What went so fucking wrong?

The last AVGN episode is even worse than Toxic Crusaders, I never thought such a thing would be possible.


It was good fock off m8.

>Not watching ClassicGameRoom instead
You brought this on yourself

The last epsiode was one of the worst avgn episodes ive seen. The problem is that he doesnt care about avgn anymore. Its obvious he just did this episode so he could have some fun with his friend

>still subscribing to avgn

His winter games video was the final straw


Literally what?

The only people who even watch AVGN anymore are 18+, he isn't very hot with the kiddos.

>One 20 minute episode per week
>Effort put into it with special effects, actors, sets, props and a script all tailored to the review at hand
>Uploads highly infrmative videos analyzing popular shows inbetween
>Not afraid to shit on tumblr and take friendly jabs at Sup Forums
>Married a monster for the sole purpose of making sure noone else would ever have to
>Has actual celebrities on the show
>Has said celebrities actually do shit
>Excellent taste in movies
>Brother respectfully keeping to the shadows despite writing every episode and being fairly smart
>Can act
>Protects the interest of his fellow peers by standing up against YouTube and Hollywood

Meanwhile, Sup Forums's favorite AVGN...

>10 minutes of content per year
>Drinks a beer and curses at the camera for a while
>Sucks at games together with the unfunniest man alive on mondays, literally worse than PewDiePie
>Would castrate himself to make sure he doesn't offend anyone
>Married a poisonous womb who ruined his lifelong dream of becoming a respected director
>Gets one "celebrity" and does nothing but suck his fetid old cock
>Shit taste in games
>Mike forces his unfunny ass into everything and has to lie on the internet about his cock size to make people like him
>So bad at acting he makes those around him suck harder
>Doesn't give two fucks about anyone but himself, JonTron levels of selling out

Just watch the old ones and pretend nothing changed.

Watching him through niconico and seeing japs laugh their asses off at his humor is enjoyable as fuck

Fuck off, Douge.

He was never good, you just got older. His best videos are the ones were he drops the character entirely

>I never thought such a thing would be possible.
I couldnt even believe that was posible, I mean toxic crusaders was putrid shit with that retarded old man making jokes that stopped being relevant 5 years before the video was posted.

Why James keeps on making videos with literally whos? First doug, then cancer grandad, the nes punk and now the cancerous character of nathan

All that shit list and yet, he married this fucking pig

>Toxic Crusaders

It wasn't nearly as bad as TC.

With shit peripherals, you can tell what's going on without needing commentary. With a game, you need commentary, and that's why TC was a bad review.

every time i see this pic it makes me think someone put her in a vice and squashed her

Went to shit after Mark left Youtube then came back.



I still watch NC because it's something to listen to while doing other stuff, but he REALLY needs to stop the terrible skits.

>We break stuff, we hit eachother, we so funny hurrr durrrr

The skits really are garbage. I usually skip them just to get back to the review. His best videos seem to be where he's just himself at this point. His Disneycember vids are entertaining and straight to the point for example.