What went wrong?

What went wrong?



Democracy/Anarchy was introduced.


Interest died out. I still enjoy betting on matches, but that certain "spark" died off a long time ago.


Neat joke taken too far and beaten to death

Nothing. They had a channel running 24/7 that tons of people donated and subscribed to. For a good while they have thousands of viewers at any time of the day.

democracy, just like the real world

Would the game ever have gotten finished if they didn't introduce democracy?

Letting people get what they want in the name of "progress".

The stream was infinitely better when chaos was going on and nobody could get anywhere. And then they did some slowdown shit so people could actually progress through the game, and at that point I lost interest and moved on.

Too much too fast.
Should have taken breaks.


They had to at least make a thousand dollars from all that shit

Millions of people tuned in to watch a game being played instead of playing it themselves.

who gives a shit
just restart the game if you get stuck

They kept it going constantly with new games any time one got beat, instead of making it a yearly event like AGDQ or some shit.

It was necessary in order to beat the Safari Zone, where you need to go through a long maze in a limited amount of steps.
However, it really should've been removed afterwards


Also, this shit should have been an annual event or something. The dude started the next game like immediately after the first one was finished.

Does it matter if the game got finished or not? Everyone knows how Pokemon ends.

The fun part was just the craziness of everyone doing everything and then people had to learn that if they wanted to do something they had to work together to try to get what they want. Having the majority rule was boring.

Lost the spark of finally making progress after an hour of running into the wall non-stop. Once Democracy/Anarchy got established the fun died.

Isn't the point to see how far Twitch could get by spamming random commands?

Yes, eventually the right sequence wouldve been entered. That's the point. Adding democracy for the impatient manchildren who felt they wanted to be a bigger contributor than others ruined everything

How though? I was under the impression that they were having tons of trouble with certain areas, like that ledge jump just before that gym, or the team rocket sekrit base.

It would lose all the "fun" if they were just stuck in a single area for hours and hours because there was too many people spamming shit to have a coherent path planned out.

no it wasn't
it would take longer but would still be possible

>The dude started the next game like immediately after the first one was finished.
Someone else would've just picked it up.

The streamer would have had to intervene regardless. Assuming they did make it through the Rocket Hideout without the use off democracy or any other streamer implemented aid, they still would have had the hurdle of the Safari Zone. Since each visit is limited to steps and costs a fee, they would have most likely run out of money and gotten stuck as result thus necessitating they start over or streamer intervenes

They had most trouble with the ghost tower because they had deleted all of their mons that could even damage them. They finally had a drowzee learn a move that could damage ghosts only to have it level up and replace it with headbutt.

>It would lose all the "fun" if they were just stuck in a single area for hours and hours because there was too many people spamming shit to have a coherent path planned out.


The only place that was doomed to fail was the safari zone, but the guy could have just added an infinite steps + free entry code. Democracy and anarchy were mistakes

My fucking sides.

How many attempts did it take for them to beat the Elite Four and Blue?

>Reddit ruined muh sekrit club
You can't be fucking serious. Twitch is a popular site, and word of mouth caused the stream to blow up overnight. Didn't help Kotaku and even the Associated Press picked up on it. It would have become the same autistic meme-shitting cesspool it ended up without Reddit anyway

It would've been possible, but it most likely would have taken weeks, or even months.
The Safari Zone in RB is a piece of shit, which is pretty hard even for regular players. Going in the wrong direction once or wasting just a few steps here and there can easily kill a run.
Considering how hectic Twitch Plays Pokemon was, it had to either die down first, or incorporate another measure to make it easier.

>That one twitch streamer who almost hijacked the game with democracy and was going to release all their main pokemon when they were near the end game

I was spamming left as fast as possible

>premise is wether or not random commands from random people result in the game being beaten

>instead becomes the worlds slowest game of pokemon

Democracy is shit

that's where the fun lies

>What went wrong?
What the question changed from "can we finish this?" in the first gen to "how fast can we finish this?" in the later gens.

Certainly, but unless we got incredibly lucky, it wouldn't have happened in a long ass time. That one ledge in Cerulean City took nearly a day to get past, this could've taken weeks if not for democracy.

Surprisingly not that much.
The best part was the team Venomoth taking down one of Lance's Dragonite because due to how fucking retarded the coding of gen 1 was the opponent kept spamming Agility (psychic type move, wich would have been supereffective if it did actual damage) leaving itself open to be destroyed by an underleveled bug mon.

The whole "infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters" thing is cool and all, but only if you also have an infinite amount of time. It would lose all entertainment value if they were stuck going around in a circle forever.

