Battleborn was a complete failure so let's try to emulate that as closely as possible

>battleborn was a complete failure so let's try to emulate that as closely as possible

This is a bad game.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its better than most games in this shithole of a genre
Too bad they fucked around with Microsoft and missed the bandwagon

No. Sorry, just no. It's a cluster fuck of lollipop explosions, poorly balanced characters and uninteresting "wait to hurt a heart" mechanics.

That's not the only failure they're trying to emulate.

Holy shit that's something I never noticed

Neither did anyone at Motiga, apparently.

overwatch predeccessor

Yeah remember how Shadowrun was a multi-million seller with a varied cast of unique characters?

God damn this game didn't deserve to go down like it did. Got it in a bargain bin for shits and giggles and wasn't expecting it to actually be as decent as it was.

Have any of you actually played Battleborn, or are you just riding the hate wagon because lel gearbox?

Battleborn's gameplay was fine, it just got released in the wrong genre, with the wrong business model at the wrong time. I guarantee if it were released a year earlier at a $30 price tag it would have done better than borderlands ever did.

Ripping on things like NMS and Star Citizen is funny, because those people are actually con artists, but its pretty tiring to see a game that had this much potential be the subject of similar ridicule.

I got it as part of the Humble Bundle. I honestly tried to get into it, but everything was just so Gearboxed to hell and back it was unbearable.

I agree the core gameplay isn't really that bad, but it isn't really anything special either. It would have been an average and acceptable game if it took the story seriously, and the characters weren't so over designed and played it straight. Instead it is all horrible BL2 writing and yelling.

This is literal torture;

People should be brought up on charges with the Hague for crimes against humanity for this.

Yes, I actually played it and yes it has good qualities. Howevwr, it had glaring and obvious issues. I'll name a few I noticed:

1. Again with the lollipop explosions
2. I know it's gearbox but can we try to not make the game almost identical in universe as borderlands?
3. Laughable balancing issues that are constantly being patched. I know games like this suffer from balancing almost always but it was really bad the first month or so.
4. Combat is pretty fucking stale. How many AOE attacks and funny one liners can you listen to before getting sick of it?
5. Character design is boring as fuck too, going back to my second point that this is way too much borderlands

I can go on if you'd like

Gigantic was playable LONG before Battleborn.

A lot of the designers for Guild Wars 1 work on this.

twitch tv/gogigantic

is this the thread where we discuss the update/art showcase stream happening in literally 4 minutes

Do you think replacing every single line of dialogue with the BAZINGA sound byte would make the game worse or better?

I am honestly stumped as to what my answer would be, but I am leaning towards better. It would at least be less painful.


I haven't followed the game, it's been accessible for that long?

Would be an improvement, no doubt. Made me laugh so it's obvious.

What was so bad about that game? other than always having a team with a clear advantage over the other. I played it once for like 20 minutes and enjoyed it but don't remember much about it.

It's like they took tiny Tina and said "let's make her even more annoying and a black mage."

I'd say it would be worse if only because some of the characters are bearable.
>Play Ambra
>Don't have to listen to Gearbox dialogue because 99% of her lines are varying levels of incoherent rage and getting platinum mad at other characters

Mostly tests with NDAs. I was in a few of them.

Looks fine, I'm thinking about installing Win 10 on a partition on one of my PCs to play this, Killer Instinct and Scalebound when it comes out.

Battleborn was shit because 90% of the characters were locked, the hud, writing, art direction, and balance were shit.

My biggest gripe is how casual it was, even something like Monday Night Combat gave you some freedom.

You could build whatever tower you wanted, and could summon your own unique units and keep summoning them so long as you could afford it.

Meanwhile on Battleborn, you have no choice of towers, on whether you build them or not, and everyone can summon only one, and the same unit. It has an incredibly long cool down and does nothing spectacular.

It just made me want to play Monday Night Combat again

I can vouche for Gigantic and KI. Gigantic is the only MOBA (if you can really call it that?) I've enjoyed. Killer Instincts development and thriving community are a fucking miracle of this universe, and results in a pretty good game with consistent support over the past 3 years of development, on top of a good business model.

Do you think the game is in a good place? I think the character design and concept is well enough but the actual gameplay feels...empty. It's how I felt playing battleborn and felt remarkably similar, hence why I did a comparison.

I thought it looked great and still does. Just didn't play great.

MNC also was in third person which is much better for melee characters, tho MNC only had 1.
And I want to play MNC too, or even SMNC, it was slower and had problems with snowballing but at least Assasins couldn't just juice up and rape your base effortlessly.

>Monday night combat

I didn't come here for feels.

>It just made me want to play Monday Night Combat again
In all fairness playing Super Monday Night Combat made people want to play Monday Night Combat again. Just put Combat Girl and Megabeth in MNC and rerelease it, Uber, it's not like you're doing anything else of note.

>talking shit about my waifu Ashly

fight me

Captain Spark too, please.

I can't wait for this to be released already. I think its really fun.

Hey I'm not saying I wouldn't stick in any one of her holes if offered, but I would probably choose her mouth just so she couldn't talk during.

>jump attack cripples

fucking stupid

I lied and was off by 34 minutes

Hoping for a stealth Pakko release

His ringout throw and blink would be almost completely useless on the wide, open maps of MNC.

I got a lot of ring outs with Assault's dash, I don't think Spark would have too much trouble doing the same but you're completely right about blink, it'd have to be reworked.

That's because Assault's dash uppercut launched people more than twice as far and automatically happened if you hit them with a long ranged, fast moving grapple. With Spark you'd have to run at them on an even plane with your back to the wall and hope they just don't notice. The reason Assault and Assassin could flank so well was because they could fly around walls and turn invisible, respectively. Spark was designed around having a jungle to safely drop down from.

When is it coming to Windows 7? I downloaded arc but all it says is coming soon.

if you want a stupid casual memegenre game just play battlerite, at least that lets you get in and out

well judging by this, the gameplay is better than smite's clunky/locked shit.

I don't give a fuck about either of these games though, I already played WoW

no open beta on arc yet.

but I play both, we've been over this!

also that drawing is fucking disgusting, not because of the subject matter, but because of the actual drawing itself. Shitty colors, shitty shading, and cum that looks like her skull is melting over her fucking skin