What would Walt Disney say or think if he saw Kingdom Hearts?

What would Walt Disney say or think if he saw Kingdom Hearts?

Probably wouldn't be too happy that the Japanese were using his characters.

He'd be pissed that they made Mickey so edgy.


wouldnt probably care because of all the $$$$$
most were fairytale characters anyway

>what is this gay bullshit terance?
>sir it makes over a 100 million

he'd be jealous mickey isn't in any of the Sephiroth Yaoi

He'd roll over in his cryo-tube

He would have been in charge of the project from the start and it would have been a mess in a whole new way.

He would be disgusted by 2's overabundance of triangle spam

This. If he were alive Kingdom Hearts wouldn't exist.

He would say "Jesus, this is fucking gay as hell."

He would think the same thing.

He would probably be too busy raping children to even care.

anime was a mistake

he would walk away, you wont hear him say :"Please, oh baby, don't go"

I kinda want to see that timeline now.

Don't kid yourself. All he cared about was if it made $$$ or not

He remade entire movies because he didn't like where it was going, wasting millions of dollars. He clearly sold out in some ways, but was obsessed with his legacy in other ways.

i wonder what he would think of his "legacy" now

He'd probably be quite angry, since Disney trashes his themeparks and thinks 2D animation is cancer now. And ignored all of his live action movies aside from Mary Poppins, Herbie and Parent Trap.

Though to be fair, a lot of those live action movies were shit.

>they;re all ugly except for the white girl