For what was supposed to be a social experiment where there it was complete chaos, it sure felt like people tried to impose a lot of control during it all.

Gen 1 just had too many hurdles (Rocket Hideout, Safari Zone) for it to work without some sort of intervention.

GSC would've been a much better choice.

What DID go wrong? I thought the first game was a lot of fun.

Reddit was the one that made it a "sekrit club"

Reddit was the one that made it a "sekrit club"

Then Sup Forums and the rest of the internet must be the bad guy then

the voting system. I get the intentions but it overstayed it's welcome. I personally wouldn't want it in the first place. It was nice to come home and see how far everyone gotten in the game. It was really nice to have it as background sounds just to hear bulbasuar cries over and over.

Reddit was the one that made it a "sekrit club"

Yes but it would have simply taken longer. Fact of the matter is Democracy was fucking boring to watch.

Is the trick where you get into the Safari Zone free but with 1 Ball if you have no money in Yellow only or is it in Red and Blue as well? They could've definitely made it if it was in R/B as well.

I agree. Democracy pretty much gave all the "chat leaders" that decided to still stay a lot of power and unnecessary attention.


Ice path

>everyone cites democracy as what killed TPP
>TPP has some runs completely without democracy
>nobody cares

Reddit was the one that made it a "sekrit club''

There is also the aspect that at least 1 out of 50 of the monkeys is actively sabotaging the efforts of all the rest.

You don't need money to get into the safari zone

Most people only cared about the Red run, mate.

There's input lag which means there's a chance the sabotaging monkey is actually unsabotaging the entire thing.


Does it matter?

In Gen I you most certainly do. It costs 400 to go in. The streamer disabled that in the Twitch play-through to prevent getting stuck

That makes me wonder how well-received it would have been if the first run was Platinum or something else from a more-recent gen

Is your keyboard fucked or is this samefag out the ass?

If you don't have enough money to get into the safari zone, the guy let's you in with 1 ball

what are you trying to tell us?

does he take your second ball? do you get it back afterwards?

I just looked it up, that trick isn't in Red/Blue, it's Yellow only. So if you don't have enough money in R/B, you would be stuck.

Nothing really. It was fun to follow for a good while. It's just that a gimmicky idea like that will inevitably get old sooner or later, there's no way that it could stay interesting for multiple playthroughs.

Video Game Culture

That was only in Yellow iirc, not in Red or Blue


No, Safari Zone would have been impossible.


How did we go from this...

... to fucking salty bet?

They ran out of games.

>he's never seen it written as "sekrit club"
Lurk moar

Did they ever play Sun or Moon?

They could put old generations back, that'll be better

They need to learn the meaning of less is more.

It was milked after the first game.

Nothing? It was a cool little thing that happened a few Summers ago.

>old generations

Nah, brah. It's either some troll copying me because I deleted the first post before because of a typo or because some glitch happened after deleting the original post and making a new post that it made duplicates of it. I think it might be the former though.

Probably not because most people who care about Pokemon are genwunners.

>It would lose all the "fun" if they were just stuck in a single area for hours and hours because there was too many people spamming shit to have a coherent path planned out.


No, it means Reddit's the bad guy.

Leddit and democracy

>What went wrong

Normie faggots made it impossible for me to discuss my favorite pokemon without associating me with their god awful circlejerk and I loathe it, I've become bitter to anyone who calls themselves "A pokemon fan" for the past three years.

Fuck TPP wih a rusty pike.

Reddit was the one that made it a "sekrit club"

They finished the game. /thread

> TPP "lore"

Worse then 13 year old fanfiction

Omanyte was my shit as a kid. I was so sad when it evolved into that creepy looking fucker, I think I wound up resetting and just never evolving it.

twitch streamers aren't video games.

Democracy was the stupidest idea ever. I find it actually quite baffling that it came to be because it completely ruins the purity that attracted everyone in the first place.

Yeah without it certain passages would have taken forever, but so what? Spend a month on the same screen, people lose interest, chat gets less spammy, shit gets done, people tune back in because "omg they finally got past THAT part", repeat until finish.

Whoops, meant to reply

Two things went wrong.
The whole point of the stream was to see if we could win the game with everyone's random inputs. Democracy not only ruined the purpose of the stream, but it slowed everything down and made it less interesting.
>immediately starting GSC playthrough afterwards
Should have waited 2 weeks or a month before starting the next gen. Give it time to be hyped up and give the audience a break.

No user, you are the 13 year old.

joined when it was only 3k viewers and it all went to shit the second the streamer put in democracy for adhd reddit faggots who wanted their satisfaction right away making the whole thing pointless and boring

stopped watching after that