts trying to do their own shit with it.
They could try mixing demon and angel dna or whatever bullshit science they'd want.
Would also be a reason to bring back the Umbran armor and other tech.

I would want hybrids like Nephilims.

fund it

I don't care, this game is fucking shit, cry Nintenbabies

More like keep dreaming sonygger.

Bayo 1 and 2 are so linked together that I almost consider them both one game split apart. Hell they were sold together.

But yeah, Bayo has pretty much all other action games(except for maybe W101) obsolete.

Edgy Gaiden fans can go suck Ryu's cock. The NG games were always messy and badly designed.

But the dreamcast was good.

>you didnt like this game

lmao kill yourself platinum drone.

No need to be contrarian. We all know you didn't play it.

They really do have some of the best boss themes.

>He's still mad

Nobody wanted it

Sony didn't want it

Microsoft didn't want it

Sega was too poor for it

What are you mad for?

You clearly don't want it

Otherwise it wouldn't be rejected

Why would I play this piece of garbage? I don't even have a Pii U, and I don't want to intoxicate my pc downloading a emulator, what about play some real games?

bayo 3 will be on the switch

Yes, yes, yes. You hate games that don't cater to your taste. Why are you here again?

It's in a weird state because it's both better and worse than the first. It cut out a load of the annoying shit and has some cool enemy designs, but also removed a lot of the higher skill ceiling mechanics from 1 for seemingly no reason.

Because kids like you should know your own place... Out of my board

Why would bayonetta 3 be for switch?

Dreamcast? More like Atari, go fuck yourselves Nintenposters, go back to /mlp/

Literally shit: the videogame

Nobody wanted to fund Bayo 2 except Nintendo, why would it be different for a hypothetical Bayo 3?

le ebic, you'll fit right in!!

But why would nintendo fund it if it sold poorly?

Nintendo funded Bayo 2 when no one else would. Would you let companies use your IP you saved?

Fuck you nintenyearsold, learn how to respect your elders

>what is CEMU
Smash is almost fully playable. I hope they fix the sound in the next update.

Why did they fund the second game when it was clearly not profitable enough for Sega?

>literal perfect action game
>when 1 is superior in every single way except for colors and no instadeath qte.

You write like you're 16 at most.

Metal Gear Rising

Not really, some of the enemy designs were annoying, the guy's on fire you have to use witch time, or stay back really far and use guns for aren't interesting but just annoying. The flying snakes are tedious, as are the flying ships and shoot em up sequences. Some of the bigger bosses also aren't that great other than for spectacle, but then again that largely applies to 2 as well.

>responding to obvious bait



Bayonetta is literally one of the best games of all time.

How one could feel like finishing it was a "chore" is beyond me. Like, if the cutscenes annoy you, you can skip them.

>Bayo 2 is the best game ever made
Bayo 2 is hella overrated. It feels more like an expansion to Bayo 1 than an actual sequel.
Hell, it ain't even the best action game ever made.

You say that but in Bayo 2 in order to combo really anything you must be in witch time. The bosses are especially bad about this because they dodge your WW unless you're in it.
Meanwhile all of the cues for attacks in Bayo 2 are off which makes it extremely difficult for things offscreen if you're used to Bayo 1 cues. They sometimes outright don't play.

no there won't

Please stop shilling your dead console, Nintendrones

>>literal perfect action game

this. give it at least another year and all this shit will play flawlessly

>You say that but in Bayo 2 in order to combo really anything you must be in witch time
Yeah I know, it's one of 2's major flaws. Lumen Sage especially suffers from this on Infinite Climax where to do anything you have to be in witch time.

I'm 90% sure that's why they changed the scoring system.


Bayonetta 1 of course

This music choice is fucking brilliant.

>another "Bayo2 is the best action game ever and im not saying this to validate my purchase!" thread

Even W101 is better action game than Bayo2

You say that as though W101 is bad to begin with.
>inb4 "it is!"

ninja gaiden is on wii u

>durga bomb into whip pull
Holy fuck.